Bravely Default Suriviving 9999 Dmg


Here’s another look at how we’ll be able to do over 9,000 damage in the updated Bravely Default: For the Sequel, as the previous damage limit was set at 9,999 damage, this time we’ll get to. Ringabel is my strongest character. 9,999 damage each turn! Users who like Bravely Default - Love's Vagrant (Ringabel's Theme) Users who reposted Bravely Default - Love's Vagrant (Ringabel's Theme) Playlists containing Bravely Default - Love's Vagrant (Ringabel's Theme). /dd-5e-guns-dmg.html. His standard blow is Poison Hi-Potion, which will deal 1,000 points of damage to a single character per dose as well as inflict poison status. After a while Qada will also use Dark Breath, which inflicts as much damage as Qada has lost in the battle on one of your party members - which is to say that, in the later stages, it can reach 9,999 damage.

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Note: This is a fully legit save. Perfection is partly subjective. For these two reasons, it's not ever possible to make a 100% perfect save. The imperfection count as of version 1.0 is anywhere between 10 and 12, and I don't plan on ever updating this file.
Group leader: Edea (Level 99)
Storyline progress: The end (Ouroboros awaits in Tiz's form)
Play time: 60:07:29 [IMPERFECT]
Location: council chamber.
New game +: unlocked.
Special movie: unlocked.
Recovery items: Hi-potion (x99), X-potion (x99), Phoenix down (x99), Remedy (x99), Elixir (x99)
Attack items: (None)
Compounding items: Beast liver (x99), Dragon fang (x99)
Key items: D's journal, Strange hourglass, Agnes's pendant, Vestal garb, Merchantry orders, Mysterious note, Bravo bikini, Legendary baton, Alternis's journal, Fire keystone, Water keystone, Wind keystone, Earth keystone, Light keystone, Dark keystone, Chest key, *Knight, *Black mage, *White mage, *Monk, *Ranger, *Ninja, *Time mage, *Spell fencer, *Swordmaster, *Pirate, *Dark knight, *Templar, *Vampire, *Arcanist, *Summoner, *Conjurer, *Valkyrie, *Spiritmaster, *Salve-maker, *Red mage, *Thief, *Merchant, *Performer, Adventurer's mark.
Weapons: Durandal, Earthbreaker, Gungnir, Demon's rod, Demon's staff, Yatagarasu, Falcon knife (x3), Artemis's bow, Ama-no-murakumo, Kaiser knuckles.
Shields, armor and accessories: Aegis shield (x2), Bloody shield (x5), Crystal helm (x4), Ribbon, Crystal mail (x4), Star corslet (x5), Crystal vest (x4), Hermes shoes, Peace ring (x3)
Outfits: Vestal garb, Bravo bikini, Onion shirt, Melodist's shirt, Knight's tunic, Edea's garb, Plain tunic (x4)
White magic: Curaga, Arise, Holy, Esunaga, Curada, Aeroga, Reflect, Dispel, Aerora, Cura, Raise, Esuna, Protect, Shell, Aero, Cure, Poisona, Blindna.
Black magic: Dark, Kill, Death, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Drain, Aspir, Fear, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Silence, Poison, Sleep, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder.
Time magic: Graviga, Reraise, Meteor, Quick, Stop, Quaga, Hastega, Veilga, Comet, Gravity, Veil, Slowga, Haste, Teleport, Quara, Slow, Regen, Quake.
Sword magic: Holy, Dark, Death, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Drain, Aspir, Fear, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Silence, Poison, Sleep, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder.
Summoning magic: Susano-o, Deus ex, Promethean fire, Ziusudra's sin, Hresvelgr, Girtablulu.
Jobs: all 24 jobs mastered for all 4 characters. Edea: Freelancer. Agnes: Freelancer. Tiz: Freelancer. Ringabel: Salve-maker.
Abilities: Edea: Singing - Dual shields (1), Revenge (2), Absorb p. damage (1), Damage dispersion (1) Agnes: Time magic - Convergence (3), Absorb p. damage (1), Damage dispersion (1) Tiz: Time magic - Convergence (3), Absorb p. damage (1), Damage dispersion (1) Ringabel: White magic - Slow and steady (1), HP 20% up (2), Absorb p. damage (1), Damage dispersion (1)
Equips: Edea: Bloody shield, Bloody shield, Crystal helm, Crystal mail, Peace ring, Plain tunic. Agnes: Falcon knife, Bloody shield, Crystal helm, Crystal mail, Peace ring, Plain tunic. Tiz: Falcon knife, Bloody shield, Crystal helm, Crystal mail, Peace ring, Plain tunic. Ringabel: Falcon knife, Bloody shield, Ribbon, Crystal mail, Hermes shoes, Plain tunic.
Specials: nothing was ever modified here.
Friends: (None)
