Diablo3 Ps4 Top Dmg Demon Hunter Build

  • Crusader Builds. Akkhan Condemn build - the best Diablo 3 build in Patch 2.6.1. Holy Hammerdin build - it's far behind the Akkhan Condemn build in terms of solo GR pushing, but still remains a very powerful and enjoyable Crusader build. Thorns Invoker builds - it's pretty much the weakest Crusader set, but still, we found a place for this build on our list.
  • Build and customize the active skills, passive skills and skill rune variations for the Demon Hunter.
  • Diablo 3 Season 17 Demon Hunter LoN Rapid Fire build guide – Patch 2.6.5 (Torment 16) By: admin Posted on May 21, 2019 This Diablo 3 patch 2.6.5 Season 17 Demon Hunter Legacy of Nightmares Rapid Fire build can destroy Torment 16.
  1. Diablo 3 Ps4 Top Dmg Demon Hunter Build Season 16
  2. Diablo 3 Ps4 Top Dmg Demon Hunter Build Season 17

What are the best Diablo 3 builds? I’ve been playing a lot of Diablo since Reaper of Souls released back in March. Having accumulated many shiny legendaries since then, I’ve put together my favourite builds for each of the six classes in Sanctuary. They’re all certified for the hardest difficulties Diablo has to offer and will work in both standard and hardcore.

Each Diablo build has a link to their skill calculator in the build name, as well as links to any key legendary items. All you need to do is go find them, which is the easy part… right?

General Information. Welcome to our build guide for Shadow Impale Demon Hunter in Diablo 3. Here, you will learn everything you need to know to play this build at the highest level. This build is updated for patch 2.6.6 and Season 18. This video covers the unhallowed essence fire multishot build for the demon hunter. A core demon hunter build still used in diablo 3 season 17 patch 2.6.5 Welcome to my Channel. JAKEL33T offers.


Diablo3 Ps4 Top Dmg Demon Hunter Build

This build is reminiscent to playing a pinball machine. It relies heavily on two key legendary items: Gyrfalcon’s Foote and the Jekangbord. The former is a flail that removes the resource cost of Blessed Shield – the primary damage dealer in this build – allowing infinite use. The latter is a shield that allows Blessed Shield to ricochet to 4-6 additional enemies. Combined, they will obliterate groups of enemies with an endless torrent of shields to the face.

You have a bit of freedom with the rest of your items to tailor to your style of play. The only suggestion is that you stack Holy Damage as well as % Blessed Shield Damage. Your skills all complement controlling and weakening clusters of enemies. Shield Glare and Judgement provide a pretty chunky source of extra damage. Phalanx with the Bowmen rune is for your one weakness: single target damage. With no other enemies around to trigger your bounces, your single target dps pales in comparison.

As for your passives, we want to increase your block chance due to the damage scaling from Blessed Shield. Hold Your Ground and Towering Shield fulfill that quite nicely. Fervor and Finery are just flat dps increases, enough said.

Here’s a great demonstration of the build in action:


This is actually a work in progress build that relies on some of the rarest legendaries in Diablo III. Rimeheart is a legendary sword that gives you a “10% chance to instantly deal 10,000% weapon damage to frozen enemies”. While it doesn’t sound that impressive on paper, you just need to increase your chance to freeze enemies. Winter Flurry, The Magistrate and the most important item, Frostburn’s all increase your instances and chances of freezing your enemies.

Unfortunately Winter Flurry, Rimeheart and Frostburn’s are among the hardest to find legendaries in the game.

Once you do get all the required items however, it will work a treat. Ray of Frost with the Sleet Storm rune and Ice Armor with Chilling Aura will give you a huge AoE coverage. For huge clusters of enemies you can pop your Blizzard for a guaranteed freeze on hit. Your Hydra will be spitting out cold damage while also periodically casting it’s own Frost Nova, which in tandem with your own and that coming from your Winter Flurry, should keep your foes locked in place.

