How To Increase Subdual Dmg Pathfinder


Because it isn't listed in the game for some reason. Contact me at: Discord: Gmail: [email protected] or Reddit: The character sheet for the 3.5E ruleset is comprised of several individual sheets organized by tabs along the right side. These tabs comprise all of a PC's details. Just click the tab you want to view. Main: Classes, abilities, hit points, defenses, speed, senses, and overview of common combat. Increase total cost for magical enhancement by 2,000 gp for cold iron weapons. Unlike the additional cost, the increase the weapon's hardness and hit points are only gained from its enhancement bonus, not its special abilities. If the weapon has a magical bonus greater than +5 or a special ability worth more than +5, the weapon is epic. If I have DR/Lawful (implying that I am Chaotic), my attacks do not automatically bypass DR/Chaotic unless I also have the Chaotic alignment subtype. Also note that Eidolons have to choose between chaotic, evil, good, or lawful for their DR, they cannot choose Neutral. DR/Neutral isn't a thing in Pathfinder, that I am aware of. Haplo is the official dmg king. With Sword saint + vital strike + buffs + weapon with high crit multiplier he managed to reach about 750 dmg in one hit iirc Thank you.

  1. How To Increase Subdual Dmg Pathfinder Pro

How To Increase Subdual Dmg Pathfinder Pro



How To Increase Subdual Dmg Pathfinder
  • OK,
    if only this problem so i will repair it simple , Thank you nosimo for your advice , btw i hope it will be more people who give advice ..what is wrong
  • edited December 2015
    I used to prefer using hindering over constrict, mostly because steel breeze is a joke in terms of damage and because constrict seems to have a lower aoe root range so I can always take more enemies with the melle part of hindering then I can with constrict shot, also, there is the week grasping root witch hindering apply witch u can use to get the master trapper buff right on the begging of the fight before applying your strong grasping root. That is crucial since HRs damage is restricted to the very first moments of the fight, but both encounters works choose the one you feel better with.
    And there is a little more you can do. I was seeing your status, and you still beneffit from a bigger arm. penetration, you can change some of your enchantments to get it, try reaching a 60% DR, that is the DR you should have for PVE.
    And one more thing, you dont need all that strength, if you can and honestly it is a optimal thing but not one that will make any huge difference, so better waste your astral diamonds on it only after you improve other things, but a better start status would give you more damage on PVE too. You dont need strength, aim for a starting status of 18 Wis and 18 Dex and put all your leveling points on those 2 atributes as well. Also when you consider buying a race reroll to do that u might consider as well changing the wood elf for the drow, his ability adds more damage then the 1% crit elves receive.
    Also when you can you should consider switching the tear artifact, if I may sugest, the sigil of the controller is very nice, it is worth to lvl a wizard till 60 to get it, and if I'm not mistaken there is a 2x exp event coming soon, you can take advantage off that.
  • The experts will add more, I'm sure, but my 2 cents worth:
    - crushing is good if you need the extra CC; otherwise, yeah, serpent or seeker's (if you use rear attacks) is best
    - I'm a big fan of both constricting *and* hindering. As Nosimo said, they don't stack, *but* - the AoE root on constricting is pretty small, and has a limit of 5 mobs, so if 10 mobs charge you.. you're going to be doing crushing damage (which is your main source of damage) of a max of half the mobs, potentially even only a third.
    In other words, sometimes having 2 roots is very, very useful. You recycle your encounters fast enough that it's certainly worth it.
    The downside, of course, is that ties up 2 of your 3 encounters, leaving you to choose between Cordon, Rain, Fox, etc. for your final encounter.
    - for pets, consider a few more archons (air, earth), and the slyblade kobold.
    - if you find you use your archery a lot, consider putting 15 points into the archery tree for Longshot. It'll make encounter crits and Seismic Shot do some pretty crazy damage.
  • Posts: 1,258Member, NW M9 PlaytestArc User
    so roots are main source of damage? if i miss serpent and dont switching stances .. it not harm dps so much?
    in last two days i met two trappers with really incredible amount of damage, i finally started to feel i try respec to try trapper (they out dps me enormously and i feel really ashamed). but i dont like changing stances. so how is the damage without changing stances (and use serpent) in comparison with archery?
    i already use fox/cordon and hindering and constricting so its the matter of class passives and feats. Is trapper capstone crucial? i still think about trapper/archer hybrid ..
    do i need to be pathfinder? or stormwarden is still viable for trapper?
  • edited January 2016
    trapper is the best way to go for 5 reasons:
    1) lowest cooldowns
    2) highest ap recharge
    3) easiest to achieve bonus damage
    4) major dps from roots
    5) control
    if pathfinder:
    1) more or less acceptable single target damage in group content.
    its not like archery isnt good, just those 20 seconds + cooldowns arent going to cut it.
    btw im doing like a 5M+ upgrade to my hr this night, if it still isnt going to work i just dont know what to do anymore
  • Posts: 1,258Member, NW M9 PlaytestArc User

