Gw2 Does Critical Boost Condition Dmg


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Critical Damage is primarily increased by the Ferocity secondary attribute, every 15 points of Ferocity grants an increase of 1% in critical damage at level 80, and also directly by a handful of traits and effects. Related traits Traits that increase critical damage Pure Strike - Deal increased critical-hit damage. This bonus is doubled against boonless foes. For curses we want to go all the way in for the grandmaster minor Target the Weak. This is one of the best traits a power necro can get, 2% damage per unique condition is nothing to smirk at. In an average group you can easily see over 5 conditions permanently on a boss which amounts to a permanent 10% boost with the possibility of going even. The healing skill is a personal choice but the most viable one for a melee dmg dealer in a zerg is Defiant Stance. Balanced Stance does not provide enough protection against CC with the low stacks. Dolyak Signet can give you a better breathing room when the commander calls for a leap in and bomb. Outrage slot is a personal choice. Critical damage from trait is multiplicative to damage unlike nearly everything that is additive to damage in the game. Unless you have near 0 critical chance, this is likely your #1 damage boost as a Mesmer and almost beats every other damage trait on any class (if target under 50% health or target is CC'd, it is the best).

Gw2 does critical boost condition dmg mean

Gw2 Does Critical Boost Condition Dmg System

Gw2 does critical boost condition dmg mean

Gw2 Does Critical Boost Condition Dmg Free

Ok, thus far I’ve been running a Thief build based on Condition and Power as my main damage sources (with Toughness as my defensive stat).
This was under the assumption that Power increases the damage of all my attacks, including Condition based ones (similar to Spellpower in WoW). Now however, I’m not sure that’s the case.
As far as I know, Precision does scale with Power.
A Critical hit is 150% (+X) of a regular hit. Thus, increasing your Power also increases the size of your Critical Hits.
However I’m not sure this applies to Condition damage as well.
I assumed Condition damage too was based off Power, then multiplied by your Condition modificator. But this may not be the case. I have a feeling that Condition damage may merely be based on a flat damage number, regardless of your Power.
TL;DR: How does Power affect you other damage stats and how does each scale?
PS: I’ve read the wiki on damage calculation but it wasn’t very revealing).