100 Dmg Eq Sword

  1. To make Tae Ew Two Hand Sword (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 295), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge. Sheet Metal (.) To make Sheet Metal (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 31), Combine the following in a Forge. Water Flask (.).
  2. To make Ascending Sun Sword (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial no fail), Combine the following in a TBL Final Combines. Exultant Inhabited Muhbis; Secret Dawn Sword Muhbis. To make Secret Dawn Sword Muhbis (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 510), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild.

The name 'Ruud' was derived from the God's name because it is refined by 'James,' one of the 12 apostles who received the power of MU continent's God, Lugard. This currency is used for purchasing blessed items.

It is known that Ruud can only be obtained by passing Lugard's test. Research is ongoing to find ways to earn Ruud in current MU continent. The only way known is to pass MU continent's test.


The Leaping Barbarian The Might of the Earth set is, in my opinion, the strongest endgame set for barbarians. It is also the funnest. When I finished my EQ set a couple weeks ago I couldn't find any good guides explaining the details of the build so now after a couple hundred rifts with the build I decided to try and write a detailed guide for new barbarians who are just finishing their sets. Trident 815 dmg 100 hp 30 dex 20 sta, mana proc Ranger bow 25 PoT 754 dmg 40 range -100 str Rge only.Reaver's blade - 150 hp, 20 str 728 DMG 2h sword tank/ranger -BP - 39 Agi, 450+ ac (again, not sure on exact ac amount) Cave Hydra. Everquest Online Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Everquest II Item Information for Berik, Sword of Thunder. +15 str +15 sta +15 agi +2 Crushing +2 Piercing +2 Ranged +2 Slashing.

For instance, if your MacBook was released in 2014, don’t expect it to run any OS released prior of that time, because older Apple OS versions simply do not include hardware drivers for your Mac.But as it often happens, workarounds are possible. There is still a chance to download the installation file if you have an access to a Mac (or virtual machine) running that operating system. For example, to get an installer for Lion, you may ask a friend who has Lion-operated Mac or, once again, set up a virtual machine running Lion. Download os x el capitan dmg.

Gaining of Ruud

  • - Collect Ruud from 'Mastery Box' in various event maps of MU continent.
  • - Collect Ruud from the following event maps:
    • ▶ Chaos Castle
    • ▶ Blood Castle
    • ▶ Devil Square
    • ▶ Illusion Temple
    • ▶ Doppelganger
    • ▶ Empire Guardians : Varka

    < Mastery Box >


  • - Ruud in Mastery Box can be automatically gained by right-clicking.
  • - Ruud is stored in the inventory (shortcut: I, V) just like the other currency, Zen.
    < Inventory-Ruud >
    Check your Ruud from the bottom of inventory just like Zen.

Use of Ruud

  • - Use Ruud via 'Priest James' (Ruud Shop NPC) for purchasing items.
  • - Ruud is bound to a character and cannot be neither discarded nor used in personal store, inventory, and trade.
  • - Ruud cannot be used in general stores and can only be used in Ruud shop.

Priest James (NPC)

  • - Use 'Ruud' on priest James to purchase items.
  • - You can purchase sealed mastery set item, which is the combination material for mastery set item.
  • - Priest James only sells items that fits the buyer's class.
    (Cannot purchase items of other classes)
  • - Items purchased by priest James cannot be sold for Ruud;
    it can be sold to general NPCs for Zen.
< Priest James Coordinates >
- Event Square (217.62)
- Elbeland Town (32.239)
James was originally working on a family business as a blacksmith with his brother, Hanzo. When 'Devil Secrarium' has awakened and started to threat Lugard and his MU continent, James left his main business and started working for Lugard.
After that, James was recognized for his skills as a blacksmith and received the power of Lugard as one of the '12 apostles of light.' The ability James received from Lugard enables him to give weapons and armors special powers.
He gives away his weapons and items to MU warriors who work for Lugard in opposition to the Devil Secrarium.

