Dn Crit Dmg


Calculating Melee DMG

  1. Dn Crit Dmg 1
  2. Dragon Nest Crit Damage
  3. Dn Crit Dmg Build
  4. Dn Crit Dmg Download
  5. Dn Crit Dmg 2017

Feb 01, 2019  Status in town ATK: 5,4m Crit rate: 88% Crit Dmg: 300% Ele: 79% FD: 100% Thankyou for subscribing.

  1. DN KR 12th Mar update Change in Critical Mechanics. current: constant 200% crit dmg for PVE; 150% for PVP. new: critical damage grows with STR and INT; PVE 200300%, PVP 150200% Additional Info on Critical Damage stats.
  2. I truly think critical damage runes and critical damage in general looking at items is the way an attack damage character can be a 'burst' damage guy It is fairly easy with relative low gold to reach 70% or higher crit chance. Generally along with getting that high, the most common items are phantom dancer and IE and executioner's calling.
  3. You shouldnt seperate those two. Best stats depends of class tou are playing and your preformances but usually you should have crit dmg above 270% i crit hit rate at least 2000. Dmg is very important too but I now some players that are playing on crit rate and when they make crritical hit it is almoast every time one shot kill.
  4. Feb 06, 2018  1000 base dmg x2.2 crit.dmg (since 20% crit dmg would be.2 I think) = 2200. So according to my simple as fuck formula (since I'm a pleb at math) atk is slightly better. Do please correct me if I'm being an idiot. PS: Keep in mind that this formula assumes you have to choose between an EQUAL AMOUNT of atk% bonus or crit.dmg%.

Melee DMG = floor( (Weapon Base DMG + fSTR) × pDIF × Randomizer )
where Randomizer is a random number between 1.00 and 1.05.

Example #1: Melee Hits

Dn Crit Dmg

Base stats: STR = 313 (111+202)
Weapon DMG: 144 (121+23)
mobDEF = 3 (as an estimate)
mobVIT = 7 (as an estimate)
ATT = 867
cRatio = 2.25
( clamp( 2.25 + 4.45, 0 , 2.25 ) )
cRatioMax = 2.625 ( cRatioMax = cRatio + 0.375f; )
cRatioMin = 1.83 ( cRatioMin = cRatio × (1176 / 1024) – (775 / 1024) )
pDIF = 2.625 ( pDIF = Rand(cRatioMin, cRatioMax) ) let’s say I got really lucky
fSTR =77 ( floor( (313-7 +4)/4 ) )

Let’s now calculate for melee non-crits:

min Melee DMG = floor ( (144 + 77) × 1.83 × 1.0 ) = 404
max Melee DMG = floor ( ( 144 + 77 ) × 2.625 × 1.05 ) = 609

All non-crit hits will land between 404 and 609 damage

Let’s now calculate for melee crits:

The only thing that changes from critting is cRatio, which we shall now re-calculate.

Crit DMG Increase = 39
pDIF = 3.4125 (Rand(cRatioMin, cRatioMax) × (100 + Crit DMG Increase )/100 )

min Crit Melee DMG = floor ( (144 + 77) × 1.83 × 1.39 × 1.0 ) = 562
max Crit Melee DMG = floor ( (144 + 77) × 2.625 × 1.39 × 1.05 ) = 806

All crit hits will land between 562 and 806 damage

Note: This all hinges on the exact values of mobDEF, mobVIT, and mobLevel.

On a more serious note, crits are incorrectly calculated on DSP, based on lines 2352 to 2357
On retail, non-crit cRatio cap is indeed 2.25, however, after for crits, cRatio cap is raised to 3.25 to allow for recalculations of cRatioMax and cRatioMin.

To demonstrate, we’ll need to recalculate cRatioMax

where for cRatio = 3.25, cRatioMax = 3

and cRatioMin = 2.625. If corrections are made:

Crit DMG Increase = 39
pDIF = 4.17 (Rand(cRatioMin, cRatioMax) × (100 + Crit DMG Increase )/100 )

min Crit Melee DMG = floor ( (144 + 77) × 3.64875 × 1.0 ) = 806
max Crit Melee DMG = floor ( (144 + 77) × 4.17 × 1.05 ) = 967

All crit hits will land between 806 and 967 damage (corrected)

Still waiting for fix as of 2/1/2019 (Yuna).

