Dmg Eiladrin

I'm confused. I currently have three or four different versions of the Eladrin subrace open in different tabs. Which one is the 'right', 'final' or at least the most recent version?
Also, what are the implications of being either a Wood Elf, High Elf or Eladrin.
And last but not least, can you give me some world building tips regarding an Elven Capital and its general view on the surrounding kingdoms.
If Eladrin are from the Feywild, how can I make my Eladrin invested in the results of the 100 year war in my campaign setting's kingdom?

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These feats are meant to complement those released in the Racial Feats article by Wizards of the Coast. Each of the feats are tied to races released in offical Wizards of the Coast releases of some kind; the Unearthed Arcana series of articles, the Dungeon Master's Guide, or other sources (not including Volo's Guide to Monsters). DMG Excerpt How to create new races.faints. So yeah: another of the official excerpts has appeared, and this one deals with the new races. For those who miss the Eladrin, they now appear as an Elf subrace (much like the Drow).

  1. Eladrin +1 Int High Elf with a teleport spell. You can be an Eldritch knight or an Arcane Archer easily with these. DMG Halfling +2 Dex You get the increase in Dexterity like the Elf, but you get the Lucky Racial feature with the limitation of having to go with finsesse weapons, shortbows and crossbows.
  2. A point-buy calculator for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.
  3. Celestial eladrin, a race of elf-like celestials. This is a disambiguation page: a list of articles associated with the same title. You have reached this page because the article you are looking for has a very similar name to one or more other articles.

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Dmg Eiladrin

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(Redirected from Monster DR and Weaknesses)

Monsters may be resistant to or fully protected from some forms of attack and vulnerable to others.

For reference, 'normal' damage is shown with red numbers. Resistances (via DR) are indicated by yellow damage numbers: this means some of your damage is being reduced and it might be possible for you to overcome this by changing weapon type. To see what damage type you need to use, check the Combat Log. Full protection is indicated by white zero damage numbers. Some forms of damage are particularly effective against a monster and this is indicated by purple damage numbers. Green damage numbers indicate that the monster is actually healed by that type of damage; you see this occasionally with Summoned Fire Elementals being attacked by fire, for example.

Reading the DR Type:

  • The number listed is the amount of damage that an attack is reduced. After the slash (/), the damage type listed is the type of attack that will bypass the DR. For example, 'DR 10/Good' will take 10 off every attack unless that attack has the 'Good' descriptor attached to it. If there's a dash (-) after the slash, 'DR/-', the DR simply cannot be bypassed; it's effective against all attack types.
  • 'or' means one, or the other, of the DR overcoming types listed, such as '/silver or good' to overcome devils. Silver weapons will do it, and Good weapons will too.
  • '+' means that both (or all) listed damage types must be on a weapon to 'break' the DR of the monster in question. If the DR is '/Silver+Good', then a silver weapon won't do it unless it's also Good, and vice versa.

Alignment is listed here so that you can tell which alignment-based weapon enchantments will add extra damage; alignment-based damage is not required to break DR unless it is mentioned in the 'DR' column. Wand of orcus dmg.


AuraxyllonUndeadBlue DragonLawful EvilElectricity
LinkAussircaexDragonWhite DragonLawful NeutralFireCold
Link..AussirothDragonWhite DragonLawful NeutralFireCold
LinkEternity (not weakened) 1UndeadBlue DragonNeutral EvilAll1000/-
LinkEternity (weakened) 1UndeadBlue DragonNeutral Evil
LinkGrundaussirDragonWhite DragonChaotic EvilFireCold
LinkRhindvuthaDragonBlack DragonChaotic EvilAcid
LinkSinvalaDragonBlack DragonChaotic EvilAcid
LinkVarathDragonBlack DragonChaotic EvilAcid
LinkVelah (epic)DragonRed DragonChaotic EvilFire
LinkVelah (non epic)DragonRed DragonChaotic EvilColdFire
LinkYorgulharDragonBlue DragonLawful EvilElectricity