Use of Ruud Shop

  • - Characters can purchase items with their Ruud at the Ruud shop.
  • - Check the item's description by putting the cursor on the item's image.
  • - The description on the left side is about the sealed item, and the one on the right side tells the information when the item is unsealed.

< Ruud Shop UI >

  • - Priest James - Ruud Shop UI
    • ▶ Use the purchase button to purchase the sealed mastery set items (combination materials) for each class.
    • ▶ By clicking priest James, the Ruud shop will automatically detect the buyer's own class and open the shop window specialized for them.

< Priest James Selling Items >

Dark Knight
Bloodangel of Sealed Fury Set
Dark Wizard
Bloodangel of Sealed Transcendence Set
Bloodangel of Sealed Flurry Set
Magic Gladiator
Bloodangel of Sealed Extremity Set
Dark Lord
Bloodangel of Sealed Conquest Set
Bloodangel of Sealed Honor Set
Rage Fighter
Bloodangel of Sealed Destruction Set
Grow Lancer
Bloodangel of Sealed Tenacity Set

The armor set, crafted by James with Lugard's power, has the new ability and high performance. In order to use James' armor, you need the 'ancient hero's soul' that contains MU continent hero's will.

James crafted mastery armors for heroes that could save ancient heroes' souls. The first mastery armor crafted by James is called 'Bloodangel.'

Bloodangel of Sealed Mastery Set

'Sealed Bloodangel set' purchased from NPC priest James can be unsealed and used as the mastery Bloodangel set. Unsealed item is wearable and has the effect as a set item.

< Creation of Unsealed Items >

  • - Ancient Hero's Soul (Combination Material)
    Combination Materials for Unsealing Mastery Bloodangel Set
    • ▶ Ancient hero's soul is a key combination material for unsealing the sealed mastery set purchased from 'priest James.'
    • ▶ In order to create the ancient hero's soul, you need the set item containing MU continent's soul as a combination material for the general combination by NPC chaos goblin.

< Creation of Ancient Hero's Soul - Chaos Goblin General Combination >

Required MaterialsConditionsRefineResults when success
of Vicious, of Hion11Upgrade
Minimum Set
80% Success Rate
Ancient Hero's Soul
of Aegis, of Anubis
of Aruan, of Gaiwen
of Gaion, of Muren
of Broy, of Agnes
of Semeden, of Crono
of Vega, of Chamer
of Akhir, of Carthy
of Camill, of Inas

  • - Unseal the Sealed Mastery Item
    • ▶ Purchase 'ancient hero's soul' with Ruud and use it on 'sealed mastery set item' to unseal it.
    • ▶ From NPC Chaos Goblin's general combination, combine an 'item to be unsealed' and the 'ancient hero's soul' to unseal the item for 100% chance. The unsealed item has the set item effect.

< Creation of Ancient Hero's Soul – Chaos Goblin General Combination >

Item to be unsealed
(Combination Material 1)
Unsealed Item
(Combination Material 2)
'Sealed Mastery Set'
for each class
Ancient Hero's Soul100% Success RateSealed Mastery Item