Calculating Weaponskill DMG

This will be a massive assembly of information required to calculate the Weaponskill DMG. Try not feel overwhelmed or confused, as I will calculate an example at the end, using all the information listed.

To calculate the weaponskill damage, you’ll first need the formula DSP uses:
(I will not go into detail regarding ranged WS dmg since it’s relatively the same)

Melee WS Base DMG = floor( (Weapon Base DMG + fSTR + WSC) × fTP )
Ranged WS Base DMG = floor( (Weapon DMG + Ammo DMG + fSTR2 + WSC) × fTP )
WS DMG = WS Base DMG × pDIF × Randomizer

Dn Crit Dmg 1

*** DSP still uses alpha

Weapon Base DMG + fSTR + WSC, which still retains alpha

Melee cRatio Cap = 2.25

Total Crit = nativecrit + crit rate equip & augments + crit merits + weaponskill bonus

levelcor=0.05 × (Monster’s level Player’s Level)
levelcor = 0 if monster equal to or lower than the player’s level
ATT/DEF ratio = (Player’s ATT × WS ATT Multiplier) / (Monster’s DEF – ignoredDef)
cRatio = ATT/DEF ratio – levelcor
pDIFmin & max
are calculated from above
pdif[1] = pdifmin
pdif[2] = pdifmax
if crit, cRatio +1 but capped at 3.
CritBonus capped at 100%
pdifcrit[1]: min = 0, max = 5.25
pdifcrit[2]: min = 0, max = 6.75

Alpha is still being used and based on the player’s level. Between level 76 and 98,
alpha = 0.85 but at level 99, alpha = 1.0

QA/TA/DA can only proc on the first hit of each weapon

Attack Priority: Quad>Triple>Double>Mythic Triple>Mythic Double

Generate the randomizer, a number between 1.00 and 1.05 to multiply with.


Elemental gorgets and belts, including fotia, are accounted for

The first hit of the calculations are as such:

The calculations for the dual wield offhand or the second fist from H2H are as such:

As usual, the first hit is the most important hit, especially for multihit fTP

Account for souleater and WS DMG mods/augments

The last and probably the most important line, to calculate everything, where WEAPON_SKILL_POWER = 1 on Valhalla

Dragon Nest Crit Damage

Example #2: Resolution

Base stats: STR = 313 (111+202)
ATT = 867
mobDEF = 3 (as an estimate)
mobVIT = 7 (as an estimate)
WS DMG: 36

fSTR = 155 ((313-7+4)/2) assuming the Rabbit has 8 VIT as THF/THF
Weapon DMG: 144 (121+23)
WSC = 186 (313×0.7×0.85)
fTP = 4.45 (4.25+0.1+0.1)
cRatioMin = 1.83 (2.25×1176/1024-775/1024)
cRatioMax = 2.625 (2.25+0.375) since Resolution cannot crit
pDIF = rand(cRatioMin,cRatioMax) … let’s say 3.0 to give us the best luck

That’s about when I recalled recently changing all my passwords. For whatever reason, I’d forgotten what I changed the password to. Decrypt dmg file without key. I’m running out of ideas of what that problem could be. Oh, no!Credit:Think positive, think optimistic. A few moment laters, that’s when it hit me, like really hit me.

Resolution Base DMG = floor( (Weapon Base DMG + fSTR + WSC) × fTP )
= floor( (144 + 155+ 186) × 4.45 ) = 2158

Resolution DMG = WS Base DMG × pDIF
= 2158 × 3.0 = 6474

Resolution final adjustments = Resolution DMG × WS DMG Augments × Randomizer
= 6474 × 1.36 × 1.05= 8837

The whole point of this exercise is to demonstrate that these numbers don’t come out of thin air. I believe I only understand 5% of what’s actually going on, and definitely have missed or haven’t accounted for other factors that may influence this calculation. However, I’m quite glad that my 1-hit Resolutions landed roughly in the same area of what I calculated. I challenge anyone to try doing this with a different WS and see if they have arrived, roughly, at what they calculated.