    trapper is the best way to go for 5 reasons:
    1) lowest cooldowns
    2) highest ap recharge
    3) easiest to achieve bonus damage
    4) major dps from roots
    5) control
    if pathfinder:
    1) more or less acceptable single target damage in group content.
    its not like archery isnt good, just those 20 seconds + cooldowns arent going to cut it.
    btw im doing like a 5M+ upgrade to my hr this night, if it still isnt going to work i just dont know what to do anymore

    1. lowest cooldown? archery has low cooldown too, nowhere near 20+ seconds. cordon hindering conscription are almost spammable , sometimes you must do one or two split shots, but they are not dps lost. encounters are dps lost, when they dont crit, they are even under 7000 dmg for me
    2. ap doesnt matter almost, for all specs HRs
    3. you mean through switchimg stances? archery tree has feats for bonus dmg too..
    4. if its true and only roots from hindering and conscription are a lot better then all archery dps feats, then its very interesting for me
    5. nerfed for trapper but still probably usefull
    what i see when inspecting that two good dps trappers, they both wear underdark power and crit rings
  • I like getting my AP quickly. On my own it's fast and if there is a haster on the party then seismic shot basically becomes an additional encounter. That's a huge dps booster.
    My Toons
    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
  • trapper is the best way to go for 5 reasons:
    1) lowest cooldowns
    2) highest ap recharge
    3) easiest to achieve bonus damage
    4) major dps from roots
    5) control
    if pathfinder:
    1) more or less acceptable single target damage in group content.
    its not like archery isnt good, just those 20 seconds + cooldowns arent going to cut it.
    btw im doing like a 5M+ upgrade to my hr this night, if it still isnt going to work i just dont know what to do anymore

    Feb 28, 2013  In Disk Utility, select the decryptedfile.dmg. You'll then see a blue link to the actual file at the bottom of the screen. Click it and you'll be directed to the file, which is in a Temp folder. Close Disk Utility and open it again. The decryptedfile.dmg will no longer show up. Decrypted file dmg flash player.

    1. lowest cooldown? archery has low cooldown too, nowhere near 20+ seconds. cordon hindering conscription are almost spammable , sometimes you must do one or two split shots, but they are not dps lost. encounters are dps lost, when they dont crit, they are even under 7000 dmg for me
    2. ap doesnt matter almost, for all specs HRs
    3. you mean through switchimg stances? archery tree has feats for bonus dmg too..
    4. if its true and only roots from hindering and conscription are a lot better then all archery dps feats, then its very interesting for me
    5. nerfed for trapper but still probably usefull
    what i see when inspecting that two good dps trappers, they both wear underdark power and crit rings
    easiest to achieve because you just need to spam a root to take the 30% bonus damage from the capstone and its an aoe boost not single target like archery.
    thorned root is definitely the best feat of the 3 trees
    highest ap recharge means a lot of sismic shots.
  • Posts: 1,258Member, NW M9 PlaytestArc User
    well i finally respec from archery to trapper
    and result is
    i tested it at my classic elol run. my dps is at least 2.5 times better if not more and i just mashing buttons without big theorycrafting or practice. i dont even dont use hunter teammwork carefull atack as i see someone reccomended. my survivability looks better too. there was no DC or GF who can buff me.
    on the other hand, i am not sure if like that playstyle. it seems like some rogue type and not bowman i play at games. my split shot and encounters drop a lot in damage, its not really practical at soloing, but its probably l2p
  • It took me a while to come to terms with the playstyle but the more I thought about it the more I liked it. Aaragorn and Legolas are both famous ranger types from Lord of the Rings. and they are both good with a bow and a blade. A ranger is not just a sniper.. a ranger is a survivalist and should be adept at many types of fighting to survive in all types of situations.
    Even while playing i do not just stand in the combat like most other melee fighters, i shift in and hit my melee encounters and then back out and hit my ranged.
    Maybe this type of thinking will help at least from a role playing perspective
    My Toons
    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
  • Posts: 3,748Member, NW M9 PlaytestArc User

