Chrono Trigger Dmg Formula


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ChronoTrigger Table of Contents Walkthrough

  • SNES Roms To play SNES roms, an emulator is required. Popular SNES emulators include ZSNES v1.36 for Windows, ZSNES v1.36 for DOS, Snes9x v1.41-1 for Windows. View all SNES emulators.
  • Chrono Trigger is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1995 that began the Chrono series. Chrono Trigger 's development team included three designers that Square dubbed the 'Dream Team': Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Square's successful Final Fantasy series; Yuji Horii.

4E Monster Creation Guide Introduction The method for creating monsters described in the Dungeon Master Guide is a badly worded an possibly an ill-balanced way to create monsters. It is however quick. This guide is a more in-depth look at designing monsters for 4E, and is best used if you have a large amount of time to prepare.

  • 1Attack
  • 2Uniqueformulae
  • 3Defense

Chrono Trigger Tech Damage Formula

Note that an asterisk (*) indicates that the move is magical; inmost cases these are elemental techniques that will benefit orsuffer depending on the enemy's elemental properties and defensivestats.


Attacks performed by executing the 'Attack' function in battleare non-elemental, physical techniques that strike an enemy asingle time and have the chance to deal double damage if a 'crit'(critical strike) occurs.


  • Hit/HIT: this is thecharacter's 'Hit' stat value (an integer); it represents acharacter's accuracy. It only applies to Lucca and Marle'scalculations. 1 Hit is equal to .66 Attack for Lucca andMarle.
  • Power/PWR: this is thecharacter's 'Power' stat value (an integer); it represents acharacter's physical strength. It applies to Ayla's and all of themales' calculations. 1 PWR is equal to 1.33 (repeating) attack formales, and 1.75 attack for Ayla.
  • Level: the character's level. This affects thestatistics of a character and Ayla's attack value formula.
  • Weapon: this is the weapon's power value(integer). It affects all characters except for Ayla.
  • Attack: the value next to the small weaponicon, found on the pause menu next to a character's name; this iscalculated from the Power and Weapon values. The formulas thatproduce the attack value first produce a decimal value that is thenrounded to the nearest whole number.
  • Damage: the value seen when attacking anenemy.


CharacterAttack value formula
Lucca and Marle

At the start of the game, Crono's weapon, Wood Sword, has aWeapon value of 3. At level 1, Crono has a PWR value of 5.His attack value is first calculated as 8.33333333 recurring, butit is then rounded down to 8.


The base damage (theoretical minimum) for a character's 'Attack'is their attack value multiplied by two. Additionally, a randomnumber is generated to modify the damage and give it a morerealistic, dynamic appearance. The random number is affected by thecharacter's level and/or attack value (it is difficult todifferentiate between the two because as characters level, theygain the stats (PWR or HIT) that increase their attack value). Alsonote that the resulting damage can be modified by an enemy'saugmented defense.


Damage = ((Attack * 2) + (Random))


Crono at the start of the game (attack 8) deals a base of 16damage, with a possible increase from the random value.

Unique formulae

Robo's Crisis Arm

Robo's Crisis Arm is a very dynamic weapon that can be eithervery strong (over 4,000) or very weak (0 damage). The damage dealtis based off of Robo's calculated attack value and the last digitof his HP (the attack value is multiplied by this digit). Thisweapon is best used later in the game when Robo has 999 HP so thatthe last digit is usually 9. If you want to maximize his damage,all you have to do is keep him healed.

Attack formula

First calculate his attack with 'Attack = ((Power × 4/3) +(Weapon × 5/9))'. Since Crisis Arm only has a power value of1, when it is multiplied by 5/9, the resulting fraction (.55repeating) does not get rounded up in the SNES version. Therefore,a power of 89 results in an attack value of 119, and a power of 91results in an attack value of 121.

Damage formula
  • LDHP: this is the last digit of Robo's currentHP.

Crisis Arm Damage = ((Attack/2 * LDHP) * 2)

  • Example: if Robo's PWR is 99 (minimum level 59), thenhis Attack will be 132 (66 when divided by two). The followingexpected damages are calculated based on the last digit of hisHP:
Expected damage

Each digit (LDHP value; except for zero) is worth as much as theattack value (in this case, it's 132).

Chrono Trigger New

LDHP ValueFormulaTheoretical minimum
Theoretical maximum

The theoretical maximum for each digit is very difficult tocalculate, as it is based on a range of random numbers that scalewith attack power (perhaps even character level). However, thegeneral rule of thumb for the random range is: Random numberfor Crisis Arm damage = (LDHP × 14). Therefore, in the tableabove, the damage you can deal with Crisis Arm without an accessoryor a critical strike is 1188-1314.

Absolute maximum

If you equip Robo with the Crisis Arm and Prismspecs, it willboost his attack value to about 185 (instead of the expected 255).At this point, he can crit for over 3,500 damage!

Ayla's Bronze Fist

  • How to get: reach level 99 with Ayla.

Dr becker dmg. On a critical strike, this will deal 9,999 damage. By the timeyou acquire this, Ayla's crit chance will be extremely high; fromthen on you can expect to deal major damage consistently.

Lucca's Wondershot

This weapon randomly changes attack power, it can do thefollowing:

  • 1/10 × base damage.
  • 1/2 × base damage.
  • 1 × base damage.
  • 2 × base damage.
  • 3 × base damage.

Magus's Doomsickle

This weapon grows in strength significantly as your alliesdie.

