Dota 2 Dmg Cost Efficient


DOTAFire & Defense of the Ancients Dota 2 is a multiplayer Action RTS game. It began as a user-made modification for Warcraft 3 and has grown into one of the most played online games in the world. I've been playing Dota for about 3 years now (with a good bit of the past year spent in Dota 2) and have been playing semi-competitively for a little over a year. I've been playing anti-mage extensively lately and he's honestly one of my favorite carries (and apparently the community's too based on his popularity). The most cost- and slot-efficient item for damage is Divine Rapier, but that has it's own unique drawbacks. Butterfly gives you a good mix of damage, attack speed and survivability vs. Because of the agility, its especially handy for illusion heroes. Daedalus is the best item for raw damage.


I usually get Daedalus after I pick up Desolator (or the situational Diffusal Blade), but I always feel that despite it being a luxury item, it doesnt synergize quite well to TA's design than previuosly thought.

Templar Assasin's damage output is applying huge chunks of damage at the least time possible, and though in theory increasing the output of a strike by 220% by a 25% chance is an ideal DPS booster, nevermind the 81 extra damage, it doesnt seem ideal to TA. She doesn't have the outstanding attack speed to maximize crit procs, and she is designed to kill heroes in 3-5 hits, so the chance of proccing crits seem dismal itself, given the chance how PRNG works.

I feel that Butterfly + Diffusal Blade is a better option. Or even stacking Butterflies. Stacking Agility is just very cost-efficient - armor and attack speed and damage all at the same time.

I think Daedalus would be cost efficient on items like Assault Cuirass or Hurricane Pike, but the problem is that the former is not really a good item to get, considering the power spike TA can achieve worth, and is best taken when catching up or of the game stretched beyond 40 minutes. The latter option is just so gimmicky to be honest.



SnY Desolator Daedalus Cuirass Vyse/BKB (you chose) and BoT is my build, i'd definitely get daedalus.

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Thanks for the excellent advise, based H^, godlike slark and drow player

It really helps!Subscribe for more great content:Share with your friends and add to your fav it really helps me out A LOT!! /wild-giga-base-dmg.html.


you dont want to stack agi u want to get attack speed and damage.

u need to kill people fast and try to hit multiple people with psiblades


Ok, my bad, 30% chance.

But still, it doesn't seem ideal, judging how psrudorandom number generation works


I'm a TA player and the best way to build her is not by high dmg or critical items.
Stick and aquila are necessary on TA, bottle of course.
Always go Power Treads always.
after you pick up your Desolator, get a blink and a Dragon Lance. from here you can build a bkb or you can finish your Dragon lance into a hurrican pike, after this get a moon shard, TA has a lack of attack speed and not dmg, you dont really need that much dmg on her. After your moon Shard you have a free opinion in items..
I tent to sell my deso and get a divane combines with a daedalus in some late game scenarios


Tokyo ghoul blue star guy, don't you think stacking agi is a good compromise between building raw damage and building raw attack speed?

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Thanks for the excellent advise, based H^, godlike slark and drow player

Are you 15? Probably are, looking at ur username.


Agree to robin,for me critical is nothing
For late better go for rapier,moonshsrd


Robin: My only issue is that you said damage items don't matter, because in truth, it does.

As for H^, given that I'm actually 15, does it completely dissolute all the logical points that I've presented in my original post? If so, why would you insist thpeople can have very different playstyles on a hero with a static design and still win?


if you really have an oppinion on TA op, ask @Waga,


You're 15, you're dumb and all you do is troll and talk about memes and shitz lelz no point having a conversation with a kid, it'll end up into a massive memes fest from his side anyways.


yeah i prefer hurricane pike and moonshard mostly.

i very rarely get butterfly.

Daedalus just give the potential to oneshot people with psiblades kinda like playing kunkka


I was watching at some Chinese players and they dont çonsistently buy Daedalus


generally good builds


@pogChamp: I didnt mean that.. what I meant was TA farms and snowballs really fast and till 30-40 minutes you should be good with the casual treds, blink, deso, hurican, bkb, but when it comes to late game and really really late game I think Divane is a way better choice with a moon shard.


Ok, then mind if you quit this forum, thank you. Your loss will be unwarranted and beneficial to the community at the same time.


Or a MKB for that matter. Deadalus isnt really my choice for her


divines extremely risky on TA its really hard to survive lategame


Ok I need to quit this forum because I don't see a point in having a conversation with a 15 year old? Typical kids dude, don't forget to tell me you fucked my mom aswell.

the realm's delight

Just go for late rapier snd stay st bsck hit.good luck and try


What if I told you, that between me and you, you are the ones who's more likely to say you've fucked the other's mom as well.

Calling names dont win you arguments, kiddo. Nor does pulling the good ole victimist trump card.

§picy G
Dire Wolf

Well meld can't crit, that dmg is dealt as a separate instance, otherwise crystalis rush would probably be a no brainer. But refraction dmg can crit, so that's the thinking behind it, open with meld, get the armor debuff, crit refraction and they are dead.

But I never play TA so I would take practical advice over theory crafting.

low hero pool lul

Buy fucking crit on TA. Why is this even questioned?

Smile Protector

You do not fucking manfight with TA, nor do you have useful illusions, why the hell would you stack agi on that hero? Any stat based agi carry is going to wreck you if you try stacking agility, because it doesn't really do anything considering what your abilities do. Plus, if you have more right clickers on your team, it is by far more efficient to go for -armor into oblivion, considering that with meld, AC and deso you can reduce someone's armor by 20, which hurts even lategame (as much as amplify damage lvl 3, mind you), if you're able to apply that damage without getting blown up in a few hits.