    Aaragorn and Legolas are both famous ranger types from Lord of the Rings. and they are both good with a bow and a blade.

    Last I remember, they weren't strangling orc to death with plants.
  • Woah. touche.. but not really.
    His concern seemed to be ranged vs melee style, not the roots. If YOU have an issue with the rooting powers, it's not even a new concept. There have been other D&D based where rangers had rooting powers and even animal affinity type abilities. I think even minor druid casting spells.
    My Toons
    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
  • Woah. touche.. but not really.
    His concern seemed to be ranged vs melee style, not the roots. If YOU have an issue with the rooting powers, it's not even a new concept. There have been other D&D based where rangers had rooting powers and even animal affinity type abilities. I think even minor druid casting spells.

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    trapper is like a true HR should be, sadly when you go all in melee it lacks the tool to survive the enemy's slap in the face.
    playing demogorgon with my hr is more stressful than fun
  • Pathfinder trapper (might test longshot build again if i get enough recovery to ditch some feats from the trapper tree). In PVE i use Gordon/hindering/constricting or Gordon/strider/constricting. Yes i know roots dont overlay, so i usually jump on the next mobs when either melee or ranger rotation is done. Steel breeze is for the stamina to keep me dodgin and gaining distance for strider. Passives are serpent and crushing or serpent and Aotpack. Dailys are Distrupting and Seismic shot. At-Wills are rapid shot and CA (keep pressing rapid shot down all the time, and run thru your encounters, it does not cancel rapid shot). Getting good enough dmg. Remember if u are using the Gor/Hin/Con setup stay close to the targets no need to be in 50* range, just dodge like hell, u are an ninja with a shotgun literally. In PVP i use marauder/hindering/constricting, Forest ghost, crushing, aspect of the lonewolf or serpent. We are not uber killers in PVP but we get the most assists and time to team mates to kill enemy players.
    PS. for PVE
    - get yer arpen to 60%
    - go with crit rather than power
    - get an augment companion or companion with bonding stones
    - go with vorpal and soulforged
    - get artis with crit,power and arpen(no need for arpen if its stacked)
    - go with DEX and WIS, im human meself, works good enough
    - archon companions, use them for some good actives for damage
    for PVP
    -stack power and arpen
    -use negation, elven or bark
    -feytouched, terror, plague or vorpal
    Gets me through PVE and PVP. And i bet there are tons of advice around there, just keep looking and asking. Happy huntin
  • Posts: 937Member, NW M9 PlaytestArc User
    Wheel of Elements as an active artifact packs a lot of punch too.
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • edited February 2016

    btw im doing like a 5M+ upgrade to my hr this night, if it still isnt going to work i just dont know what to do anymore

    Hate to say but don't unless it's enchants.
    I bought an axebeak and kessels spheres, and am kinda regretful. Not too mention refining twisted to orange. Wait till HRs get a buff before you spend.
So, my current campaign has run into a point where, through a bizarre combination of psionics and homebrew content, my character's weapon will be increasing by 16 size categories for a round, and then go down to 11 afterwards.
The effects involved allow me to ignore things like the weapon being too heavy (which would apply anyway really since it's a Mind Blade).
So the problem much damage does this thing do? It starts at 1d6, being a light mind blade, but there are no charts anywhere that seem to have a progression with a noticable pattern, except for one we found in Dragonmech (something else we're pulling material from) for really big weapons for mechs, where it seems to go 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 2d6 -> 2d8 etc. That would put it at 6d8 for 11 increases, and 9d6 for 16. Does that sound right for a weapon that will effectively replicate this?