Although it doesn’t go with the theme of the build, don’t forget about your Electrocute / Arcane Dynamo interaction. Use Electrocute to quickly refill your Arcane Power, and also get your Arcane Dynamo buff to five stacks. After when you cast your Ray of Frost, its damage will be increased by a whopping 60% of the entire channeled duration.

Good luck getting the items though: I’ve yet to see a pair of Frostburn’s in over 300 hours of play since Reaper of Souls launched.

Demon Hunter

This is the build I used back in the Reaper of Souls beta and I’ve been dying to recreate it in the live game. The new Marauder set enables you to have every single Companion animal out at once, and also allows your Sentries to fire your Hatred spenders.

You’ll only need five pieces of the set, as we’re going to be using the Royal Ring of Grandeur to allow us to equip Tasker and Theo’s while still retaining the six piece set bonus. The 50% pet attack speed affects both your Companions and Sentries, so it’s a pretty no brainer. Although some of the damage is fire due to rockets, this is primarily a cold build.

Where it gets a little blurred is the rocket damage. The rockets from your Cluster Arrow and Elemental Arrow will deal cold damage. However the rockets from the Ballistics passive as well as the rockets for Multishot will deal fire. Since Ballistics doubles your rocket damage, this turns the three rockets from Maelstrom into 900% weapon damage, which is huge. When you’ve got seven Sentries all spamming this skill, the damage quickly adds up.

Other notable items include Calamity, Helltrapper, Etrayu, Bombardier’s Rucksack and Countess Julia’s Cameo. Calamity will apply the Mark of Death ability to anything you or your pets hit for an easy 20% damage increase. Helltrapper has a 10% chance to spawn an extra Sentry, up to a maximum of two, which is pretty easy to achieve. Bombardier’s Rucksack adds another two Sentries to your maximum, but you should switch it to another hand crossbow once the two are out on the field. If you’d rather have a two-handed bow, Etrayu is the best one for it’s innate cold damage amplification. Finally Countess Julia’s Cameo gives you much needed Arcane immunity to keep your squishy Demon Hunter safe from elite mobs with Jailer – which is unavoidable damage and prone to oneshotting you on Torment VI+.


If you’re the sort of type that likes to jump around the battlefield while crushing your enemies under your mighty boot, this is the build for you. It’s another build that relies on another set bonus, this time from Might of the Earth: a set that augments the Earthquake ability. Firstly it reduces the cooldown of Earthquake by two seconds for enemy it kills, and it also causes Earthquake to automatically cast when you land using Leap.

Leap is another integral part when you throw the legendary boots Lut Socks into the mix. When casting Leap, Lut Socks give you a two second window to cast Leap again for free before the cooldown begins. You can usually get between two or three Leaps off during this window, which when combined with the aforementioned set can easily flood the screen with Earthquakes.

To maximise this builds potential, we need to stack Cooldown Reduction to a minimum of 40% to put Leap on a six second cooldown, down from ten. More Leaps equals more Earthquakes which equals more damage. Fury generation isn’t a problem thanks to the Earthen Might passive which grants you 30 Fury upon every Earthquake activation. The rest of your items, skills and passives can be moulded to your personal playstyle, but I would emphasis on taking plenty of defensive abilities. You’re going to be in the thick of things quite often, but that’s where a Barbarian feels most at home.

Here’s a video of the build doing a Torment VI Rift in only eight minutes:

Witch Doctor

Most players peg the Witch Doctor as a pet class, but they’re all very wrong. Damage over Time effects – otherwise known as DoTs – are another weapon in the Witch Doctor’s arsenal. Thanks to a new passive introduced in Reaper of Souls, Creeping Death, some of those effects can last for five minutes.

“OK that’s good and all, but that doesn’t kill things any faster”, I hear you saying. Well with the Jade Harvester’s set bonus, your Soul Harvest ability consumes the entire duration of your DoTs and deals their remaining damage instantly. Naturally, the amount of damage is more than capable of insta-gibbing your unlucky foes, even of the hardest of difficulties.