1 Appears only during the Mabar Endless Night Festival.


Eladrin 5e

Link..Abishai (Black)Evil OutsiderDevil (Abishai)Lawful EvilColdAcid, FireGood
Link..Abishai (Blue)Evil OutsiderDevil (Abishai)Lawful EvilAcid, ColdElectricity, FireGood
Link..Abishai (Green)Evil OutsiderDevil (Abishai)Lawful EvilColdAcid, FireGood
Link..Abishai (Red)Evil OutsiderDevil (Abishai)Lawful EvilAcid, ColdFireGood
Link..Abishai (White)Evil OutsiderDevil (Abishai)Lawful EvilAcidCold, FireGood
Link..Acid-Scar TroglodyteReptilianTroglodyteChaotic EvilAcid
LinkAcidstone ElementalEarth ElementalEarth ElementalTrue NeutralFireAcidDR/-
Link..Adamant Earth ElementalEarth ElementalEarth ElementalTrue NeutralAdamantine and DR/-
LinkAdamantine DefenderConstructIron DefenderTrue NeutralAllAdamantine
LinkAir ElementalAir ElementalAir ElementalTrue NeutralDR/-
Ancient ArachnidVerminArachnidTrue NeutralElectricityAcidPierce
Link..Ancient Iron DefenderConstructIron DefenderTrue NeutralElectricityAdamantine
Ancient WarforgedLiving ConstructWarforgedTrue NeutralAcid, Cold, Fire
LinkAnimated ArmorConstructAnimated ObjectTrue NeutralAllAdamantine
Animated StatueConstructAnimated ObjectLawful NeutralAdamantine
ArcanalothEvil OutsiderYugolothNeutral EvilElectricity, FireAcid
LinkArcane OozeOozeArcane OozeTrue NeutralCold, Electricity, Fire, SonicAcid
LinkBearded DevilEvil OutsiderDevil (Bearded Devil)Lawful EvilAcid, ColdFireSilver or Good
LinkBezekiraEvil OutsiderDevil (Bezekira)Lawful EvilFireGood
LinkBlackbone SkeletonUndeadSkeletonNeutral EvilCold, FireBludgeon
LinkBladesworn WarforgedLiving ConstructWarforgedNeutral EvilNone or Adamantine
Link..Blight OozeOozeGray OozeTrue NeutralCold, Fire
Link..Blight TroglodyteReptilianTroglodyteChaotic EvilCold, Fire
LinkBralaniGood OutsiderEladrin (Bralani)Chaotic GoodCold, FireElectricityCold Iron or Evil
Link..Brimstone SkeletonUndeadSkeletonNeutral EvilAcid, ColdBludgeon
Link..Brimstone ZombieUndeadZombieNeutral EvilAcidSlash
LinkCacodemonEvil OutsiderDemon (Cacodemon)Chaotic EvilAcid, Cold, FireGood
CinderspawnUndeadFire ElementalChaotic EvilColdFireDR/-
Cinderspawn (Greater)UndeadFire ElementalChaotic EvilColdFireDR/-
LinkClay GolemConstructGolem (Clay Golem)True NeutralAlignment, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Force, Light, SonicAcidAdamantine + Bludgeon
Link..Corrupted Fire ElementalFire ElementalFire ElementalNeutral EvilColdFireDR/-
LinkCrimson Foot SpiderMagical BeastArachnidTrue NeutralElectricityAcidPierce
DaelkyrEvil OutsiderDaelkyrChaotic EvilByeshk + Lawful
LinkDevourer of DreamsEvil OutsiderQuori (Cinderspawn)Lawful EvilAcid, Cold, FireCrystal + Good
LinkDjinnChaotic OutsiderDjinnChaotic NeutralAcid
LinkDoomsphereUndeadBeholdervariesFireCold, Electricity
LinkDream CrawlerEvil OutsiderQuori (Phase Spider)Lawful EvilAcid, Cold, Fire
