How Does Percy Do So Much Dmg


A/N: OK, i no its been a while since I updated. give me a break people. this is probably the either least saddest, or saddest chapter. IDK

  1. How Does Percy Do So Much Dmg In Windows
  2. How Does Percy Do So Much Dmg Download

This chapter is dedicated to my poor Dalmatian, Ralfy. i miss u buddy! soooooo much! :( *tear*

Each attack deals 135 damage; Update: Upon further review, it was pointed out to us that a charging Goristro can deal a total of 287 (14d10.2 +7). This still places her at the bottom of the single-target damage list, but does bring her within two points of Pike. Pike Trickfoot, Cleric 20: 289. Yeah, carries generally have a good mix of long range harass skills, escapes, steroids, or damage.

Ok, this whole chapter was written by Awsomekelly. she gave me the idea for the second also, so technically this is a shared story between us. OK? OK!

  1. Percy is very committed to be perfect in whatever it is he is doing and is a hard worker for the Ministry of Magic. Much like the rest of the Weasley family, he seems to be a talented wizard, evidenced by his appointment as prefect and Head Boy. Percy appears blind to his work superiors' failings.
  2. Earthquakes can do more damage than tsunamis because earthquakes destroy buildings which takes much short time than rebuilding it which tsunamis only cause flash flooding which can be recovered as.
How Does Percy Do So Much Dmg

Annabeth got out of bed the next morning with Percy still sound asleep next to her. He must have been incredibly tired. He looked so worn out, it made Annabeth feel upset just looking at him.

She got out of bed and took a quick shower. Annabeth decided to skip breakfast since she would probably have to make it for Percy later on anyway. So, instead, she wanted to call back Nico to make sure that he was going through with the plan.

'Hello?'Asked a very irritated and tired Nico.

'Hi, it's Annabeth.'

'Oh. Why are you calling me at seven in the morning? on a Saturday?'

'I just wanted to make sure that you're still going to help me with Percy. You're the only son of Hades I know.'

'Yeah, sure. But are you sure that Percy will want to do it? Knowing him, he probably won't.'

'Right now, seeing the way he looks, I'm not going to give him a choice. He needs this.'

'You make it sound like you're going to put him in an Insane Asylum.'

'Ha ha, very funny.' With that, Annabeth hung up the phone and went to the couch to go on her laptop until Percy woke up.

Three or four hours later, Percy still hasn't come out of the bedroom. Annabeth began to feel irritated. He always sleeps late on Saturdays. But since Annabeth wasn't use to it she always had to wake him up.

Annabeth walked over to the bedroom to wake Percy. He was sprawled out on the bed, completely exhausted. Annabeth called his name, he didn't even stir. Annabeth sighed. How was she possibly going to wake him up at ten thirty on a Saturday morning?

Finally, Annabeth decided to wake him up the old fashioned way. She walked over to the bed and tour the covers off his body. Percy moaned a little, but still didn't move. Annabeth was getting frustrated, so she took the pillow tat she slept on, and began to hit him with it. Percy groaned and pulled his pillow over his head.

'Come on, Percy. Get up!' Annabeth nearly yelled.

'On a Saturday morning? Why?' he said through his pillow.

'Because, I'm taking you out today. We're meeting Nico later.'

'Meeting Nico? Where?' Percy was now fully awake and moved to a sitting position on the bed.

Annabeth hesitated, 'It's a..uh..surprise?'

'You don't sound too sure.' He said.

'You'll just.. have to wait and see, okay?'

'Fine.' Percy got up with a groan. He could barely stand straight because of how tired he was.

'Can't you just tell me?' Percy said while walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

'That will ruin the surprise, won't it?' Annabeth asked. Percy hummed in reply, with his mouth full of toothpaste. Annabeth laughed at his responce, and left the room to get her jacket on and wait for Percy.

Annabeth drove around New York for what seemed like hours. Percy was starting to complain about how tired he still was, but Annabeth mostly ignored him.

'Will you stop whining?' We're here.' She said. Percy looked out the window to find himself staring at a grave yard. No, no a graveyard. The grave yard where his mother was berried. He was just here yesturday. Percy looked at Annabeth in shock. Out of all the places they could've gone, they had to be here.

'This is where we're meeting Nico?' Percy asked, still confused.

How Does Percy Do So Much Dmg In Windows

'Yes.' Annabeth replied slowly. And soon enough, she saw Nico walking over to their car. Annabeth opened her door, telling Percy to follow, and met Nico at the entrance gate to the cemetary.

