D&d 5e Firearms Dmg

I know comparatively little about muskets but your statements about lower velocity are, generally, correct. Impact area varies wildly, but on average a musket ball is bigger than a modern bullet with significant overlap. However, I know quite a bit about modern firearms and you are seriously underestimating their ability to penetrate. 18 gauge steel is a 1 mm thick and while not all steel is created equal and neither are all bullets but unless you are using something like AR500 or you have light loads a .357 will care precisely not at all about 18 gauge sheet metal. A .357 revolver can also fire .38 Short Colt and .38 Special with no modification and people often use these lighter loads for target practice. Neither round is especially potent, but I would guess that they might be stopped by 18 gauge sheet steel. In fact, it's probably that a fast .22 would penetrate 18 gauge steel. A cheap hollow steel door has walls about 1mm thick and I'm willing to assume this guy knows what he's shooting at:
More .22 LR penetration:
If you'd really like, I can head out to the woods and put some holes in things for demo purposes. I don't own a .357, but a +p 9mm round should suffice as a decent stand in even if it is a bit slower if I can't borrow a .357.

Official website for U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. Operational and administrative — an interactive look at the Navy’s organizational structure. Oct 02, 2018  If you’re trying to make the weaponry feel amazing and powerful, the 5e DMG has stats for firearms and explosives in Chapter 9, Dungeon Master’s Workshop. That would get you started if you really want to do this with 5e, even though it would sever. Laurence is the world leader, wholesale distributor to the Glazing, Industrial, Construction, Architectural, Hardware and Automotive Industries, supplying railing, windscreen, standoffs, and other supplies to major industries and manufacturers. Find cheap flights in seconds, explore destinations on a map, and sign up for fare alerts on Google Flights. Oct 14, 2014  Firearms, Explosives, and Alien Technology – Preview Unlocked! You really wanted things that go bang, boom and pew-pew. Here's a look at the firearms, explosives and alien tech from the new DMG. Now go forth and play your crazy technology influenced D&D games! Make sure to stop by the D&D Twitch channel and check out this weekend’s.

1) work on your math
2) I've done some destructive testing. My friends during college included a bunch of gun nuts
I've shot a .357 using round nosed police-standard lead ball (non-jacketed) at a steel plate of 18 gage - which is 25.4/18= 1.41 mm thick - and it didn't go through. I've seen .357 stopped by car doors, too.. on older cars, where it was as thick as 18ga. In both cases, visible deformation, no penetration.
Factors that influence penetration include incidence angle (anything other than 90° increase both the skip chance and the effective thickness), specific metal composition, specific tempering, method of working (hammer-worked is different from rolled), amount of air traveled through (drag reduces bullet energy), bullet composition (straight lead penetrates less than FMJ), bullet shape, temperature of the metals, age and flexion history of the plate.
Your 9mm probably will penetrate 1mm steel if shot within 5 yards and aimed dead on.. because autopistol rounds are ususally jacketed. It also won't do much past it.
And a breastplate is seldom worn without quilt underneath. Yeah, it is gonna hurt. No, it's not going through. But the same is true of a sword.
Ignoring armor isn't the solution, especially since most firearm to body armor shots are going to be other than 90°.
Using armor as a damage reduction rather than pure hit/miss is the best way to simply represent firearms damage. It's also not the best D&D choice.
< Gunslinger Handbook (3.5e Sourcebook)
  • 1How to Use Guns
    • 1.4Magic Firearms

How to Use Guns[edit]

This chapter will present the rules for firing and reloading firearm weapons, as well as variant rules for some different weapon types.

Firing and Reloading[edit]

Firing a firearm is not unlike attacking with any other ranged weapon. Many firearms tend to be extremely accurate, however, and often ridicule most armors. When firing a firearm, if the targeted creature is within half of your first increment you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll and damage roll. As long as you are in the first increment, you add your dexterity modifier to damage. This effect does not stack with any other effect that adds your Dexterity modifier to damage rolls, but does stack with the bonus damage from being within half of your first range increment.

Reloading a firearm is based on your base attack bonus. The higher it is, the easier it is to reload. A firearm usually need to be reloaded after every shot. A character without proficiency with the firearm he is trying to reload counts as having a base attack bonus 4 points lower.

D&d 5e Dmg Pdf

  • A character with a base attack bonus of +0 reloads a firearm as a full-round action that provokes attack of opportunity.
  • A character with a base attack bonus of +1 reloads a fire arm as a move action that provokes attack of opportunity.
  • A character with a base attack bonus of +3 no longer provokes an attack of opportunity for reloading.
  • A character with a base attack bonus of +6 may reload a fire arm as a swift action or as an attack action (reloader's choice).
  • A character with a base attack bonus of +11 may reload a firearm as a part of an attack action.
Dnd 5e dmg

Some gun are slow and tedious to reload, these weapons are denoted as 'slow' and are one action slower to reload (up to a maximum of full-round).

Revolvers, Lever and Bolt Action[edit]

Many more advanced firearms have much more sophisticated reloading mechanisms and/or fire multiple times before requiring to be reloaded.

A weapon like a revolver may fire a great number of shot before being reloaded, the number of times it can be fired before being reloaded is noted on the particular firearm entry.

A weapon with a lever-action or bolt action mechanism is much easier to reload and may chamber many shots, these weapon are denoted as 'rapid'. To represent the sheer superiority and simplicity of these mechanisms, the following rules apply for any of such weapons:

  • Remove any penalties associated with the lack of proficiency when reloading.
  • Reloading with proficiency is one action faster (full-round to move, move to swift/attack a swift/attack to part of an attack action to free action).

Some weapons are incredibly accurate, allowing the firer to place critical shots easier. Such weapon will be denoted as 'accurate' and deal 1.5x dexterity modifier damage instead of normal dexterity modifier to damage within the first range increment.

Shotgun Fun[edit]

Some weapons are not known for their accuracy, but are incredibly devastating in close combat. Such weapons, like shotguns, do not gain the normal +2 attack and damage bonus within half of the first increment. Instead, they deal twice weapon damage. No other damage modifier is multiplied, including extra damage from critical hits. So a weapon with the 'shotgun' property that deals 1d8 damage would deal 2d8 damage within the first increment.

Magic Firearms[edit]

For all intents and purposes, a firearm is enchanted like any other ranged weapon. However, I took the liberties of adding a few unique enhancements for all of our aspiring gunslingers:


The enchanted gun gains the accurate quality.

Faint divination; CL 1; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, true strike Price: Cost: +1.


Enchanted gun adds the half first increment bonus to all shots within the first increment.

Dnd 5e Firearms Dmg

Faint divination; CL 4; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Price: Cost:+1.


After each shot, your firearm reloads itself. Slow weapon lose the slow quality instead and gain the rapid quality.

Faint transmutation; CL 1; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Price: Cost: 2000 gp.


Cleanup your Tube![edit]

Some weapons in many setting have an incredibly unrealistic failure rate, failing or breaking with a 5% chance each shot is unforgivable. The following variant rule will emulate a much less hassling misfire rule.

  • When you roll a natural 1, there is 10% chance that the gun jams. To unjam a gun it requires the same action as it would require you to reload your weapon.
  • When you roll a natural 1, there is a 5% chance that it deals a single point of damage to your weapon.
  • A weapon that is not at full hit point is more dangerous, thus it misfires on a 1 and 2 instead of simply natural 1.
  • If you clean and maintain your gun frequently with a good quality gun cleaning kit, reroll any gun jam and gun damage misfire. Keep the best roll.

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