Small discoveries:

  • Crit is well accounted for in melee attack rounds, ranged attack rounds, melee WS’, and ranged WS’
  • SA is very well documented
  • TA is very well documented
  • DSP still follows the old WS formulas that require the use of alpha
  • dDEX cap = 40
  • monster cRatio = 4, whereas player cRatio cap = 2.25

Lastly, pDIF and cRatio were the most mysterious variables simply due to lack of references, even though they were well documented,

Last update: 1/31/2019


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This article is about the random event. For the video podcast, see It's Super Effective (podcast) → Related podcasts.

A critical hit (Japanese: 急所pressure point) is a (generally) random event that multiplies the damage of a damage-dealing move. When one occurs, the game will display the message 'A critical hit!' (Japanese: 急所に 当たった!Hit a pressure point!) after the damage is dealt.

  • 1In Generation I
    • 1.2Probability
  • 2Generation II onwards
    • 2.1Damage

In Generation I


When a move lands a critical hit, the attacker's level will be doubled during damage calculation, which approximately (but not quite) doubles the damage dealt. A rough formula for the damage multiplier is (2L+5)/(L+5) where L is the attacker's level; as a result, lower-leveled Pokémon have a smaller critical hit boost than higher-leveled Pokémon. For example, a level 5 Pokémon will inflict about 1.5× damage on a critical hit, while a level 20 Pokémon will inflict 1.8× and a level 95 Pokémon will inflict 1.95×.

Critical hits ignore all stat stage modifiers and the halved Attack from burn. This includes beneficial stat modifiers as well, making it possible for a critical hit to deal less damage than a non-critical hit if the attacker has at least doubled their Attack/Special or the target's Defense/Special is at least halved.


Whether a move scores a critical hit is determined by comparing a 1-byte random number (0 to 255) against a 1-byte threshold value (also 0 to 255); if the random number is less than the threshold, the Pokémon scores a critical hit. If the threshold value is T, then this means the probability (P) of scoring a critical hit is P = T / 256. (It is impossible for a critical hit to be guaranteed; there will always be at least a 1/256 chance that a critical hit will not be scored.)

The value of T is based on a Pokémon's baseSpeed. For a normal move, T is half the base Speed:

T = BaseSpeed / 2 or P = BaseSpeed / 512

Due to a bug, Focus Energy and Dire Hit lower a Pokémon's chance of scoring a critical hit instead of raising it, dividing T by 4:

TFE = BaseSpeed / 8 or PFE = BaseSpeed / 2048

If the move being used has a high critical-hit ratio (Crabhammer, Karate Chop, Razor Leaf, or Slash), T is multiplied by 8:

THighCHR = BaseSpeed * 4 or PHighCHR = BaseSpeed / 64

Both effects may also be active at the same time. This would result in:

TFE+HighCHR = BaseSpeed or PFE+HighCHR = BaseSpeed / 256

At all times, the maximum value for T is 255 (which equally means the maximum value for P is 255/256). All operations that factor into T are also integer operations (meaning divisions are rounded down to the nearest whole number). (Note that the division in P = T / 256 is not rounded.) Due to the process the game uses to compute T, BaseSpeed is also effectively rounded down to the nearest even number.

In Pokémon Stadium

In Pokémon Stadium, the threshold value T is determined by a different formula.

For a normal move, T is:

Dn Crit Dmg Build

T = ( BaseSpeed + 76 ) / 4 or P = ( BaseSpeed + 76 ) / 1024

Focus Energy is slightly more complicated than in the core games, but it does correctly raise the chance of a critical hit instead of lowering it:

TFE = ( BaseSpeed + 236 ) / 2 or PFE = ( BaseSpeed + 236 ) / 512

If the move being used has a high critical-hit ratio (Crabhammer, Karate Chop, Razor Leaf, or Slash), T is multiplied by 8:

THighCHR = ( BaseSpeed + 76 ) * 2 or PHighCHR = ( BaseSpeed + 76 ) / 128

If both effects are active at the same time, then:

TFE+HighCHR = ( BaseSpeed + 236 ) * 4 or PFE+HighCHR = ( BaseSpeed + 236 ) / 64

Since 236 * 4 is well beyond 255, any Pokémon will have a maximum chance to score a critical hit if both effects are active.

As with the core games, the maximum value for T is always 255 (or 255/256 for P) and any divisions that factor into T are rounded down to the nearest whole number. Due to the process the game uses to compute T, BaseSpeed is also effectively rounded down to the nearest multiple of 4.

Generation II onwards


In Generations II-V, a critical hit deals 2 times the damage a move would otherwise do. From Generation VI onwards, a critical hit deals 1.5 times a move's normal damage.

