Elemental Effect Dmg Does What Borderlands


Welcome to our Elemental Fist Over Matter build guide for Amara the Siren inBorderlands 3. This build aims to do the maximum elemental gun damage withouta dependency on anointed gear. It is excellent at dealing with group of enemiesas well lone targets.

In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know to gearyourself up and play this build at the highest level.

Elemental Effect Dmg Does What Borderlands

Borderlands 2:Elemental Effects. Maliwan does one better, making every single one of its guns output elemental rounds. Fire rounds scorch and burn, making them ideal against unarmored, fleshy targets. Corrosive rounds eat away at hard, fire-resistant surfaces.


Amara/Siren Elemental Fist Over Matter Build overview

Elemental Fist Over Matter is a hybrid build that aims to utilise the bestparts of the Mystical Assault and Fist of the Elements skill trees. The buildis incredibly flexible and can deal with large groups of enemies and lonetargets with ease.

  • Great at dealing with groups of enemies, especially the Circle of Slaughter
  • Can deal with strong badass and anointed enemies in a matter of seconds
  • Use of Phasegrasp mechanics offers good utility for group play
  • Has large amounts of sustain available when played correctly


  • Requires a range of weapons to properly utilise multiple Elements
  • Survivability can be difficult while still learning the build
  • Not as effective against bosses as some other builds

Elemental Fist Over Matter is a high-damage build designed to fight itsway through groups of enemies with ease. It utilises elemental damage skillsfrom the Fist of the Elements Skill tree and gun damage from the MysticalAssault skill tree in order to gain the maximum possible damage bonuses. Thebuild aims to constantly switch between different elemental weapons in order toalways have a weapon effective against the armor type of a given enemy. TheFist Over Matter Action Skill is used to strike a balance betweenutilising Phasegrasp skills from the Fist of the Elements Skill tree andAction Skill Damage skills from the Mystical Assault Skill tree.


Elemental Fist Over Matter Skills

  • Fast Hand(s)—Fast Hand(s) is used as a core part of thisbuild. It greatly improves the speed in which you can switch between weaponsof different elements and helps overcome some of the missing elemental diversityfrom the lack of the Infusion skill.
  • Laid Bare—Laid Bare takes advantage of the damage fromthe Fist Over Matter Action Skill to provide a nice boost for yourselfand allies against any targets damaged by the skill.
  • Wrath—Wrath is arguably the strongest skill in the MysticalAssault Skill tree. It provides a 20% boost in gun damage, which can be boostedto 40% after using your Action Skill, for the low cost of 3 skill points.
  • Tempest—Tempest is an important damage-boosting skillthat rewards you for committing to using elemental damage on your weapons.
  • Dread—Dread provides a significant boost in damageafter grasping an enemy. The effect of this skill greatly benefits thishybrid build for using a Phasegrasp Action Skill over an alternative likePhaseslam or Phasecast.
  • Indiscriminate—Indiscriminate is a powerful skillwhen focusing on elemental effects. The ricochet effect it offers allows you tohit multiple targets with a single bullet, giving you a chance to apply yourelemental damage to each target that is hit.
  • Sustainment—Sustainment, as the name suggests, isyour core survivability tool with this build. Once activated by your elementaldamage, it allows you to Life Steal a portion of the damage you deal. Whencombined with the ricochet effect of Indiscriminate, a single bulletcan be enough to heal you to full health.
  • Forceful Expression—Forceful Expression is the finaldamage-boosting skill for this build. The effect of this skill allows you topotentially deal multiple elemental damage types in a single bullet, basedon your Action Skill Element, making you less vulnerable to unfavourable armortypes and Mayhem modifers.

Action Skill, Augments, and Elements

Fist Over Matter is the Action Skill of choice for this build as itis the most efficient Action Skill for triggering specific skill within both theMystical Assault and Fist of the Elements Skill trees, such asDread and Laid Bare. However, as this build is primarily builtaround its weapon damage, the Action Skill choice is very flexible based onyour situation. For example, if you have multiple weapons with high-damagestatus effects, you may opt to use Ties that Bind in order tosimultaneously take down groups of enemies. Alternatively, if you have beenfortunate enough to get good anointed weapons, you may opt to usePhasecast or Phaseslam as well.