LinkDream ReaverAberrationDream ReaverLawful EvilAcid, Cold, Fire, Sonic
LinkDream Scourge (Green)Evil OutsiderQuori (Shadow)Lawful EvilElectricityCold, FireAcidGood
LinkDream Scourge (Red)Evil OutsiderQuori (Shadow)Lawful EvilColdAcid, ElectricityFireGood
LinkDream Scourge (White)Evil OutsiderQuori (Shadow)Lawful EvilFireAcid, ElectricityColdGood
LinkDream StealerEvil OutsiderQuori (Wraith)Lawful EvilAcid, Cold, FireCrystal or Good
LinkDrowned ZombieUndeadZombieNeutral EvilCold, ElectricityFireSlash
LinkEarth ElementalEarth ElementalEarth ElementalTrue NeutralDR/-
LinkEfreetiEvil OutsiderEfreetLawful EvilColdFire
Link..Entombed ZombieUndeadZombieNeutral EvilColdSlash
Link..Eternal SkeletonUndeadSkeletonNeutral EvilElectricity, FireColdBludgeon
LinkFen CatMagical BeastRazor CatTrue NeutralAcidBludgeon
Link..Fiendish BatMagical BeastBatNeutral EvilCold, Fire
Link..Fiendish GnollGnollGnollChaotic EvilCold, Fire
LinkFiendish LionMagical BeastLionNeutral EvilCold, Fire
LinkFiendish ScorpionMagical BeastFiendish ScorpionNeutral EvilCold, Fire
Fiendish SpiderMagical BeastFiendish SpiderNeutral EvilCold, Fire
LinkFiendish TroglodyteReptilianTroglodyteChaotic EvilCold, Fire
Link..Fiendish TrollGiantTrollChaotic EvilAcidCold, Fire
Link..Fire BatMagical BeastBatNeutral EvilColdFire
LinkFire ElementalFire ElementalFire ElementalTrue NeutralColdFireDR/-
LinkFire GiantGiantGiant (Fire Giant)Lawful EvilColdFire
Link..Fire Hardened Earth ElementalEarth ElementalEarth ElementalTrue NeutralFireDR/-
LinkFire MephitFire OutsiderMephitTrue NeutralColdFire
LinkFire ReaverEvil OutsiderDemon (Fire Reaver)Chaotic EvilColdAcidFireCold Iron + Good
LinkFirebrand GnollGnollGnollChaotic EvilFire
LinkFlesh GolemConstructGolem (Flesh Golem)True NeutralAcid, Alignment, Cold, Fire, Force, Light, SonicElectricityAdamantine
LinkFlesh RenderEvil OutsiderDemon (Flesh Render)Chaotic EvilAcid, Cold, FireCold Iron + Good
LinkFrost BeholderAberrationBeholder (Chaos)Lawful EvilFireCold
LinkFrost GiantGiantGiant (Frost Giant)Chaotic/Neutral EvilFireCold
Link..Frostmarrow SkeletonUndeadSkeletonNeutral EvilFireColdBludgeon
LinkGelatinous CubeOozeGelatinous CubeTrue NeutralElectricity
LinkGhaeleGood OutsiderEladrin (Ghaele)Chaotic GoodCold, FireElectricityCold Iron + Evil
LinkGhostly SkeletonUndeadSkeletonNeutral EvilColdGood
LinkGiant SkeletonUndeadSkeleton (Giant)Neutral EvilColdBludgeon
LinkGranite GargoyleMonstrous HumanoidGargoyleChaotic EvilAdamantine
LinkGray OozeOozeGray OozeTrue NeutralCold, Fire
Link..Greater Clay GolemConstructGolem (Clay Golem)True NeutralAlignment, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Force, Light, SonicAcidAdamantine
Green HagEvil OutsiderHagNeutral EvilAcid, Electricity, Fire
LinkHell HoundEvil OutsiderHellhoundLawful EvilColdFire