Number of fallen alliesBase damage multiplier

Chrono Trigger Dmg Formula Reviews



Chrono Trigger Dmg Formula 4


Chrono Trigger Online

  • Defense: decreases the amount of physicaldamage a character takes. Is affected by the total equipped armorvalue (helm and body) and stamina.
  • EV./Evasion: increases a character's chance tododge regular, physical attacks. Magical attacks cannot bedodged.
  • M DEF./Magic Defense: decreases the amount ofdamage taken from magical attacks (including non-elemental, butexcluding physical).
  • Stamina/Vigor: increases defense by one perpoint.


StatFormulaMaximum value
  • Males: 229 (SNES), 232 (DS; Magus can reach 234)
  • Females: 243 (SNES/DS)
Evasion** (99)
Magic damage reduction
Physical damage reduction

Chrono Trigger Rom

Maximizing physicaldefense

  • SNES: equip OzziePants, Moon Armor, and PowerSeal.
  • DS: equip Ozzie Pants, Saurian Leathers orRegal Plate or Shadowplume Robe (Magus only), and Power Seal.

Both versions: equip OzziePants, Prism Dress, and PowerSeal.

[Go to top]← ExperienceFormulaeStat Gains→

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  • Ascended Fanon: Fans of Chrono Trigger still aren't sure whether the DS version's reveal that Dalton was the one responsible for the apparent Porre rebellion that may or may not have killed Crono and Marle prior to this game is this, 'I Knew It!,' or a Promoted Fanboy's canonization of his preferred theory.
  • Creator Breakdown: According to Masato Kato, the head writer for Chrono Trigger, Radical Dreamers was influenced by feelings of frustration he had harbored while working on the previous project - this, he claims, influenced the darker tone of Dreamers and subsequently Chrono Cross when compared to the (relatively) lighthearted Trigger.
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  • Doing It for the Art: The reason the game took the controversial route of being so different from Trigger is that the developers felt there was no point in making the same game twice. The game ventured in a completely different direction for the sole reason that its creators felt Chrono Trigger was so good that trying to replicate it would merely be redundant. Both written and directed by Masato Kato, the head writer for Trigger, Cross features a more personal and ponderous narrative and explores the themes of its predecessor from very different perspectives; the game incorporates a number of incredibly ambitious ideas (such as an absolutely huge roster of playable characters, complex and branching storylines, and high-minded philosophical themes) that relatively few games attempted since. By far the most done-for-the-art aspect of the game, however, is the soundtrack: even though he had just quit Square Soft, Yasunori Mitsuda was hired to score the game simply because Kato considered him an indispensable part of the Chrono formula. The decision to compose two different songs for each area—one for each dimension—was made at the last minutes, simply because Kato and Mitsuda thought it would be a good idea. The singer and lyricist for the ending theme, a relatively obscure artist by the name of Noriko Mitose, was chosen despite Square Soft PR's wishes for a more popular and marketable singer, simply because her style was deemed 'right' for the game.
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  • I Knew It!: This game was created because of one persistent nerd rumor: Schala Lives! three different people at the same time. There's the 'original' Schala stuck in the Time Devourer; Kid, Schala's 'clone-daughter'; and Harle, who seems to be an echo of Kid. Oh, and at the end, you get to free the original Schala, assuming you paid attention during the last dungeon.
  • Jossed: The new ending and storyline in the DS version of Trigger jossed some fan theories very, very hard.
  • No Export for You: Chrono Cross was never released outside of Japan and North America, which makes the continuity nods in the DS version of Chrono Trigger just plain annoying for everyone living outside those two particular regions. The more general references to Radical Dreamers are also beguiling for everyone outside of Japan, and probably even many people in it.
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  • Orphaned Series: Chrono Cross was not supposed to be the end of the Chronoseries. A sequel, Chrono Break, was planned shortly after Cross's completion and, a decade later, it has yet to materialize.
  • Popularity Redo: The game borrows elements from Radical Dreamers, originally released in Japanese for the Satellaview console. The Other Wiki states that director Masato Kato did this game as an attempt to 'redo Radical Dreamers properly.'
  • Trope Namer: For Time Crash.
  • Urban Legend of Zelda: This game has one of its own. Thanks to some erroneous text from a BradyGames guide, players were led to believe that the Wraith monster would sometimes drop the Ghetz' Shirt, an armor that increased several stats in exchange for giving the wearer several status ailments.
  • What Could Have Been: Ye gods. For starters, Magus was supposed to appear in the game, but he was replaced by Guile due to the sheer amount of characters cutting in on his screen time. In what may be an effort to mend his notable absence into the existing product, the added ending in the DS version of Chrono Trigger implies that he may be an amnesiac Magus from either the future or an alternate timeline.
    • According to the Ultimania guide, it was to be rumored that Zoah hid his face because he suffered a horrific war injury, but the truth would've been that he's actually a spying prince from a faraway country and taking a particular interest in Serge. This would've been heavily implied in the Shadow Forest (indeed, the only known contemporary candidate for that certain kingdom is still suggested by the description of the mushroom item - Guardia). This was all axed from the final story.
    • Like many PS1 RPGs, there is a huge Info Dump near the end of the game as the writers tried to get their plot points across before the Cosmic Deadline hit.
    • When Lynx switches bodies with Serge, Lynx was originally intended to get an alternate character portrait to portray the change in mentality, similar to Dark Serge, where his expression looks softer compared to his typical menacing look.
  • The Wiki Rule: Chronopedia.
  • Working Title: The game was called 'Project Kid' at one point while in development. This was actually a thing in the game (see the entry in the main page).


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