Que es dmg. Several applications are designed to offer this solution for Windows systems.7-Zip and DMG Extractor are the best options to open DMG file on Windows because they are compatible with the most DMG variations. For Linux a built-in 'cdrecord' command can be issued to burn DMG files to CD's or DVD's.Aside from the Finder application, you can open DMG files through Apple Disk Utility, Roxio Toast, and Dare to be Creative iArchiver for Mac platform.

Allure is the chosen Action Skill Augment for this build as itnaturally adds more crowd control while also grouping up enemies for AoEdamage. Stillness of Mind is a reasonable alternative if you haveopted to use Phasecast or Phaseslam due to your weaponanointments as its Phasegrasp effect will still allow you to benefit fromDread. The 3rd option, Soul Sap, is completely unnecessaryas the lifesteal effect it provides is completely dwarfed by that ofSustainment.

The Shock Action Skill Element has been used for this build due to theadditional Shock damage bonus given from Tempest. However, you canfreely use Soulfire to switch to Incendiary damage if you areencountering a lot of flesh enemies.

  • Transcend/Alacrity— Either of these skillscan be picked up base on personal preference. Up to 4 points can be taken fromViolent Tapestry for them as the build is not heavily centered aroundStatus Effects and Rush stacks.
  • Steady Hand(s)—If you are using guns that haveparticularly poor recoil and handling, or simply like to have a large amount ofthese stats, you can optionally put 3 points into the Steady Hands skill. Ifyou choose to do this, skill points can be taken out of the Wildfireskill.

Elemental Fist Over Matter Gearing

For this build, you should look for a diverse toolkit of elemental weaponsto cover all weaknesses of enemies. Because this build does not utiliseInfusion, having multiple weapons is essential to ensure you are notfighting at a disadvantage.

This portion of the guide will cover which guns are strong choices, but thespecific element of each gun is entirely at your discretion as long as youhave:

Elemental Effect Dmg Does What Borderlands Download

  • An Incendiary weapon to deal with flesh (red health bars)
  • A Shock or Radiation weapon to deal with shields (blue health bars)
  • A Corrosive or Cryo weapon to deal with armor (yellow health bars)
Borderlands 2 elemental weapons

The strongest weapon to use in this build is the SMG, Night Hawkin.It deals excellent single-target damage. However, it is restricted to use Cryoand Incendiary damage based on the time of day, so you will need other guns tosupport it.

Two other strong SMGs for this build are Cutsman andCrossroad. The unique fire pattern of Cutsman makes it great forlarger targets and enemies stood in a line, whereas Crossroad just offersgenerally strong single-target damage. Both of these guns can serve asexcellent support for a Night Hawkin.

As all guns mentioned so far have been SMGs, you should also aim todiversify a little bit to ensure you do not run out of ammo. The best categoryfor this is assault rifles. Laser-Sploder is the best gun in thiscategory, offering a comparable amount of damage to the aforementioned SMGs.Alternatively, if you do not have access to a Laser-Sploder, you can use aRowan's Call or Lucian's Call instead.

Lastly, as this build uses both Phasegrasp effects andthe Indiscriminate skill, you should look to pick up a copy of theProjectile Recursion shotgun. The gun has a powerful synergy with theIndiscriminate skill, allowing itself to duplicate its projectile and tearapart tightly-grouped packs of enemies. This effect is an essential part of theElemental Ricochet build and canbe utilised at times within this build.

For Class Mods, you should look to pick up a copy ofPhasezerker class mod. It is primarily used due to the additionalWeapon Damage and Action Skill Cooldown it provides to the build, but you shouldalso look to pick up as many skill points into Anima on your classmod in addition to any damage bonuses for the weapon manufacturers you chooseto use. Elementalist is the best second choice for the build, butit is significantly weaker than Phasezerker.

Due to the build's ability to take down enemies quickly,Victory Rush is the best Artifact available, due to the damage boostit will provide after killing badass enemies. Alternatively, if you arestruggling with survivability, you can pick up any Artifact with theLast Stand effect to provide you with a period of invulnerability upto every 40 seconds.

In this build, the specific shield you use is not super important as yourshield will regularly be depleted due to your survivability coming fromSustainment. Anointed shields, which will be discussed further below,should be a high priority. With optimal gearing, Rough Rider isyour best choice of shield as it will give you natural damage reduction and alarge health pool for your Sustainment skill to heal at the expense of havingno rechargeable shield. Alternatively, you can look to use a shield with a strongdefensive effect such as The Transformer to absorb Shock damage orStop-Gap to provide a similar immunity effect to Last Stand.