Now you’ll need a few more key items to make this more effective. Quetzalcoatl is a legendary voodoo mask that enables Locust Swarm and Haunt – the two primary DoTs you’ll be using – to deal their damage in half the duration, doubling their damage output. You’ll also want a Harrington Waistguard: a belt that increases your damage by 100%-135% upon opening a chest for ten seconds. It should be noted that this effect works on not only chests, but many other interactable objects such as weapon/armour racks and dead bodies.

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To set up the combo, you’ll want to find yourself a nice pack of mobs. Drop your Piranhas for the crowd control and damage amplification, followed by your Locust Swarm and Haunt. Once they’re both ticking away, run into the middle of the pack and use Soul Harvest to consume the DoTs and deal massive damage. Rinse and repeat until everything is dead.


This build is more of a support build, but it’s also every groups best friend. Crowd control is a very powerful asset in high difficulties, as it keeps the bad guys stunned and clumped together, making them easier to dispatch. Using both Cyclone Strike and Exploding Palm, this build can provide that crowd control while also dealing considerable damage for such a defensive build.

The good news is, this build doesn’t require any must-have items to make it work. Just by following the skill build above and having defensive itemisation, you can fulfill this role perfectly. There are however some items that will increase your effectiveness and buff your allies considerably.

The First of Az’Thurrasq increases your Exploding Palm’s on-death explosion to 75%-100% of the enemies maximum life. Since you’re enemies will be clumped together thanks to Cyclone Strike, this will most likely one-shot everything in the area of effect, especially on higher difficulties where the enemies health is in the millions. The set bonus from Inna’s Vast Expanse will also allow you to equip all four of your Mantra buffs at all times, which extend to your nearby allies.

Focusing on defensive stats as well as spirit generation is the key to this build. You need to be able to take/dodge a lot of punishment, and also maintain multiple applications of Exploding Palm which is your primary source of damage. Aim for around 20 million toughness total, but don’t be afraid to stack more.

These are my favourite builds, but what are yours? Share yours in the comments section below.

Great beginner-friendly Demon Hunter build. It provides an amazing balance between power, speed, and defenses

Unhallowed Essence is one of the most popular Demon Hunter sets. It provides an amazing balance between offense, defense, and clear speed. With great AoE provided by Multishot with Arsenal rune (firing additional rockets that can hit enemies beyond your screen) and great mobility with nearly spammable Vault skill thanks to greatly reduced resource cost (Yang's Recurve unique attribute), it's one of the most efficient farming builds for this class. At the same time, with the buffs it has received in Patch 2.6.4 it's one ofthe most powerful Demon Hunter Sets for high GR pushing, second only to Shadow's Impale and Natalya's/Marauder Sentry builds.

To check the full list of our Best Diablo 3 builds visit: The Best Diablo 3 builds by Odealo

Table of contents

  1. General information
  2. Recommended items
  3. Recommended skills

General information

The entire build is based on the Unhallowed Essence set:

  • Hatred Generators generate 2 additional Hatred and 1 Discipline per attack (2/6)
  • The Demon Hunter takes 60% reduced damage and deals 60% increased damage as long as there are no enemies within 10 yards, and 8 seconds afterward (4/6)
  • Hatred Generators, Vengeance side arms and Multishot deal 350% increased damage per point of Discipline the Demon Hunter currently has (6/6)

This build is very straightforward. All you have to do is keep Vengeance up and spam Multishot while avoiding attacks and spells to keep yourself alive. While this is more than enough on mid-level Greater Rifts and Torment XIII difficulty level games, you might need to keep an eye out for your Discipline in higher GRs. Vaulting too much greatly reduces your damage output if you are too low on Discipline.
This builds requires a primary attack, even though it deals near to 0 damage, and the Hatred generation it provides is only noticeable in high GRs. Attacking with your primary attack once in a while grants you 50% increased damage buff from Bastions of Will set, and up to 50% damage reduction from Wraps of Clarity.

