How To Calculate If 2h Or Dw Dmg Is More Nostalrius


Dual wielding makes you hit more often coz of more attacks in total, so you get more rage than wielding 2h weapon, and there are talents in fury tree that improves this somewhat. 2h arms is for PvP and questing, and dual wielding as a fury is for PvE group content, but in order to be effective you need a very good gear that is not easy to obtain.

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Ok, this question maybe looks silly but my raiding main is melee type and I just come back to my alt short time ago so I dont have much experience with casters.
I was running with and Today drop for me Both weapons have the same item level, off hand is crap from naxx. I will loose around 65 sp (45 if I will use staff ench) and some crit but I will gain more haste. Also I will raise my hit with this staff (308 hit rating atm without staff). So what is better, 2h or 1h + off hand? If this matter I play affli (destro is boring for me).
Also if you have 2h weapon and 1h/off hand with the same item level what you would use (we assume you will be hit capped with both)? What is your preference and why?
PS: Sorry for bad english. Its not my native language.
How To Calculate If 2h Or Dw Dmg Is More Nostalrius

How To Calculate If 2h Or Dw Dmg Is More Nostalrius 1

  • Destro and Resto staff (magicka weapons) attacks scale from off max magicka and spell dmg. If you increase your max stamina your S&B, DW, 2H and Bow light/heavy attacks should do more dmg. The weapon dmg value on your character sheet (C) will not be increased because its a different component.
  • Also, quick skills like clobber and Swift strike give more damage on a 2H. I know that others swear by DW, but i could never get a skill sequence to beat my 2H sequence. DW is better AOE This one is close, but i think the DWers are right in this case. Most AOE skills get an extra attack in DW. Against a bunch of targets.