Does Reaper Scythe Gain From Affliction Dmg

Does Reaper Scythe Gain From Affliction DmgHomeProfessionsNecromancer

It might not be true that is what the Herobrine does, but it is related to what Diamond Reaper has done before. Diamond Reaper has a weapon that resembles a Diamond Bladed Scythe, which is commonly described when talking about a Grim Reaper.

edited October 21, 2017 in Necromancer
  • The skill will make Death enter Reaper Form for a small duration, during which Death executes a swirling scythe attack. The attack does a considerable amount of damage and even if someone has managed to escape the attack, the enemy will be pushed back which gives Death a breathing space.
  • Grim Reaper's Scythe (3.5e Spell) As you complete the spell a giant scythe with a bloodly blade appears and strikes all within raidius. The spell damages all within a 20ft cone-shaped burst. You must make a touch attack versus each opponent to see if they were hit. If hit, the scythe deals 1d6/Level (10d6 Max) negative energy damage (Will Half).
  • Aug 24, 2012  The storm scythe gains immunity to cold damage and finally can gain resistance to electricity. Ice Shell: The storm scythe can have his shield active for rounds per day equal to his storm scythe class levels. Storm Reaper: At 20th level the storm scythe is the reaper of the storm.
  • (AGI) +(1,25 x Agi) Attack Damage when combo rank is 'Reaper' or higher (LUCK) Gain (2,5 x LUCK)% chance to not be staggered by attacks Accessories.

Power reaper does kitten DPS in group PvE content

Assumptions / Considerations:
* Power reaper DPS needs to be increased by a lot (50%+) to make them competitive with top DPS classes in raids
* Power reaper is innately tankier than other top DPS classes
* Simply increasing DPS by 50%+ across the board will make power reapers OP in other content
* Anet for some reason doesn't really like splitting balance between game modes

Rework Reaper's Onslaught to provide a ton of situational DPS at the cost of tankiness

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Does Reaper Scythe Gain From Affliction Dmg 4

  • Remove all existing effects of the trait
  • In reaper shroud, hitting a target damages you for a percentage of your max health
  • In reaper shroud, hitting a target damages your target for a percentage of their max health, in addition to the base damage
  • Damage percentage against target is determined by your power / precision / ferocity

Now this wouldn't really have an effect on low HP targets (open world mobs / other players / etc.) but will be a huge DPS increase against high HP targets (PvE bosses)

Now I don't play necro so I have no idea if this is a good idea or not, thoughts?

Does Reaper Scythe Gain From Affliction Dmg Build


  • edited October 21, 2017

    There are far better ways to make power reaper better than simply making Reaper's Onslaught even more overloaded than it currently is. Also reaper does not need to 'trade' for damage since power reaper (or rather power necro in general) is enormously underpowered in all game modes.

    What should happen
    1) The damage Executioner's Scythe does <50% should be made the baseline damage for the skill, and the damage Executioner's Scythe does <25% should become the new <50% base damage. This change is to make Executioner's Scythe a dps increase over shroud auto at all times.
    2) shroud #4 needs slightly more damage, or at least power scaling.
    3) Spite should have the amount of 'when target is below 50%' traits reduced. Seriously half the traitline doesn't do squat above 50%.
    4) our chill durations should be slightly increased (in PvE only if necessary) in order to insure Cold Shoulder uptime.
    5) Strength of Undeath should have it's multiplier changed to 'while in shroud' rather than 'when above 50% LF' We should not be penalized for using our. Strength of Undeath's damage modifier should also be increased. (10%?)

    @Altair.8402 said:

    • In reaper shroud, hitting a target damages your target for a percentage of their max health, in addition to the base damage

    There is no way you could ever balance that. Even if it was tenths of a percent it would be monstrously overpowered against a world boss which have millions of HP.

  • -Spite
    -Merge Reaper's Might with Siphoned Power
    -Remove Deaths Embrace.
    -Add a mesmer-like minor trait that make a good use of vulnerability
    and a minor trait/modified version of a very good trait to work vs targets with 25 vulnerability,
    further damage if under 50% hp (5% and 10% crit damage should be enough).

