Gmod Unknownc Command Sk_plr_dmg_stunstick

  1. ADDING [/home/content/cstrike/cstrike_pak_000.vpk]
  2. Adding Path: [/home/content/cstrike]
  3. Couldn't load shader dll: game_shader_generic_garrysmod_srv.soConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  4. loaded for 'Garry's Mod'
  5. Initializing Steam libraries for Workshop.
  6. WS: Waiting for Steam to log us in.....................
  7. WS: Steam failed to log on within 10 seconds!
  8. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmod/33454/garrysmod/addons/crash_menu'
  9. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmod/33454/garrysmod/addons/darkrpmodification'
  10. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmod/33454/garrysmod/addons/gta-themed-scoreboard-master'
  11. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmod/33454/garrysmod/addons/ulib'
  12. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmod/33454/garrysmod/addons/ulx'
  13. Changing gamemode to DarkRP (darkrp)
  14. Unknown command 'cl_cmdrate'
  15. Unknown command 'cl_updaterate'
  16. Unknown command 'rate'
  17. Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
  18. PREP OK
  19. [GTA Themed Scoreboard] Succesfully load serverside !
  20. ///////////////////////////////
  21. // Ulysses Library //
  22. ///////////////////////////////
  23. // Loading.. //
  24. // shared/defines.lua //
  25. // shared/misc.lua //
  26. // shared/util.lua //
  27. // shared/hook.lua //
  28. // shared/table.lua //
  29. // shared/player.lua //
  30. // server/player.lua //
  31. // server/bans.lua //
  32. // shared/messages.lua //
  33. // shared/commands.lua //
  34. // server/concommand.lua //
  35. // server/util.lua //
  36. // shared/sh_ucl.lua //
  37. // server/ucl.lua //
  38. // server/phys.lua //
  39. // server/player_ext.lua //
  40. // server/entity_ext.lua //
  41. // shared/plugin.lua //
  42. // shared/cami_global.lua //
  43. // shared/cami_ulib.lua //
  44. // Load Complete! //
  45. ///////////////////////////////
  46. [ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
  47. ///////////////////////////////
  48. // ULX Admin Mod //
  49. ///////////////////////////////
  50. // Loading.. //
  51. // sh_defines.lua //
  52. // lib.lua //
  53. // base.lua //
  54. // sh_base.lua //
  55. // log.lua //
  56. // MODULE: slots.lua //
  57. // MODULE: uteam.lua //
  58. // MODULE: votemap.lua //
  59. // MODULE: xgui_server.lua //
  60. ///////////////////////////////
  61. // ULX GUI -- by Stickly Man //
  62. ///////////////////////////////
  63. // Adding Main Modules. //
  64. // bans.lua //
  65. // commands.lua //
  66. // groups.lua //
  67. // maps.lua //
  68. // settings.lua //
  69. // Adding Setting Modules. //
  70. // client.lua //
  71. // server.lua //
  72. // Adding Gamemode Modules. //
  73. // sandbox.lua //
  74. // Loading Server Modules. //
  75. // sv_bans.lua //
  76. // sv_groups.lua //
  77. // sv_maps.lua //
  78. // sv_sandbox.lua //
  79. // sv_settings.lua //
  80. // XGUI modules added! //
  81. ///////////////////////////////
  82. // MODULE: chat.lua //
  83. // MODULE: fun.lua //
  84. // MODULE: menus.lua //
  85. // MODULE: rcon.lua //
  86. // MODULE: teleport.lua //
  87. // MODULE: user.lua //
  88. // MODULE: userhelp.lua //
  89. // MODULE: util.lua //
  90. // MODULE: vote.lua //
  91. // end.lua //
  92. // Load Complete! //
  93. ///////////////////////////////
  94. Trying to create entities too early! (env_physexplosion)
  95. Couldn't include file 'sh_ano.lua' (File not found) (@addons/darkrpmodification/lua/darkrp_modules/anochat/sv_ano.lua (line 1))
  96. HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
  97. ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  98. Unknown command 'sk_plr_dmg_crowbar'
  99. Unknown command 'sk_npc_dmg_crowbar'
  100. Unknown command 'sk_plr_dmg_stunstick'
  101. Unknown command 'sk_npc_dmg_stunstick'
  102. Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg
  103. Using map cycle file cfg/mapcycle.txt.
  104. Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
  105. No account token specified; logging into anonymous game server account. (Use sv_setsteamaccount to login to a persistent account.)
  106. Could not establish connection to Steam servers. (Result = 3)
  107. Could not establish connection to Steam servers. (Result = 3)