LinkHezrouEvil OutsiderDemon (Hezrou)Chaotic EvilCold, FireElectricityGood
Horned DevilEvil OutsiderDevil (Horned Devil)Lawful EvilAcid, ColdFireSilver + Good
LinkIce FlenserEvil OutsiderDemon (Ice Flenser)Chaotic EvilFireAcidColdCold Iron + Good
LinkIce MephitAir OutsiderMephitTrue NeutralFireCold
LinkIce SpiderVerminArachnidTrue NeutralFireCold
Link..Infernal MephitFire OutsiderMephitNeutral EvilColdFire
LinkIron GolemConstructGolem (Iron Golem)True NeutralAcid, Alignment, Cold, Electricity, Force, Light, SonicFireAdamantine
LinkJarilithEvil OutsiderDemon (Jarilith)Chaotic EvilCold, FireElectricityCold Iron
Lantern ArchonGood OutsiderEladrin (Ghaele)Chaotic GoodCold, FireElectricityCold Iron + Evil
LinkLava MephitFire OutsiderMephitTrue NeutralColdFire
LinkLichUndeadLichNeutral EvilFireCold, ElectricityBludgeon
LinkLich (Greater)UndeadLichLawful/Neutral EvilCold, ElectricityBludgeon
Link..Lightning Iron GolemConstructGolem (Iron Golem)True NeutralAcid, Alignment, Cold, Force, Light, SonicElectricityFireAdamantine
Link..Living Chained LightningOozeSpellTrue NeutralElectricity
Link..Living Delayed Blast FireballOozeSpellTrue NeutralColdFire
Link..Living FirestormOozeSpellTrue NeutralColdFire
Link..Living MeteorswarmOozeSpellTrue NeutralColdFire
LinkMagefire CannonConstructAnimated ObjectTrue NeutralAcid, Cold, Fire
LinkMarilithEvil OutsiderDemon (Marilith)Chaotic EvilCold, FireElectricityCold Iron + Good
LinkMarutConstructInevitableLawful NeutralvariesChaotic
LinkMenechtarun HyenaAnimalHyenaTrue NeutralCold, Fire
Menechtarun ScorpionVerminScorpionTrue NeutralFire, Sonic
LinkMind FlayerAberrationMind FlayerLawful EvilByeshk
Monastery DrowElfDrow ElfLawful/Neutral EvilFire
Link..Mountain GnollGnollGnollChaotic EvilFire
LinkMudmanEarth ElementalMuckmanTrue NeutralFire
LinkMummyUndeadMummyLawful EvilFireDR/-
LinkMummy (Greater)UndeadMummyLawful EvilFireDR/-
Night HagEvil OutsiderHagNeutral EvilCold, FireCold Iron
LinkOchre JellyOozeOchre JellyTrue NeutralElectricity
LinkOrthonEvil OutsiderDevil (Orthon)Lawful EvilAcid, ColdFireSilver or Good
Link..Paragon KoboldReptilianKobold (Paragon)Lawful EvilEpic
LinkPit FiendEvil OutsiderDevil (Pit Fiend)Lawful EvilAcid, ColdFireSilver + Good
LinkPlanar GatewayConstructInanimate ObjectLawful EvilAllDR/-
LinkPyrodemonEvil OutsiderDemon (Pyrodemon)Chaotic EvilColdAcidFireGood
Quorforged Iron GolemConstructGolem (Iron Golem)Neutral EvilAdamantine
LinkRakshasaEvil OutsiderRakshasaLawful EvilPierce + Good
LinkRazor CatMagical BeastRazor CatTrue NeutralColdBludgeon
LinkScragGiantTrollChaotic EvilAcid, Fire
Link..Shambling ZombieUndeadZombieNeutral EvilAcidSlash
LinkSkeletonUndeadSkeletonNeutral EvilColdBludgeon
LinkStone GolemConstructGolem (Stone Golem)True NeutralAllAdamantine
LinkStone GuardianGiantGiantChaotic EvilAllAdamantine