Guests: (None)
Profile: Name: Adrian [IMPERFECT] Difficulty: Hard. Updated: 14th May 2015 [IMPERFECT] Message: I'm tulpamancer! [IMPERFECT] Award: Job completist. Max power: 9999 (Offensive) Ability count: 336/336. Norende population: 100
Sent: Level: 99. Job: Arcanist (Level 14) Character: Agnes. Action: Mi heroe [IMPERFECT] (Spanish for 'My hero') Power: 1 (Curative) Equip: Bloody shield, Bloody shield, Crystal helm, Crystal mail, Hermes shoes, (No outfit) Status: (None)
Abilinks: Edea: (None) Agnes: (None) Tiz: (None) Ringabel: (None)
Statuses: All characters: 2910000 EXP. Freelancer for all characters: 28999 JP. All other jobs for all characters: 24000 JP. All base values for all characters: Defaults (Not improved)
Sorting: Edea, Agnes, Tiz, Ringabel.
Battle settings: Confirm turn start: Yes. Shortcut settings: (L) Brave, (R) Default. Update data at send: No.
Sound settings: SFX volume: 10. Music volume: 10. Voice volume: 10.
Message settings: Voice settings: English. Text settings: English. Message speed: Fast. Autoplay: On.
Game settings: Left/Right to confirm/cancel: No. Cursor position: Remember. Autosave: Yes.
Difficulty settings: Destination marker: On. Gain EXP: No. Acquire pg: Yes. Gain job points: No. Difficulty: Hard. Encounter rate: -100%
Funds: 2500000 pg.
Bravely second: SP: 3. Current SP drinks: 0.
Tutorial quests: 50/50 completed.
Norende: all buildings at level 11 (Maximum) Show only nemeses: Off. Zoom: out.
Nemeses: Mammon: Name: (Japanese characters) [IMPERFECT] Recommended level: 25 [IMPERFECT?] Duration: 13th December 2013 to 16th December 2013 [IMPERFECT?] Source: (Japanese characters) [IMPERFECT] Is being sent: Yes. Is protected: Yes. Steal: Elixir.
D's journal: 100% complete [COMBAT BONUSES COUNTS IMPERFECT]
Enemies examined: all except all nemeses [IMPERFECT]
Teleport location: Northwest exit - Central command - 1F [IMPERFECT]
Time of the day: morning.
STRATEGY: Note: This is my own strategy. It works for every enemy except for very few nemeses which have an extremely high magic defense. There's a workaround for that though. Just change Agnes's and Tiz's convergence support ability to the black mage's pierce m. defense. You'd better also consider changing their job commands to vampirism and using firaja/blizzaja/thundaja/aeroja instead of meteor, if said enemy is weak to any of the fire/water/lightning/wind elements, respectively. Lower numbers mean higher priority.
Priorities' list for Edea: 0: Brave (x0, x1, x2, x3, as necessary), Items > Phoenix down > KO'd ally, Items > Elixir > Revived ally (Only if Ringabel is dead or won't get a turn now, he's first priority) 1: Brave (x3), Abilities > Singing > My hero > All allies, Abilities > Miscellany > Mimic (x3)
Priorities' list for Agnes: 0: Brave (x0, x1, x2, x3, as necessary), Items > Phoenix down > KO'd ally, Items > Elixir > Revived ally (Only if Ringabel is dead or won't get a turn now, he's first priority) 1: Brave (x3 if Edea got a turn now, otherwise until the BP become -1), Abilities > Time magic > Meteor > Enemy, Abilities > Miscellany > Mimic (x0, x1, x2, x3, as many times as possible)
Priorities' list for Tiz: 0: Brave (x0, x1, x2, x3, as necessary), Items > Phoenix down > KO'd ally, Items > Elixir > Revived ally (Only if Ringabel is dead or won't get a turn now, he's first priority) 1: Brave (x3 if Edea got a turn now, otherwise until the BP become -1), Abilities > Time magic > Meteor > Enemy, Abilities > Miscellany > Mimic (x0, x1, x2, x3, as many times as possible)
Priorities' list for Ringabel: 0: Brave (x0, x1, x2, x3, as necessary), Abilities > White magic > Arise > KO'd ally (If the number of KO'd allies isn't 1 don't do this) 1: Brave (x0, x1, x2, x3, as necessary), Abilities > Medication > Resurrect (Only if anyone is KO'd) 2: Brave (x0, x1, x2, x3, as necessary), Abilities > Medication > Widen area > Elixir > All allies (x1, x2, x3, x4, only if anyone can be healed 9999 HP or if Agnes or Tiz have less than 99 MP) 3: Brave (x0, x1, x2, x3, as necessary), Abilities > White magic > Dispel > Enemy (x1, x2, x3, x4, only if the enemies have regen or magic defense raised) 4: Brave (x0, x1, x2, x3, as necessary), Abilities > Medication > Compounding > Beast liver > Dragon fang > Ally (x1, x2, x3, x4, only if the allies don't already have their maximum HP doubled) 5: Brave (x0, x1, x2, x3, as necessary), Abilities > Medication > Compounding > Hi-potion > X-potion > Ally (x1, x2, x3, x4, only if the allies don't already have reraise applied) 6: Default (End turn if braved, default even if BP are at 3, so slow and steady will trigger)