  1. Gmod Unknown Command Sk_plr_dmg_stunstick Mod
  1. WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
  2. Redirecting stderr to '/home/container/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
  3. [----] Verifying installation..
  4. -- type 'quit' to exit --
  5. Connecting anonymously to Steam Public..Logged in OK
  6. Success! App '4020' already up to date.
  7. :/home/container$ ./srcds_run -game garrysmod -console -port 27015 +ip +map gm_flatgrass +gamemode darkrp -strictportbind -norestart +sv_setsteamaccount +host_workshop_collection +maxplayers 128 -tickrate 128
  8. Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
  9. Couldn't load shader dll: game_shader_generic_garrysmod_srv.soConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  10. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 4000
  11. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
  12. WS: No +host_workshop_collection or it is invalid!
  13. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/arivia_f4'
  14. Unknown command 'cl_updaterate'
  15. Changing gamemode to DarkRP (darkrp)
  16. 'host_workshop_collection' = '
  17. Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
  18. Error loading cfg/pure_server_minimal.txt
  19. ..................................
  20. [build]...... v2.0.1
  21. [author]..... Richard
  22. [website].....
  23. [documentation]..
  24. ..................................
  25. Trying to create entities too early! (env_physexplosion)
  26. ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  27. Unknown command 'sk_npc_dmg_crowbar'
  28. Unknown command 'sk_npc_dmg_stunstick'
  29. Using map cycle file cfg/mapcycle.txt.
  30. Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
  31. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
  32. No account token specified; logging into anonymous game server account. (Use sv_setsteamaccount to login to a persistent account.)
  33. 'banned_user.cfg' not present; not executing.
  34. Public IP is
  35. Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:3687702533(12323)].
  36. Client 'Red' connected.
  37. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Red (STEAM_0:0:448031982) Spawned for the first time
  38. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Red (STEAM_0:0:448031982) is Authed
  39. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Red (STEAM_0:0:448031982) Spawned
  40. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Red (STEAM_0:0:448031982) Attempted to pick up a keys
  41. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Red (STEAM_0:0:448031982) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physcannon
  42. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Red (STEAM_0:0:448031982) Attempted to pick up a gmod_camera
  43. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Red (STEAM_0:0:448031982) Attempted to pick up a gmod_tool
  44. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Red (STEAM_0:0:448031982) Attempted to pick up a pocket
  45. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Red (STEAM_0:0:448031982) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physgun
Gmod Unknownc Command Sk_plr_dmg_stunstick

Gmod Unknown Command Sk_plr_dmg_stunstick Mod

CloudAuthX Applying temporary fix for GMod update - SteamID64. CloudAuthX Removing gmsave command to fix GMod exploit. Clockwork:Plugin The delaylooc plugin has no compatibility value set! Unknown command 'skplrdmgstunstick' Unknown command 'sknpcdmgstunstick' Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg. Hey, I found a SE Bypasser, so I fixed it up and decided to release it. Place gmcldeadwin32 into garrysmod/garrysmod/lua 2. Place autoexec.cfg into garrysmod/garrysmod/cfg 3. Type svallowcslua 1 into the Console 4. Type luaruncl require ('Dead') Jotti VirusTotal.

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Hi i just downloaded RagMod for Gmod and i typed bind y rmreset and the stuff but i just got unknown command when used it PLZ COMMENT ME OR PM ME! To access the commands and settings in ULX, you can open the GUI with ulx menu in console. It is recommended to bind this command to a keyboard key. Additionally, you can use console commands in the form of ulx (command) (arguments) or chat commands in the form of!(command) (arguments).