    -Blood Magic
    -Remove mark of evasion and change it to another trait: Bloodthirst
    -Bloodthirst: attacking ableeding target garants Bloodthirst, increasing your damage by 5%. 9s duration, no stack.
    -Remove Vampiric and make Vampiric Aura the new minor. Vampiric Aura is replaced with another trait: Nectomantic Blood
    -Necromantic Blood: while in a shroud your Vampiric Aura also share Bloodthirst. Increase the life force drain by 25%
    -Vampiric Rituals: in addition of the previous effects: while in a Dark Field Bloodthirst's modifier is doubled.

  • @Crinn.7864 said:
    There are far better ways to make power reaper better than simply making Reaper's Onslaught even more overloaded than it currently is. Also reaper does not need to 'trade' for damage since power reaper (or rather power necro in general) is enormously underpowered in all game modes.

    What should happen
    1) The damage Executioner's Scythe does <50% should be made the baseline damage for the skill, and the damage Executioner's Scythe does <25% should become the new <50% base damage. This change is to make Executioner's Scythe a dps increase over shroud auto at all times.
    2) shroud #4 needs slightly more damage, or at least power scaling.
    3) Spite should have the amount of 'when target is below 50%' traits reduced. Seriously half the traitline doesn't do squat above 50%.
    4) our chill durations should be slightly increased (in PvE only if necessary) in order to insure Cold Shoulder uptime.
    5) Strength of Undeath should have it's multiplier changed to 'while in shroud' rather than 'when above 50% LF' We should not be penalized for using our. Strength of Undeath's damage modifier should also be increased. (10%?)

    Download counter strike free for mac. @Altair.8402 said:

    • In reaper shroud, hitting a target damages your target for a percentage of their max health, in addition to the base damage

    There is no way you could ever balance that. Even if it was tenths of a percent it would be monstrously overpowered against a world boss which have millions of HP.

    You can balance it played classes that used similare %hp dmg mechanics in other games.. all you need is put a Cap on the maximum dmg it can do...
    and viola suddenly fine againts Bosses...

  • they should balance core necro so it will fit all elite specs
    and they shouldn't make elite specs for just 1 or 2 game modes
    i rather have them make every elite spec viable for every game mode just based on your choice of traits, utility and weapons.

    'make GS great again'

  • How about adding the old +2% damage per condition on foe trait back, but in a more appropriate traitline.

    'Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.'

  • edited October 22, 2017

    To increase DPS we have to give some of our tankiness and here is my suggestion:
    (New trait): While in shroud, your life force is drained at increased rate (20% at a time). You and your allies gain a stack of (Unique Boon) for each 20% life force spent this way (max 5 stacks), for 10 seconds.
    This unique boon increase power, condition damage and condition duration for 1% each stack.

    What do we achieve with this?
    -Increased dps, giving up survivability. So no one can complain about 'second hp bar'.
    -Desirable support for the team via a unique boon.
    -A reason to use our class mechanic instead of brainless GS#2 spam.
    -Something to keep track of.

  • edited October 22, 2017

    @vicious.5683 said:
    To increase DPS we have to give some of our tankiness and here is my suggestion:
    (New trait): While in shroud, your life force is drained at increased rate (20% at a time). You and your allies gain a stack of (Unique Boon) for each 20% life force spent this way (max 5 stacks), for 10 seconds.
    This unique boon increase power, condition damage and condition duration for 1% each stack.

    What do we achieve with this?
    -Increased dps, giving up survivability. So no one can complain about 'second hp bar'.
    -Desirable support for the team via a unique boon.
    -A reason to use our class mechanic instead of brainless GS#2 spam.
    -Something to keep track of.

    Reaper does NOT need to give up anything for dmg buffs.. especially not defense..
    the reason Necros are number 1 targets because Shroud is kitten as the ONLY defensive mechanic and because of this necros are super easy to reliably kill..

    if anything Necro needs another defensive in some form that we can use when shroud is on the super bad pathetic ridiculous 10 sec long CD...
    the Second health bar is ONLY and ONLY good on Paper...

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