Dmg Pg 172

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This recognises Ben’s responsibilities coordinating one of the largest sales team in the Richmond location. Ben also significantly contributes to the coaching and development of less-experiences contractors working with DMG. Looking for a fresh direction and more progression opportunities, Mitch moved to Melbourne and began working as a contractor within the industry in quarter one of 2018. Originally growing up in NSW, Mitch spent the first couple of years of his career working in the mining industry. Dmg company. His consistency and dedication has been rewarded with several advancements within the business.

  1. 2 Improvised Weapons


Some weapons that have been removed or replaced by current Pathfinder Rules. See Removed Material for more details.
Exotic Weapons
Light WeaponsCostDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecialSource
Alchemy Blade310 gp1d41d619-20 / x2-2 lbsPSee TextMoE, pg. 137
Gauntlet, Scorpion Claw40 gp1d41d6x2-6 lbsPSee TextSoX, pg. 137
Long Knife, Drow15 gp1d41d619-20 / x210'2 lbsP-RoE, 171
One-Handed WeaponsCostDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecialSource
Ribbonweave Staff70 gp1d61d819-20 / x2-3 lbsSSee TextRoE, 172
Spear Spikard200 gp1d41d6x220'3 lbsPSee TextMoE, pg. 137
Two-Handed WeaponsCostDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecialSource
Scimitar, Valenar Double125 gp1d4 / 1d41d6 / 1d618-20 / x2-15 lbsSDoubleECB, pg. 119
Scorpion Chain, Drow25 gp1d41d619-20 / x2-12 lbsSDisarm, Reach, TripRoE, 172
Sharrash, Talenta18 gp1d81d1019-20 / x4-10 lbsSReach, TripECB, pg. 119
Tangat, Talenta40 gp1d81d1018-20 / x2-8 lbsS-ECB, pg. 119
War Spikard350 gp1d61d8x2-9 lbsB (and P)See TextMoE, pg. 138
Zulaat80 gp1d6 / 1d62d4 / 2d4x3-12 lbsSDouble, ReachSoS, pg. 136
Ranged WeaponsCostDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecialSource
Sand Pipe15 gp----1 lbs-See TextSoX, pg. 137
Sand, Blinding
50 gp----1/2 lbsSee TextSee TextSoX, pg. 137
Sand, Burning
50 gp----1/2 lbsSee TextSee TextSoX, pg. 137
Sand, sunscald
50 gp----1/2 lbsSee TextSee TextSoX, pg. 138
Alchemy Blade:
This short sword is intentional hollow, from pommel to the groves along the blade. The pommel can be removed, allowing the contents of one splash weapon (alchemist fire, acid, holy water, etc) to be feed into the tube within the grip. Doing so is a standard action that provokes. While it can be wielded as a short sword and qualifies as such for feats and other abilities, it requires the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to use it the way it was intended. So long as the Alchemy Blade is filled with one splash weapon, a successful hit also delivers the contents of the splash weapon to the target. No other creatures are affected by this splash weapon and if the Alchemy Blade confirms a critical hit, the splash weapon damage is not doubled. Once the splash weapon has been delivered, the Alchemy Blade must be refilled to be used again. If an Alchemy Blade gains the broken condition, any splash weapon stored inside is lost. Crafting an Alchemy Blade requires a single Craft (alchemy) check, DC 20, in addition to the normal crafting checks.
Gauntlet, Scorpion Claw:
This gauntlet are made from the pincers of adolescent giant scorpions. Because of the serration of the chitin used, if someone wields two (or more) scorpion claw gauntlets, the weapons provide a total +2 circumstance bonus to CMB and CMD concerning grapple checks.
Long Knife, Drow:
As long as a short sword, but balanced for dagger-like throwing, the drow long knife is a common back-up weapon for the drow of Xen'drik.
Sand Pipe:
This tube is typically made of metal or bone, is about 2 feet long and hollow. As a standard action, it can be blown into to generate a 15 foot cone to deliver a single dose of sand. Avoiding the effect of the cone requires a Reflex save equal to 10 + 1/2 the wielder's Hit Dice + his Dexterity modifier. A sand pipe only requires one hand to wield, but two hands and a standard action that provokes to reload it.
Sand, Blinding:
Blinding sand is just regular sand, although preferably the fine granular sand of the desert and not that of a beach. Those that are affected by blinding sand from a sand pipe are blinded for 1d6 rounds.
Sand, Burning:
Burning sand is alchemically treated sand, usually green. It is made from dried flakes of alchemist fire. Those that are affected by burning sand take 1d6 points of fire damage and have caught on fire. The Craft (alchemy) DC for burning sand is DC 20.
Sand, Sunscald:
Sunscald sand is usually blue and is an incredible dehydrator. Those affected by sunscald are at a -4 to saves to resist extreme heat or sunlight for the following 24 hours or until they are immersed in fresh water. Those that would actually take non-lethal damage from extreme heat or sunlight while affected by sunscald sand find that the damage is lethal instead. The Craft (alchemy) DC for sunscald sand is DC 25.
Ribbonweave Staff:
A favored among changelings and other masters of deception, the ribbonweave staff looks like a normal walking cane, similar to a sword cane. While 'sheathed', a Perception check, DC 20, is needed to notice it. When the wielder is about to release it, the DC drops to 10. The handle and the base of the cane are actually attached by a length of sharpened chain links, making the weapon good of slashing or strangling.
Scimitar, Valenar Double:
The Valenar double scimitar is used almost exclusively by the elven riders of Valenar. Comprised by two scimitars bound pommel to pommel, the blade looks much like a crescent moon. Easily wielded from horseback, they are even more deadly when used on foot as part of a whirling dance. Feats that apply to the scimitar also apply to the Valenar double scimitar. Elves with Valenar as their region of origin treat the Valenar double scimitar as a martial weapon and a traditional elven weapon.
Scorpion Chain, Drow:
A longer, lighter version of the spiked chain that is used primarily by drow warriors of Xen'drik. Like a spiked chain, it is apt in disarming or tripping opponents, but it has a longer reach. The ends of the chain are fixed with a weight dagger that is often poisoned and allows for the wielder to strike at both adjacent foes and those within reach equally well. Drow scorpion chains can be used with Weapon Finesse. Drow with Xen'Drik as their region of origin treat the Drow Scorpion Chain as a martial weapon.
Sharrash, Talenta:
Used primarily while mounted, the Talenta Sharrash is a scythe-like pole-arm meant to trip and cripple enemies the halflings run down on the backs of dinosaurs. However, sharrashes do have one design flaw. When used on foot, the lack of an anchor on the mount's saddle tends to leave the Sharrash stuck in the flesh of the enemy. If you confirm a critical hit while on foot, the opponent (if still alive) gets a free disarm attempt that does not provoke to take the sharrash out of your hands. Halflings with the Talenta Plains as their region of origin treat the Talenta Sharrash as a martial weapon.
Spear Spikard:
This device looks like a hybrid of a short spear and a light crossbow. While it is wielded like a short spear and qualifies as such for feats and other abilities, it requires the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to use it the way it was intended. The crossbow mechanism is loaded like a light crossbow, typically a move action, but Rapid Reload for crossbows would apply here too. If it is loaded and wielded by someone with the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat, the bolt automatically fires and hits on a successful melee hit, dealing an extra 1d4 points of piercing for Small and 1d6 for Medium. The bolt cannot be fired if the Spear Spikard is thrown, nor can it be fired separately from the melee attack. If the Spear Spikard confirms a critical hit, the damage from the bolt is not doubled. Once it has fired, the crossbow mechanism must be reloaded to gain this benefit again. The crossbow mechanism uses standard light crossbow bolts. The Craft DC for this weapon is 20.