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Recommended items

Diablo 3 Ps4 Top Dmg Demon Hunter Build Season 16


Head - Accursed Visage
Stat priorities:
1) Critical Hit Chance
2) Socket
3) Dexterity
4) Increased Multishot damage
5) Vitality
6) Secondary Res.
Chest -Cage of the Hellborn
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) All Elemental Resistances
4) Maximum Discipline
5) Melee/Ranged damage reduction
Sockets: or

Pants -Unholy Plates
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) All Elemental Resistances
Sockets: or

Gloves- Fiendish Grips
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Critical Hit Chance
3) Critical Hit Damage
4) Vitality
5) Secondary Res.
Boots - Hell Walkers
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) Increased Multishot damage
4) All Elemental Resistances

Pauldrons- Unsanctified Shoulders
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) Cooldown Reduction
4) All Elemental Resistances

Bracers - Wraps of Clarity
Stat priorities:
1) Critical Hit Chance
2) Fire damage%
3) Dexterity
4) Vitality
5) Secondary Res.
Special power:
Hatred Generators reduce damage taken by 40–50% for 5 seconds
Amulet - Hellfire Amulet
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Critical Hit Damage
3) Critical Hit Chance
4) Fire damage%
5) Dexterity
Special power:
One of the suggested Passives from the last section of this guide
Ring - Focus
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Critical Hit Chance
3) Critical Hit Damage
4) Dexterity
5) Attack Speed
(Part of the Bastions Will set)
Set bonuses:
  • Casting a resource-generating attack or primary skill grants 50% increased damage for 5 seconds. (2/2)
  • The first hit with each cast of a resource-spending attack grants 50% increased damage for 5 seconds. (2/2)

Ring - Restraint
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Critical Hit Chance
3) Critical Hit Damage
4) Dexterity
5) Attack Speed
(Part of the Bastions Will set)

Belt - Witching Hour
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) High Critical Hit Damage
4) High Attack Speed
5) Secondary Res.
Weapon - Yang's Recurve
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Maximum Discipline
3) High Average Damage
4) Damage%
5) Dexterity
6) Attack Speed
Unique affix:
  • Reduces all resource costs by 40–50%
Special power:
  • Multishot attacks 50% faster and its damage is increased by 150-200%
Off-hand - Dead Man's Legacy
1) Maximum Discipline
3) Increased Multishot damage
4) Cooldown Reduction
5) High Critical Strike Chance
6) High Attack Speed
Special power:
  • Multishot hits enemies below 60% health twice and deals 150–200% increased damage
Bonus Items for Season 16
(thanks to built-in Ring of Royal Grandeur power)
Chest -Cindercoat
Stat priorities:
1) Dexterity
2) Vitality
3) All Elemental Resistances
Sockets: or
Special power:
Reduces the resource cost of Fire skills by 23–30%
Cindercoat should be used in Kanai Cube, and Visage of Gunes equipped in your regular equipment. Otherwise you will lose the additional Discipline from Unhallowed Essence's Cloak
Kanai Cube powers
Reduce the cooldown of Vengeance by 50–65%
Visage of Gunes
Increase attack speed of your pets by 40–50%
Convention of Elements
Gain 150–200% increased damage to a single element for 4 seconds. This effect rotates through the elements available to your class in the following order: Arcane, Cold, Fire, Holy, Lightning, Physical, Poison
Legendary Gems
Bane of the Trapped
  • Increases damage done to enemies under the control-impairing effects by 15%
    Upgrade: +0.3% additional damage per Rank
  • Gain an aura that slows the movement speed of enemies within 15 yards by 30% (Requires Rank 25)
Zei's Stone of Vengeance
  • Damage dealt to each enemy hit is increased by 4% for every 10 yards between you and the enemy hit. Maximum 20% increase at 50 yards. Upgrade: +0.08% additional damage for every 10 yards, and +0.40% maximum damage bonus per rank
  • 20% chance on hit to Stun the enemy hit for 1 second (Requires Rank 25)
Bane of the Stricken
  • Each attack you make against an enemy increases the damage it takes from your attacks by 0.8%. Upgrade: +0.01% damage per rank
  • Gain 25% increased damage against Rift Guardians and bosses (Requires Rank 25)