Jobs: I chose freelancer and salve-maker as their jobs and singing, time magic and white magic as their job commands, because doing it the other way around they'd end up with less convenient stats. Why I chose those jobs/commands instead of any other is obvious if you check out my strategy.
Abilities of Edea: Dual shields (1): Since no one in the whole team is going to physically attack, I just used their hands' slots to improve their speeds and defenses. However, due to Edea's role as a 'BP spammer', the slower she is, the less BP that the others will waste. Because of this, I gave her a second shield, and this ability, instead of a speed-increasing weapon like the others, so she'll be the slowest most of the time. Revenge (2): Normally, Edea will only be able to 'BP spam' every other turn, as 'BP spamming' costs 1 BP. Because of this, each time revenge triggers she gets one extra successive turn, and the others get 4 extra BP with it.
Abilities of Agnes: Convergence (3): The huge inconvenience of using Meteor is, when there's more than one enemy it won't allow you to focus on one, as if their maximum HP were anywhere between the 200% and 600% of the real ones. This ability not only finishes this problem, but it also adds extra damage per hit, even if you only have one enemy, making it possible to deal 9999 HP worth of damage to most enemies.
Abilities of Tiz: Convergence (3): The huge inconvenience of using Meteor is, when there's more than one enemy it won't allow you to focus on one, as if their maximum HP were anywhere between the 200% and 600% of the real ones. This ability not only finishes this problem, but it also adds extra damage per hit, even if you only have one enemy, making it possible to deal 9999 HP worth of damage to most enemies.
Abilities of Ringabel: Slow and steady (1): Contrarily to Edea, Ringabel needs to be the fastest character in the group (including enemies) Even though he won't be defaulting much, sometimes all of a sudden the situation turns horrible and it's in those times when this ability will be almost vital to survive. HP 20% up (2): Due to Ringabel's job not being freelancer, his HP is lower. This ability is mainly a leftover from the previous version of this strategy, which didn't use the damage dispersion ability and thanks to the absorb p. damage ability and to the doubled maximum HP, allowed any character to resist two damage-limit (9999 HP) hits and still survive. Without this ability, he'd only survive one damage-limit hit.
Abilities of everyone: Absorb p. damage (1): Funnily, this ability reduces the damage limit from 9999 HP to 7000 HP as long as it doesn't result in a KO. Some nemeses have extremely high physical attack, so you'll need to use every single bit of help available to you to be able to stay alive, and this is just such a great one! Damage dispersion (1): Even if this could look useless at first, it's a double benefit. On one hand, it'll reduce the damage limit to 5500 HP at the cost of damaging the others for 1500 HP. If it doesn't result in KO, thanks to absorb p. damage, the limit will be further reduced to 3850 HP, at the cost of damaging the others for 1050 HP. This makes it a great tool for survival. On the other hand, Edea's revenge can trigger if she receives damage from this ability too, so basically every attack that your party receives, no matter who it was intended for, will have a chance to give Edea an extra BP, and because of it, 4 extra BP for the other three characters.
About equips: The reason why Edea, Agnes and Tiz are wearing peace rings is the nemeses with that funny music that are fishes. Ringabel got the ribbon instead so he can have the hermes shoes as his accessory for some extra speed. This could be vital for surviving.
I'm aware this was extremely long, but this is finally THE END. I think it's better to put an extremely long description than writing nothing at all. I hope you enjoy the game and please feel free to type in any comments. Thank you very much!!!!