The Talenta Tangat is the battle sword of choice of halfling warriors. It has the mass to provide heavy swings without getting stuck while weighted properly to be used on foot or mounted. Halflings with the Talenta Plains as their region of origin treat the Talenta Tangat as a martial weapon.
War Spikard:
This massive two-handed warhammer has been designed with a heavy crossbow mechanism inside the head. The crossbow mechanism reloads like a heavy crossbow, typically a standard action, but Rapid Reload for crossbows would apply here too. If it is loaded, the bolt automatically fires and hits on a successful melee hit, dealing an extra 1d6 points of piercing for Small and 1d8 for Medium. The bolt cannot be fired separately from the melee attack. If the War Spikared confirms a critical hit, the damage from the bolt is not doubled. Once it has fired, the cross mechanism must be reloaded to gain this benefit again. The crossbow mechanism uses standard heavy crossbow bolts. The Craft DC for this weapon is 20.
A double ended glaive, typically only found in the hands of the Reidran military. It is made of strong, light wood and two curved edges. Wielding this weapon typically requires two hands, but having proficiency in this weapon also covers knowing how to wield in one hand, underhanded and behind the back for leverage, and still threaten the squares immediately around you (temporarily giving up the reach quality). Going between two handed, one handed and back again requires a swift action, however.