'Why are we here?' Percy asked.

'You didn't tell him yet?' Nico looked at Annabeth with disappointment in his eyes. Annabeth turned her attention to Percy.

'I'll tell you when we get there.' Was all she said to him.

They pushed open the gate and walked past a few dozen graves. The air seemed cold and thick, and Annabeth could tell that Percy felt uncomfortable being here. Soon enough, they reached a stone that read:

Sally JacksonJdk mac download.

Died Too Soon

Lovely Wife and Mother.

'Why are we here?' Percy asked again.

'Are you going to tell him now, Annabeth?' Nico asked.

Annabeth stared at Percy. She didn't know what to say at first. The expressions on his face kept changing from curious, to worry, and finally to scared. Annabeth knew that she had to tell him to get him to do what she had in mind since last night. She let out a sigh.

'Percy.. you haven't been doing well since your mom died at all. So, I thought that Nico could help you talk to her since you thought that she died because of you.' Percy looked shocked at first, but then his expression turned to something like..disappointment? Annabeth couldn't tell.

'Why didn't you tell me this morning?' Percy asked.

'Because I knew that you would convince me not to do it.' Annabeth replied calmly. Nico didn't want to here them fight, so he decided to continue the mission on his own. He walked over to Sallys' grave, the mulch still wet from the rain the other day. He bent over and said a silent prayer in Greek, while hearing little bits of Percy and Annabeth's conversation.

'Did you honestly think that seeing my mom would make me feel better?' Nico could tell that Percy was trying very hard to keep his voice normal.

'Trust me, this will help you.' Annabeth said.

'But I don't need to be helped!' Percy raised his voice.

'Are you serious? You blame yourself for what happened to your mother, when the whole thing was a complete accident and had nothing to do with you! Stop being such an idiot!'

'But it was my fault! I should've stopped her!'

'No it wasn't.' Percy's eyes widened. Those words didn't come out of Annabeth's mouth. Infact, they didn't even sound like they were coming from her voice. He was afraid to turn around. He didn't want to face the sight that he knew he would see. But he spun around anyway and looked in the eyes of the ghostly figure whom he called his mother.

'Mom.' Was all Percy could say.

'You've gotten skinnier. Percy, why have you been barely eating?' Sally asked, with worry in her eyes.

'Is that seriously the first question you're asking me? After all that has happened?' Percy asked. Sally looked down, as if she knew something he didn't.

'Stop blaming yourself for what happened, Percy. The whole thing was mine. I wasn't paying attention to the road, and I was so focused on seeing ou that I hadn't even noticed the drunk driver swirving toward me-'

'Exactly! If you weren't so focused on seeing me, then you would still be alive today! I shouldn't have let you come.' Was his reply.

'Did you know that there would be a drunk person driving that night, Percy?' Sally asked. Percy hesitated, and didn't reply.

'Did I give you much of a choice when I said I was going to come and see you at work? Did I trust you enough to understand that you wanted to go to your father's underwater palace? Did I-

'Stop!' Percy screamed, his eyes filled with tears. He couldn't save a few from escaping his eyes. If he hadn't stopped her then, therewould've been no possible resistance from breaking down right then and there for him.

'Why couldn't you just..' Percy couldn't finish his sentence. He stomped his foot with anger.

How Does Percy Do So Much Dmg Download

'Why couldn't I just trust you?' Sally finished. Percy nodded slowly. 'Because when you were telling me that you wanted to go, I saw the excited thirteen year old who couldn't wait to go back to camp, and.. I just couldn't remind myself that you aren't a little boy anymore. So I didn't want you to go. I hope you can forgive me.'

'Forgive you?' Percy asked, 'Forgive you for what? Being a good mother? I slammed the door in your face!'

'With good reason, Percy. Listen, I don't want you to go on blaming yourself for what happened. It wasn't your fault, and it wasn't mine. Neither of us knew what would happen when I got in the car that night, and Annabeth has been trying to tell you that.' Percy was staring at his mother so long he almost forgot she was there. He reached his hand out for Annabeth to take, she accepted it with a sad smile.

'I love you, Percy. I'll see you again, Im just hoping that it won't be soon.' Percy cracked a smile, and with that, his mother disappeared. And she was the last thing Percy had his eyes on, before he blacked out.

Sooooooo watcha think Peeps? was it good? bad? This is awsomekelly talking by the way. Anyway, hope u enjoyed.


Awsomekelly OUT!

OMGihavebluehair LOVES U!