Recommended skills


Diablo 3 Ps4 Top Dmg Demon Hunter Build Season 17

Active Skills

Evasive Fire
Shoot a spread of bolts that hit the primary enemy for 200% damage as Physical and two additional enemies for 100% damage as Physical. If an enemy is in front of you at close range, you will backflip away 5 yards
Sudden Impact
You no longer backflip, and the Hatred generation is increased to 7. Also changes the damage type to Cold
Your primary attack. It can help you generate some Hatred in intensive fights, as well as it is crucial to benefit from the Bastions of Will and Wraps of Clarity buffs
Tumble acrobatically 35 yards
After using Vault, the next Vault you cast within 6 seconds has its Discipline cost reduced by 50%. The next Vault used after the second one will have its' cost returned to normal
Main mobility skill. Allows very fast movement thanks to greatly reduced resource cost reduction as well as the Tumble rune. If you feel like you are running on low Discipline all the time you may want to replace the rune with Acrobatics. It will make you slower, but always with your maximum damage buff
Fire a massive volley of arrows dealing 360% damage as Physical to all enemies in the area
Makes multishot also fire 3 missiles that deal 300% weapon damage. Changes base damage type to Fire
Your core ability. It is pretty much spammable in this build while under the effect of Vengeance. Deals massive AoE and single-target damage while at maximum Discipline
Turn into the physical embodiment of Vengeance for 20 seconds, which increases your damage dealt by 40%
Side Guns: gain 4 additional piercing shots for 60% damage as Physical each
Homing Rockets: shoot 2 rockets at nearby enemies for 80% damage as Physical each on every attack
Gain additional 10 Hatred per second while under the effect of Vengeance
Core ability for pretty much every Demon Hunter build. With Dawn and Visage of Gunes in Kanai Cube, you should be easily able to keep 100% uptime on Vengeance (with around 34% cooldown reduction) and it will also reduce your damage taken by 50%
Instantly restores 30 Discipline
Also passively increases your maximum Discipline by 20
Mandatory skill for this build. 20 Discipline will grant additional 2000% increased Multishot/Vengeance damage. Also, the active part of this skill can come in handy to restore Discipline used up on your Vault
Passive: Summons a raven companion that pecks at enemies for 100% damage as Physical
Active: Your raven deals an additional 500% damage on its next attack
Wolf Companion
Instead of the Raven summons a Wolf Companion which will increase your, and your allies damage dealt by 15% for 10 seconds
Grants nice party DPS buff. Grants decent boost to DPS, depending on your cooldown reduction should be used just before your Convention of Elements ring switches its' bonus to Fire
Passive Skills
Upon taking fatal damage, you do not die, but become invisible for 2 seconds and heal back to 50% of maximum Life
This effect may not occur more than once every 60 seconds
Deal 40% increased damage to enemies on above 75% health

Doubles the damage of all rockets, and grants a 20% chance to fire additional rockets with every attack

Culling of the Weak
Increases your damage versus chilled or slowed enemies by 20%
Optional Passive Skills (Hellfire Amulet)
Blood Vengeance
Increases maximum Hatred by 25. In addition, you regain 30 Hatred and 3 Discipline when healed by a health globe
Good for speed farming and bounties
Single Out
You gain additional 25% Critical Hit Chance against any target that is at least 20 yards from any other enemy
A better choice for high GR pushing for increased damage versus Rift Guardians

After shutting down Auction House trading is no longer possible in Diablo 3. Items can only be traded with party members within a 2-hour time frame. This greatly increased popularity of Item Farming, Boosting and Greater Rift carry services in Diablo 3. All of which can be found on Odealo marketplace.

We hope you will enjoy this build as much as we did. And see you soon in the world of Sanctuary.

If you have any ideas how this build could be improved, or if you have suggestions for other Demon Hunter Guides we could make next, please let us know in the comments below.

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