LinkStone ScorpionConstructGolem (Stone Scorpion)True NeutralAll
LinkStorm GiantGiantGiant (Storm Giant)Lawful Evil/NeutralElectricityvaries
LinkSuccubusEvil OutsiderDevil (Succubus)Lawful EvilAcid, ColdFireCold Iron or Good
Sulatar DrowElfDrow ElfNeutral EvilFire
LinkSummoned Fire ElementalFire ElementalFire ElementalTrue NeutralColdFireDR/-needs verification
Superior Sentinel GuardianConstructAnimated ObjectTrue NeutralForceCold, Fire, SonicAcid, Electricity
LinkThaarak HoundEvil OutsiderHellhoundChaotic EvilCold, FireAcidLawful
LinkTieflingNative OutsiderTieflingLawful EvilElectricity, Fire
LinkTrollGiantTrollChaotic EvilAcid, Fire
LinkVampireUndeadVampireChaotic EvilLightCold, ElectricitySilver
LinkVampire (Greater)UndeadVampireChaotic/Lawful EvilLightCold, Fire, ElectricitySilver
LinkVine StalkerPlantVine StalkerTrue NeutralElectricity
Link..Vinetrasher WildmanMonstrous HumanoidWildmanChaotic NeutralElectricity, Fire
Warforged (generic)Living ConstructWarforgedvariesNone or Adamantine
Link..Warforged TitanConstructWarforged TitanTrue NeutralAllAdamantine
LinkWatcher ConstructConstructAnimated ObjectTrue NeutralForceCold, Sonic
LinkWater ElementalWater ElementalWater ElementalTrue NeutralDR/-
LinkWheepUndeadWheepLawful EvilPierce
LinkWildmanMonstrous HumanoidWildmanChaotic EvilElectricity, Fire
LinkWill-o'-WispAberrationWill o' WispChaotic EvilForceCold, Fire, SonicAcid, Electricity
LinkWindlasher GnollGnollGnollChaotic EvilElectricity
LinkWinter WolfMagical BeastWolfNeutral EvilFireCold
Link..Worg SentinelMagical BeastWolfNeutral EvilCold, Electricity
Xorian FlenserEvil OutsiderDemon (Xorian Flenser)Chaotic EvilFireAcidColdByeshk
Xorian ReaverEvil OutsiderDemon (Xorian Reaver)Chaotic EvilColdAcidFireByeshk
LinkXorian RenderEvil OutsiderDemon (Xorian Render)Chaotic EvilAcid, Cold, FireByeshk
LinkZombieUndeadZombieNeutral EvilSlash

Vampires are weak to Light damage.
Will-o'-Wisps are weak to Force damage.
Beholders of 'Beholder (Chaos)' race don't have an anti-magic cone.
Watcher Constructs and Superior Sentinel Guardians are weak to Force damage.
All Golems have magic immunity (50% spell absorption for all energy damage types including alignment, force and light damage) with Quorforged Iron Golems being the only exception.

The following monsters have DR/Magic:

  • Dragons
  • Fiendish monsters
    • Fiendish Bats
    • Fiendish Gnolls
    • Fiendish Lions
    • Fiendish Troglodytes
    • Fiendish Trolls
      • Exception: Fiendish Scorpions and Fiendish Spiders don't have DR/Magic.
  • Gargoyles
  • Granite Gargoyles
  • Mephits
  • Undead (some)
    • Liches
    • Incorporeal Undead (all)
      • Quells
      • Shadows
      • Spectres
      • Umbral Gargoyles
      • Umbral Worgs
      • Wheeps
      • Wraiths

See also[edit]

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