Also, stacking agility is NOT COST EFFICIENT AT ALL and whoever told you that lied to you. There are heroes that can offset this by having strong illusions or other uses for agility (like drow and riki), but not, stacking raw damage, crits, etc, is by far more efficient, as well as raw attack speed.

I mean, past blink deso, you could get a hyperstone and crystalis for the same amount of gold you'd spend on quarterstaff and eaglesong, and the difference in DPS on TA (in that case) is FUCKING HUGE. Eaglesong is one of the most inefficient items in the game, stacking butterflies is stupid because some wise soul just might counter 2-3 butterflies with a MKB, and the damage output is really not that great for how much you pay for it.

As TA you do not want to delay actually useful items by buying shit that just isn't worth to get early, sometimes it is mandatory to get a quick BKB, and even that 'quick' BKB is after blink deso, not before. Plus, even if you cannot crit off refraction, you still have a lot of -armor with meld and deso, so you still hit hard, and raw attack speed is great for the hero because it is ridiculously cheap and can help you dump all refraction charges with blink meld and then pounding a tanky hero without having to chase him much.


raw damage and raw attack speed = great and efficient on TA
agility based build = trash and inefficient both in terms of slots and cost

Vic Romano

Butterfly + diffusal when you're tying to manfight, but ideally you aren't, you're jumping in and killing someone in a couple hits, and a critical can speed that up. Also a good TA will position themselves to psi blade onto other targets, and a critical can easily kill two at once. For me, I sometimes prefer bloodthorn over Daedalus for the silence and critical on every hit, but it depends


I'd like the TA in my team to have Assault Cuirass after the mandatory Desolator & Dagger. Butterfly seems plausible as 5th or 6th slot but perhaps Assault is better after those initial two. Helps team a lot generally, and TA specifically, too.

Eventually, though, TA players know better what to build at which preference.


1 shot - 1 kill
no luck - just TA with daedalus + desolator


if you have basic knowledge of pseudo random and know how to/can use it properly, then daedalus is awesome on ta.


Waga says he likes to get daedalus after deso when he's snowballing hard, even vs heroes with evasion like PA. So if you're snowballing, daedalus is really good.

But you can build many ways. judge the situation, never stick to 1 item build


adding to this: I believe moonshard is severely underrated and probably one of the best items for TA, when you hit extremely fast in a teamfight and the enemy moves around youre often gonna get a lot of psiblades off which just does insane damage. I think my build will be aquila - threads - blink - deso - hurricane pike - moonshard (maybe bkb)

di-bhad bhabie

I was TA player but it is not the best option this patch.

How I used to play, my record with TA is 988 GPM with 13 kills,

I would get opening items as bottle aquila boots, then midas by 7, with TA its quite easy to miss no last hits and stack 5 sets of ancients in 10.

with midas by 7 I usually get deso by 13, then clear the ancient stack to have 15 minute deso blink midas. I do not get treads, at this point you can farm extremely quick while getting kills. next I get BOTS, crystalys by 19-20 minutes.

In these kind of games I usually by 30 minutes will have deadalus or butterfly, heart or bkb, bots, deso, bottle by 30 minutes and moonshard by 33.

di-bhad bhabie

the thing with building the burst dmg on TA is being able to pick off heroes who can lock you down before they can do it, for example blinking on a witch doctor and killing him in 2 hits before he can stun, use glimmer cape, and ult you. Or on any support before they can lock you down. The burst dmg allows you take map control that you wouldn't otherwise have.

Frizbee Alert

So I've never really played TA, but I fucked around with her for a bit and decided that I favor Bottle, Boots, Aquila, Treads, Deso, Blink, Hurricane. I think hurricane could be swapped for something like a Daedalus or something, but I feel as if DL is pretty important.


I think I can give some TA advice. You should almost always go for aquila treads and wand to meange your mana properly and never go back to base if you meange to get a few runes. I start with 2 branches one fearie fire and maybe a salve depending on the matchup so I can get the bottle on the first creep wave. after deso get blink and if you are about to push hg grab your bkb 25-30 mins in. Also during fights time your refraction and jump in when half its duration is done so you can use it twice. I think crit helps TA but you should never discount mkb as an option after deso blink.


wtf !!?? you guys are so noobs !!111 if you play ta rush dae + rapier nooobs.
aquila + phase + daedalus + rapier + rapier + blink
the best build for ta

forever and always

It is
Also I remember asking dragonfist about it vs moomshard, he says it's really good especially when you have aegis and can just try your luck with blowing up supports in 2 hits

Dota 2 dmg cost efficient generator
Besn1q 3.0

'I would get opening items as bottle aquila boots, then midas by 7'

TheTiny/Morph/Razor opening is quite strong and with quick (3) Assassins (Morph, Viper, QoP) you can havea good mid-game, especially with a fast three-star (or a second two-star) Tiny. The Eidolons are strong in the early game and buy your three Assassins a lot of time to deal damage.

In the mid game, you get Puck to unlock the Viper synergy and complete the three Mages with Maiden. This makes Viper into an amazing frontline hero (he is your highest three-star upgrade priority). He applies his debuff on all enemies when they hit him, and the Mages magic resistance reduction increases its damage a great deal, making Viper both a good tank and a good damage-dealer. Put survivability items on him.

In the late game, you get Arc to complete the (4) Primordials and focus on getting three-star upgrades. You can replace QoP with Sand King - he also deals good magic nuke damage, but more importantly - provides more control.

Dota 2 Dmg Cost Efficient Homes

If you're doing particularly well, you can sell-off Arc + Tiny and go for (6) Mages in the super late game, but this is not the standard plan.