Mastery Bloodangel Set

  • - Composition of Mastery Bloodangel Set
    • ▶ Characters can wear Mastery Bloodangel Set after the 3rd Class Change.
  • - Composition of Mastery Bloodangel Set
Bloodangel of Fury Knight Set
ClassificationKnight HelmKnight ArmorKnight PantsKnight Boots
Required Stats
Required STR781933844739
Required AGI240287256224
Set option
Skill Damage +50
STR Stat Option +50
Double Damage Chance +10%
Damage +100
Critical DMG Chance +15%
Excellent DMG Chance +15%
Ignore Enemy's Defense by 5%
All Stats +10
Basic Defense +20
Critical Damage +50
Excellent Damage +50
Bloodangel of Transcendence Wizard Set
ClassificationWizard HelmWizard ArmorWizard PantsWizard Gloves
Required Stats
Required STR240261251193
Required AGI93989377
Set option
Skill Damage +50
Energy Stat Option +50
Double Damage Chance +10%
Magical Damage +100
Critical DMG Chance +15%
Excellent DMG Chance +15%
Ignore Enemy's Defense by 5%
All Stats +10
Basic Defense +20
Critical Damage +50
Excellent Damage +50
Bloodangel of Flurry Elf Set
ClassificationElf HelmElf ArmorElf PantsElf Gloves
Required Stats
Required STR198224209182
Required AGI413476440377
Set option
Skill Damage +50
Agility Stat Option +50
Double Damage Chance +10%
Damage +100
Critical DMG Chance +15%
Excellent DMG Chance +15%
Ignore Enemy's Defense by 5%
All Stats +10
Basic Defense +20
Critical Damage +50
Excellent Damage +50
Bloodangel Aqua Beam Equipment
ClassificationAqua Beam HelmAqua Beam ArmorAqua Beam PantsAqua Beam Boots
Required Stats
Required STR198219209188
Required AGI77888346
Set option
Skill Damage +50
Energy Stat Option +50
Double Damage Chance +10%
Magical Damage +100
Critical DMG Chance +15%
Excellent DMG Chance +15%
Ignore Enemy's Defense by 5%
All Stats +10
Basic Defense +20
Critical Damage +50
Excellent Damage +50
Bloodangel of Extremity Magic Set
ClassificationMagic ArmorMagic PantsMagic GlovesMagic Boots
Required Stats
Required STR770734623671
Required AGI324314266282
Set option
Skill Damage +50
STR Stat Option +50
Double Damage Chance +10%
Damage +100
Critical DMG Chance +15%
Excellent DMG Chance +15%
Ignore Enemy's Defense by 5%
All Stats +10
Basic Defense +20
Critical Damage +50
Excellent Damage +50
Bloodangel of Conquest Lord Equipment
ClassificationLord HelmLord ArmorLord PantsLord Gloves
Required Stats
Required STR329361340282
Required AGI9810910488
Set option
Skill Damage +50
STR Stat Option +50
Double Damage Chance +10%
Damage +100
Critical DMG Chance +15%
Excellent DMG Chance +15%
Ignore Enemy's Defense by 5%
All Stats +10
Basic Defense +20
Critical Damage +50
Excellent Damage +50
Bloodangel of Destruction Fighter Set
ClassificationFigher HelmFigher ArmorFigher PantsFigher Boots
Required Stats
Required STR392445419366
Required AGI350387366324
Set option
Skill Damage +50
STR Stat Option +50
Double Damage Chance +10%
Damage +100
Critical DMG Chance +15%
Excellent DMG Chance +15%
Ignore Enemy's Defense by 5%
All Stats +10
Basic Defense +20
Critical Damage +50
Excellent Damage +50
Bloodangel of Tenacity Lancer Set
ClassificationLancer HelmLancer ArmorLancer PantsLancer Gloves
Required Stats
Required STR340361350298
Required AGI340361350298
Set option
Skill Damage +50
STR Stat Option +50
Double Damage Chance +10%
Damage +100
Critical DMG Chance +15%
Excellent DMG Chance +15%
Ignore Enemy's Defense by 5%
All Stats +10
Basic Defense +20
Critical Damage +50
Excellent Damage +50
This is a wiki for a reason. Anyone can contribute. If you see something that is inaccurate or can be improved, don't ask that it be fixed--just improve it.
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Project 1999 Auction Tracker
30d Avg 90d Avg All Time Avg All Time Range # Seen
? ± ? ? ± ? 15000 ± 0 15000 / 15000 1

Warning: No pricing data (in the last 90 days) found to make chart.

Date Seller Price Date Seller Price
2016-09-18 Enchrep 15000

(Last 20 Recorded Auctions)

Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 25
DMG: 19 AC: 10
MANA: +50
Effect: Grim Aura (Must Equip, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 10
WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: SHD

Drop looted from

Sold by

  • This item cannot be purchased from merchants.

Related quests

  • This item has no related quests.

Player crafted

  • This item is not crafted by players.

Tradeskill recipes

100 Dmg Eq Sword List

  • This item is not used in player tradeskills.

100 Dmg Eq Sword Free

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