Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl


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  1. Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 10
  2. Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 8
  3. Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 1
  4. Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 12
  5. Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 17
  6. Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 4
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Vayne Guide: (Pro DPS © Infenius)

By Updated on

A brutal carnage works like 1.5 down atk gem/lvl (so adds 10% to 11.7% dmg to your down atk hits depending on how many down atk gems/lvls you already have). +Defense ignore/nullifying elixirs like death and penetration seem to add flat dmg to all your critical or back atk hits (respectively), no matter what the dp/dr of your opponent is. ATK Rarity Skills Skills effects Drops Dungeon Lvl. Defeat tips Julius 1200 85 ★ Fugue AoE Confuse (Targets have a chance to miss attack) - 100 Easily kill. Alexandria 2500 95 ★ Double Strike Hits 2 Units (approx 55 dmg to each target). 200 Easily kill. Gaaan 5000 110 ★ Kerfuffle AoE (approx 20 dmg to all targets). High chance of random.

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Hi, and welcome to my guide of Vayne!
I hope u guys like it!
Sorry if my english is bad, iam not a born english man ;)


Rune build i have (works pretty fine):
Marks: 9x Greater Mark Of Malice (Critical Chance +0.93 each)
Seals: 9x Greater Seal of Malice (Critical Chance +0.42 each)
Glyphs: 9x Greater Seal of Malice (Critical Chance +0.28 each)
Quintessences: 3x Greater Quintessence Of Fortitude (Healt +26 each)Dmg
Rune build i think its nice for Vayne:
Marks: 9x Greater Mark Of Might (+0.13 atk dmg per lvl +2.43 at lvl 18 each)
Seals: 9x Greater Seal Of Shielding (+0.1 magic resist per lvl +1.8 at lvl 18 each)
Glyps: 9x Greater Glyph Of Might (+0.4 atk dmg per lvl +0.73 at lvl 18 each)
Quintessences: 3x Greater Quintessence Of Desolation (+3.33 armor pen. each)


I think everybody know. that the master 21 - 0 - 9 the best setup is.!


I Always use same build. Some things u can change but that`s depending on your enemy and if you play solo lane (mid) or play laned (bot lane or top lane)
Start Item:
Always start with a Doran`s Blade its nice because u get some atk dmg. life steal and healt.
2nd Item:
This depends on how much money you have, and how long you can stay in lane. If its first time you port back to base and you have between 350 / 500 buy the normal boots
If you went back to base with +1195 gold than go for Zeal
Your speed is very importend!
Onces you have Zeal go for and finish you boots, I would prefer boots of swiftness, but its up to you if you think other boots are better in that kind of game u play, u should take the other boots.
3rd Item:
Now spare u gold to buy a B.F. Sword and finish you Blood Thirster
From now on you do high dmg!
4th Item:

Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 10

You can choose, you can finish you Phantom Dancers first.
Or you go for more dmg. and finish your Infinity Edge.Lvl
5th Item:
Phantom Dancer or Infinity Edge
6th Item:
Depends how the game is running. You can go Banshee`s Veil so you aint got stunned or delayed by a slow or taunt skill.
Or go for more dmg. to finish the game.

Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 8

If you need the 6th item, i think the game is running for 60min,:D and you are the only one in your team who is playing well xD
That about my item`s


First i will start to explane the mid play (mostly of the times i play with vayne, i play mid because if you have a good minion farm you can get ur items realy quick, and you are very strong on mid)
Start with ur Q skill 'Tumble' Tumble is a great skill to harras the enemy! Tumble in and walk back, repeat a copple of times and enemy is low hp fast.
Dont push to hard on mid lane, just last hit minions and try to harras enemy as much as you can.
With ur E skill 'Condemn' you can stun the enemy when shooting him against the wall, this deals significant dmg and you can kill him with using Ignite and chase him down with Tumble and finish him of with Silver Bolts.

Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 1

Lane Play:

Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 12

Its very nice to play with an Alistar on lane! i tried this with a friend and it worked great!
The great thing on this lane is, Alistar can stun and headbut them agaist wall, so i can have a clear shot with 'Condemn' to stun against wall and finish him of!
This lane is pretty OP because you both deal nice dmg and have great CC + heal.
Laneing with other champs i didn`t try yet.


I hope u enjoyed it. and i hope u can do something with it.

Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 17

this is my first guide
plz comment and if you have some tips plz send!

Ashe Atk Dmg Per Lvl 4