Grenade Mods are not essential for this build, but can provide some addedutility for the build, or moderate Elemental Damage with the aid of skills fromthe Fist of the Elements Tree. The best overall choice is Storm Front,which deals excellent Shock damage in an area, gaining a large damage boost fromTempest. Alternatively you can opt to use Moxxi's Bouncing Pair,which will deal both Incendiary and Shock damage, but comes with a highrisk of damaging yourself if not used cautiously. Alternatively, if youare struggling with survivability you can use the Tran-fusion whichwill steal health from enemies you damage, similar to the effect of yourSustainment skill.

Anointed rolls are special additional effects that can appear on weapons andshields at higher levels. The special effects relate to the use of actionskills and provide powerful temporary buffs.

For this build, you should look for anointments that give you a directboost to your damage. As this build primarily uses a Phasegrasp-derivedAction Skill, the best anointments to look for are 'On Action SkillEnd, Weapon Damage is increased by 100% for a short time' and 'On Action SkillEnd, Deal 125% more Weapon Damage to Badass, Named, and Boss enemies for ashort time'. If you are unable to get either of these anointments,'On Action Skill End, the next 2 magazines will have 50%additional bonus Element damage' is a reasonable third choice.

Alternatively with this build, you can also opt to chooseanointments for other action skills, such as'After using Phasecast, gain 250% Weapon Damage for a short time' or'After using Phaseslam, gain 300% Weapon Damage for a short time'. Theseanointments require you change your Action Skill to Phasecast orPhaseslam respectively, but can be a good choice if you find multipleweapons with the same anointment.


Alternative Gear from Missions

This build utilises strong general weapons that can drop anywhere in thegame. Therefore there are no specific mission drops to support this build.

SlotItemSpecial EffectSecondary Stat/Effect Priority
Weapon 1
  1. Cutsman (Incendiary)
  2. Crossroad (Incendiary)
  1. Gun will deal Cryo damage during the day and Incendiary damage at night.
  2. Fires two projectiles connected by a powerful laser
  1. Critical Hit Damage
  2. Weapon Fire Rate
Weapon 2
  1. Cutsman (Shock/Radiation)
  2. Crossroad (Shock/Radiation)
  3. Laser-Sploder (Shock/Radiation)
  1. Fires two projectiles connected by a powerful laser
  2. Fires a constant beam of damage that will occasionally explode for additional damage
  1. Critical Hit Damage
  2. Weapon Charge Speed
Weapon 3
  1. Cutsman (Corrosive/Cryo)
  2. Crossroad (Corrosive/Cryo)
  3. Laser-Sploder (Corrosive/Cryo)
  1. Fires two projectiles connected by a powerful laser
  2. Fires a constant beam of damage that will occasionally explode for additional damage
  1. Critical Hit Damage
  2. Weapon Charge Speed
Weapon 4
  1. Projectiles will ricochet between enemies multiple times
  1. Weapon Charge Speed
  1. Rough Rider
  2. The Transformer
  3. Stop-Gap
  1. Passive +Health and Damage Reduction at the expense of no shield.
  2. Absorbs all Shock damage.
  3. Provides 5 seconds of immunity after shield breaks.
  1. Max Health
Class Mod
  1. Elementalist
  1. Conflux Skill(Phasezerker)
  2. Weapon Damage
  3. Weapon-type Damage
  1. Victory Rush
  2. Last Stand
  1. Bonus damage and movement speed for 60 seconds after killing a badass.
  2. Temporary Invulnerability below 50% Health.
  1. Magazine Size
  2. Incendiary Damage
  3. Other Elemental Damage
Grenade Mod
  1. Storm Front
  2. Tran-fusion
  1. Hovers around shooting lightning at enemies.
  2. Fires two grenades that will bounce and explode 4 times.
  3. Heals for 120% of damage dealt.
  1. Grenade Splits
  2. Spawns MIRV grenades


  • 23 Oct. 2019: Guide added.
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This guide is presented to you by Kat, a professional Hearthstone playercompeting at the highest level since closed beta. She is a consistent legendplayer in both Wild and Standard with multiple high-rank finishes.