In Generation II, when a move scores a critical hit, all stat stage modifiers, the halved Attack from burn, and the defensive boosts from Light Screen and Reflect are ignored if the target's defending stat stage (Defense or Special Defense) is greater than or equal to the attacker's attacking stat stage (Attack or Special Attack). From Generation III onwards, when a move scores a critical hit, the attacker's negative stat stages, the defender's positive stat stages, and the defensive boosts from Light Screen, Reflect, and Aurora Veil are always ignored. However, the halved Attack from burn is no longer ignored.

  • If the attacker is using a physical move and is at +2 Attack stages while the target is at +1 Defense stage..
    • Gen II: a critical hit will not ignore either stat. (Damage with a critical hit will have an 8/3× modifier.)
    • Gen III-V: a critical hit will ignore the Defense boost. (Damage with a critical hit will have a 4× modifier.)
    • Gen VI+: a critical hit will ignore the Defense boost. (Damage with a critical hit will have a 3× modifier.)
  • If the attacker is using a physical move and is at -1 Attack stages while the target is at -2 Defense stage..
    • Gen II: a critical hit will not ignore either stat. (Damage with a critical hit will have a 2.64× modifier.)
    • Gen III-V: a critical hit will ignore the Attack drop. (Damage with a critical hit will have a 4× modifier.)
    • Gen VI+: a critical hit will ignore the Attack drop. (Damage with a critical hit will have a 3× modifier.)

Other factors

The Abilities Battle Armor and Shell Armor and the effect of Lucky Chant will prevent any critical hit being scored on a Pokémon.

The moves Storm Throw and Frost Breath will always result in a critical hit (unless prevented by one of the above effects). The move Laser Focus guarantees the next move to score a critical hit.

If a Pokémon with the Sniper Ability gets a critical hit, the damage dealt will be multiplied by an additional factor of 1.5.

Pokémon with the Ability Merciless will always score critical hits on poisoned Pokémon (unless prevented by one of the above effects).


The probability of landing a critical hit is no longer based on the attacker's base Speed, but rather is based on a fixed formula for all Pokémon. Similar to stats, there are temporary in-battle stages used to determine the probability that a particular move will be a critical hit.

Stage Chance of critical hit
Gen II-V Gen VI Gen VII onwards
+0 1/16 (6.25%) 1/16 (6.25%) 1/24 (~4.167%)
+1 1/8 (12.5%) 1/8 (12.5%) 1/8 (12.5%)
+2 1/4 (25%) 1/2 (50%) 1/2 (50%)
+3 1/3 (~33.3%) Always (100%) Always (100%)
+4 and above 1/2 (50%)

If a Pokémon has maximum affection, the probability from above is multiplied by 2.[1]

An attacking move will start out at stage 0, but there are several ways to increase a move's stage as detailed in the table below. An effect cannot stack with another effect in the same column, including itself.

Change Attack property Held item Ability Triggered
+1 stageMoves with a high critical-hit ratio
(Gen II: +2 stages)
Razor Claw
Scope Lens
Super Luck
+2 stages10,000,000 Volt ThunderboltStick (for Farfetch'd only)
Lucky Punch (for Chansey only)
Focus Energy / Dire Hit
(Gen II: +1 stage)
Lansat Berry
Z-Foresight, Z-Sleep Talk, Z-Tailwind, Z-Acupressure, Z-Heart Swap
Dire Hit 2 (Wonder Launcher only)
+3 or more
Dire Hit 3 (Wonder Launcher only)

Note that it is possible for a Pokémon to acquire the effect of a Lansat Berry even if it is already holding another item, through the use of Baton Pass, Pluck, Bug Bite, or Fling; or by obtaining another item after consuming the Berry, such as via Thief or Symbiosis.

In other languages

ChineseCantonese 要害 Yiuhoih
Mandarin 要害 Yàohài
Coup critique
Brutto colpo
급소 Geupso
Golpe crítico
Критический урон Kriticheskiy uron
Spanish Golpe Directo
Golpe crítico (II - VII)
Ataque crítico (I)
Kritiskt slag
Đòn chí mạng

See also


Dn Crit Dmg Download

  1. 卡璞波波 on Twitter

This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.

Dn Crit Dmg 2017

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