Benefits Of Dmg For Energy


Numerous Health Benefits from Taking DMG. The health benefits from supplementing with DMG are significant. Dimethylglycine greatly improves the nutritional environment of the cell, increases immune system function (between up to 300% and 1000%) and improves oxygen utilization which enhances energy levels in the body. The Science of DMG. Some of the things that it does are to decrease homocysteine levels (a risk factor for cardiovascular disease), increases oxygen utilization, modulates the immune response, aids in liver detoxification, regulates cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and increases energy levels.

Trimethylglycine benefit of pill, for mental energy and better mood
November 21 2016

Trimethylglycine TMG (also known as betaine), and dimethylglycine DMG, are methyl donors that help in the production of several brain chemicals and hence improve mood, energy, wellbeing, alertness, concentration, and visual clarity. Choline has four methyl groups and is chemically related to these supplements.

Unless your major is college was chemistry, chances are you don’t remember learning about methyl donors. But if you find the field of mind boosting interesting, you will certainly want to learn more about these supplements. A methyl donor is simply any substance that can transfer a methyl group [a carbon atom attached to three hydrogen atoms (CH3)] to another substance. Many important biochemical processes rely on methylation, including the metabolism of lipids and DNA. Scientists suspect that adequate methylation of DNA can prevent the expression of harmful genes, such as cancer genes. It’s quite likely that our body’s ability to methylate declines with age, potentially contributing to the aging process, and therefore supplementation is an interesting idea in terms of health benefits.

Research of benefit
Trimethylglycine lowers homocysteine levels.
Has been found to protect liver cells from toxins.
Trimethylglycine is a safe and well tolerated nutrient that leads to a significant biochemical and histological improvement in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

Sexual enhancement, erectile dysfunction, libido, impotence
May lead to sexual enhancement and enjoyment. Tribulus terrestris is a good herb for this purpose.


Q. Does trimethylglycine help with erectile dysfunction?
A. Not immediately or within a day or two as other supplements can. Perhaps low dosages over time could help overall sexuality.

It is a mood lifter and enhances mental function, but a better alternative is Mind Power Rx mental enhancement.

Trimethylglycine is sold in dosages ranging from 100 to 500 mg. Beets, broccoli, and shellfish are food sources. In fact, the source of most of the trimethylglycine sold over the counter is often from the sugar beet.

One capsule a day of 100 to 200 mg is usually sufficient for most people to provide enhanced energy.

Side effects of trimethylglycine, is it safe?
When taken in high dosages, such as more than 500 mg, can cause nausea, restlessness and insomnia and perhaps muscle tension headache.

The Chemistry of DMG and Trimethylglycine, metabolism
DMG (dimethylglycine) is basically the amino acid glycine attached to two methyl groups while TMG has three methyl groups. Commonly these methyl groups are added to homocysteine, converting it into the amino acid methionine which is then converted to SAMe. SAMe is a nutrient available over the counter, which has been used as a powerful antidepressant. DMG plays a crucial role in the respiratory cycle of the cells, transporting oxygen and serving as a potent methyl donor. DMG acts as a building block for the synthesis of many important substances such as choline, SAM-e, the amino acid methionine, several hormones, neurotransmitters, and DNA. The formation of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine requires a methyl group donated by SAMe. Dopamine enhances sex drive. TMG (trimethylglycine), also known as betaine, is basically the amino acid glycine attached to three methyl groups. Netmeeting mac download. Simply, Trimethylglycine has one more methyl group than DMG.

Recommendations and review
Trimethylglycine and DMG are underutilized nutrients that hold a great deal of promise but unfortunately, few doctors are familiar with these nutrients. At this time the clinical uses of Trimethylglycine and DMG are not well defined and whether they would be helpful in the therapy of Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease is not known. Since the body’s ability to methylate declines with age, supplements of Trimethylglycine or DMG in small amounts, such as 50 to 100 mg a day, may benefit middle aged and older individuals. I recommend not exceeding 250 mg of Trimethylglycine or DMG on a daily basis until more is known about these supplements. Your dose should be reduced if you are taking B vitamins, SAMe, the nutrient DMAE, or choline since all of these nutrients have overlapping functions.

Dmg benefits testimonials

Blood thinning, clot
Q. Does trimethylglycine thin the blood?
A. We are not aware of it having an influence on blood coagulation but we have not yet seen research in this area. Trimethylglycine is a potent substance and care should be taken to limit dosage to no more than 100 to 200 mg a day.

Homocysteine reduction
Q. I was reading your article on TMG. My husband (81) has a homocysteine of 14-16. He has chronic kidney insufficiency. He also takes 2000 mcg of B-12 (for B-12 deficiency) and one B-100 a day, also 1000 mcg of folic acid (multivitamin + B-100). In his condition, is it safe for him to try Trimethylglycine TMG? His doctor doesn’t know anything about Trimethylglycine TMG and said his elevated homocysteine is from the kidney disease.
A. Trimethylglycine is a very potent nutrient that can cause overstimulation, increased heart beat and insomnia. Those who are on high dosages of other vitamins should be cautious in using Trimethylglycine due to overstimulation, and if deciding to use it, should only take a small portion of a pill. We suggest your doctor read more about Trimethylglycine to make the recommendation since we only provide general information and we don’t advise whether to take or not take a supplement.

Interactions with medications, drugs
Q. I take 150 mg Bupropion a day and have bought trimethylglycine and L-theanine. Is it safe to take these together? Is trimethylglycine a dopamine reuptake inhibitor?
A. The combination of pharmaceutical drugs and supplements has hardly been studied and there could be unexpected reactions when drugs and supplements are combined. As a general rule, it is a good idea to learn how each supplement works by itself before combining. Trimethylglycine is a potent nutrient and even a third of a tablet of the 750 mg can be potent for some people. Trimethylglycine is not a dopamine reuptake inhibitor.

Dmg Uses

Fatty liver, hepatic health
Q. I am not obese but have fatty liver i bought trimethylglycine in powder form, i took a small dosage, got a bit of a headache and dry mouth, wondering there have been articles that trimethylglycine helps people with fatty live.
A. We are not aware of studies in humans regarding the role of trimethylglycine and liver health. A side effect of high dose trimethyglycine is headache, and it is a good idea to use a lower amount.