Improvised Weapons

In order to use an improvised weapon, it must weigh less than half the attacker's light load weight. Two-handed improvised weapons cannot weigh more than the attacker's heavy load weight. Improvised weapons cannot be masterwork and thus cannot be enchanted. Below is a list of improvised weapons as well as some new special qualities for them. As a general rule, improvised weapons do not have a cost because no one is going to carry them intentionally into battle. Also see using creatures as weapons in Combat Options.
Improvised Weapons
Light WeaponsDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecial
Bottle1d31d4x210'.1 lbsBBreak, Full
Mug1d41d6x210'.1 lbsBBreak
Oil Lamp (lit)1d41d6x210'1 lbsBBreak, Fire
Plate1d31d4x220'.1 lbsBBreak
Utensil / Writing Pen1d21d319-20 / x210'-P-
One-Handed WeaponsDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecial
Block and Tackle1d61d8x25'20 lbsBTrip
Book1d31d4x210'5 lbsB-
Book, Heavy1d41d6x25'20 lbsP-
Bucket1d31d4x25'5 lbsBFull
Frying Pan1d41d6x25'10 lbsBFull
Manacles1d41d6x210'5 lbsB-
Saw Blade1d61d819-20 / x2-2 lbsS-
Stool1d61d8x25'5 lbsBBreak
Tool1d41d6x210'1 lbsB or P-
Umbrella1d41d6x2-1 lbsB or PDistraction
Two-Handed WeaponsDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRangeWeightTypeSpecial
Anchor & Chain1d102d6x2-150 lbsBReach
Barrel1d61d8x25'100 lbsBBreak, Full
Chair1d61d8x2-10 lbsBBreak
Door, Light1d61d8x2--BBreak, Fixed
Door, Heavy1d81d10x2--BBreak, Fixed
Oar1d81d10x2-20 lbsBReach
Rug / Tapestry---5'5 lbs-Fabric
Shovel1d61d8x2-5 lbsB and S-
Table1d81d10x2-100 lbsBBreak

New Weapon Qualities

Break: The weapon automatically receives the broken condition when it successfully confirms a critical hit. If it already has the broken condition when it successfully confirms a critical hit, the weapon is destroyed after the damage is dealt.
Distraction: By readying a standard action in response to someone else's attack against you, you gain 20% concealment for that one attack. You cannot ready this type of action more than once per round.
Fabric: Weapons with the fabric quality act exactly the same as a net, with the additional benefit of blinding the target while he is entangled.
Fire: The weapon will catch someone on fire with a successful hit in addition to the damage dealt, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage per round. This is non-magical fire and can be extinguished normally.
Fixed: The weapon is fixed a single point in space via a hinge. Thus it can only be used to threaten a fixed number of squares.
Full: The weapon can, and usually is, used to contain something that might be immediately dangerous. If it is 'full', then on a successful hit, it empties its contents onto the target. If the attack is unsuccessful, then the contents are emptied into a square adjacent to the target. The cost of this material is separate from the weapon. The qualities of this material can vary, but examples include:
  • Acid or fire damage from acids, alchemical liquids, burnish ash, hot oil or boiling water. Light weapons usually deal 1d4 to 1d6. One-handed weapons usually deal 1d6 to 2d6, whle two-handed weapons could deal between 5d6 to 20d6 for complete immersion.
  • Fortitude save, DC 15, or become nauseated for 1 round from trash or filth
  • Acrobatics check, DC 15, or fall prone from grease or marbles
  • The target is immediately extinguished from being on fire from water
  • -5' to the target's movement and -2 to CMB, CMD and Acrobatics checks from something sticky, like glue or tar. The target must spend a full-round action that provokes to scrap it off.

Dmg Pg 172 2017

  1. Part 172 1 Published by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Papua New Guinea CIVIL AVIATION SAFETY AUTHORITY OF PNG PNG Civil Aviation Rule Part 172 Air Traffic Service Organisations- Certification and Operation Applicable 13 November 2018. Part 172 2 PNG Civil Aviation Rules.
  2. Index of Magic Items by Category The missing index from the Dungeon Master's Guide for 5e This index contains the magic items from the Dungeon Master's Guide grouped according to their category.

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Flexibility through spindle versions

  • Vertical spindle with 20,000 rpm
  • 45° head and 90° head for 5-axes machining up to 30,000 rpm
  • Ready for new technologies like Ultrasonic, Laser or machining of carbon material

Working area concept

  • Fixed table 2,250 x 2,000 mm with 10,000 kg loading capacity
  • T-slots across the table for easy chip removal
  • Chip conveyors on both sides of the table

Low Gantry Design

Dmg Pg 172 3

  • 50 m/min rapid traverse
  • Best visibility into the working area through missing side walls
  • Maximum utilisation of the working area