The gameplay of Bravely Default: Fairy's Effect follows certain conventions and mechanics.

Bravely Default Surviving 9999 Dmg Download

Gameplay Mechanics[editedit source]


Stats[editedit source]

Bravely Default Surviving 9999 Dmg Password

~Power LevelTotal strength rating of character.
HPAffects max hit points.
BPAffects max brave points.
Physical AttackAffects damage done by physical damage.
Physical DefenseAffects damage received by physical damage.
Magical AttackAffects damage done by magical damage.
Magical DefenseAffects damage received by magical damage.
SpiritAffects HP recovery on self and others.

Affects Poison damage (Offensively & Defensively).

Critical RateAffects chance of critical hit.
Critical DamageAffects the damage done during critical attacks.
EvasionAffects chance of evading attacks.
AccuracyAffects your chance of not missing when attacking.

Buff/Debuff[editedit source]

Bravely Default Surviving 9999 Dmg 1

RegenGradually recovers HP.
DefaultAffects damage taken.
BraveAffects damage given.
MindAffects HP recovery amount.
AspirGradually gain BP.
QuickenDecreases normal ability reuse time.
SlowIncreases normal ability reuse time.
HasteAffects special ability cooldown.
CastAffects special ability casting time.
BoostAffects BP consumption.
CurseIncrease BP consumption.
PoisonLoses hit points over time.
Burning Damage ResistanceAffects damage taken by Burning.
Fire Damage ResistanceAffects damage taken by Fire.
25pxWater Damage ResistanceAffects damage taken by Water.
25pxEarth Damage ResistanceAffects damage taken by Earth.
Wind Damage ResistanceAffects damage taken by Wind.
25pxFire Damage ResistanceAffects damage given by Fire.
Water Damage ResistanceAffects damage given by Water.
25pxEarth Damage ResistanceAffects damage given by Earth.
25pxWind Damage ResistanceAffects damage given by Wind.
Row LockUnable to switch Rows.
SealUnable to activate weapon's Special Ability.
Debuff ImmunityNo debuff may be applied during this buff.
LevitateIgnore tile effects (Burn/Poison)
CoverAbsorb received damage from allies.
25pxWithstandPrevents HP from going below 1.
MischievousIncreases total dodge rate.
25pxPoison UpIncreases Poison damage.
ChargeIncreases power of skills that uses Charge.
SatisfactionIncreases total critical rate.
Limit FreeAble to surpass the 9999 damage cap.
25pxShadowDouble your number of attacks.
(Extra attack's power dependent on buff version)
PhalanxDamage reduction increases to self for every allies at the Rear row.
WeaknessIncreases all damage dealt to target.
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