How To See Dmg Numbers In Vermentide 2


RP burst (3 alt fires) – 16600 dmg (blessed + 7600 dmg (1.7 sec reload) + 7600 dmg (2.5 sec reload) = 31,800 dmg over 4.2 seconds As you can see, even when it comes to burst damage the VC is better.

Combat in Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is the main element of the game - you fight a battle with countless opponents as you play. This chapter contains a handful of practical tips, which will facilitate battles with enemies and explain basic combat mechanics connected with massacre of subsequent hordes. Do you want to know how to fight? Use the following tips:

Blocking is essential in the combat

The first principle of effective combat is that you must use blocking. It is possible that a battle with smaller Skavens will be possible without the use of blocks, but an unblocked blow from an elite boss will very quickly reduce the level of health of your hero.

The picture above shows 5 small shield icons, which means that the current weapon has 5 Stamina points. Each blocked strike reduces that amount - the weakest enemies, for example, destroy only one shield, but already a great Chaos Champion can destroy all of them with a single blow. If Stamina points fall to zero, you will take damage, but reusing the block restores the shields. It's also worth remembering that you don't have to point the block at the opponent that hits you. Simply turn on the blocking mode and even hits in your back are going to be reduced.

How to evade and move swiftly

A great addition to blocks are evades - often it's better to evade a blow from the big boss than to block it. It is equally important to navigate the map efficiently. If you are fighting on an open ground, keep moving between your opponents. In this way you will avoid some hits and gain more control of the battlefield. On the other hand, if you have the opportunity to draw enemies into a narrow passage, do it as well as possible - making it much easier for you to deal with them.

How to heal your hero?

Regardless of the character you have chosen, you can treat it with two items - medical instruments and healing potions. Instruments restore more health, but take longer to use and make you vulnerable to enemy attacks. You will quickly notice that there aren't too many sources of healing items on the map, so remember to heal yourself only when your Hero has very little health.

However, every single on of your globals will be spent refreshing moonfires/sunfires, putting down starfalls and hardcasting moon spells. Ww monk dmg poor fa 8.1. If people are bunched together you can reach very high damage numbers.

In addition, you can directly heal a member of your team with the help of medical instruments, and you can pass them healing potions. It's worth doing so, if the ally is on the verge of death - Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is a cooperation game, where teamwork and mutual assistance are very important.

Items scattered on the map

How To See Dmg Numbers In Vermentide 2

In addition to the above mentioned instruments and potions, you will also find bombs and elixirs on the map. With bombs you can quickly destroy a group of enemies or set fire to a large part of the terrain, while elixirs offer temporary bonuses to your hero (increased damage or speed). Look carefully for objects, collect them and use them in difficult situations. In addition, you'll find an ammunition box to replenish your projectiles, arrows, bolts and bullet supplies.

Illuminating bombs are great in tight spaces - if you throw them in a place where your enemies run out or spawn - it will effectively weaken them.

How to fight armored enemies?

On your way, you'll often meet powerful, armored opponents. . You should focus on their weak points - spots on their bodies that allow you to deal damage without the need of penetrating their armor. Below you can find a few enemies and their weak points:

  1. Stormvermin - head
  2. Mauler - belly
  3. Warpfire Thrower - head
  4. Gas Rat - all spots except the head

Besides attacking weak points, you can also penetrate their armor. However, not all weapons can use these attacks. For example - light attacks with Markus Kruber's two-handed hammer can penetrate armor but his two-handed sword can't do that (even when you use heavy attacks).

It is worth fighting together with stronger opponents. You absolutely have to mark an enemy ('T', which will help you locate that enemy and attack him together with your team. It is best for one character to focus his attention (e.g. Markus Kruber as a mercenary) and for the other characters to attack him from the side or behind. For more information about enemies, please refer to the List of Enemies page in our guide.

Hero's Power

The hero's power affects the damage dealt, the number of enemies the attack passes through, and the level of instability (i.e., whether your attacks knock an enemy down on the ground) - of course, the higher the hero's power is, the better.

The hero's power is the only attribute of our character, and increasing it is very easy. Each character starts the game with 10 points, and every level up gets your character another 10 points. In addition to promotion of the hero, it is very important to arm him properly. Each item (weapon, necklace, trinket, charm) has a specific amount of power, and the average power of all the items used is added to the hero's power.

For example - if your hero has 5 level of experience, he has a fundamental 50 points of power stat, and his equipment consists of:

  1. Close-combat weapon - 54 points of power
  2. Ranged weapon - 55 points of power
  3. Necklace - 54 points of power
  4. Trinket - 20 points of power
  5. Charm - 50 points of power

The average point of the above items is 46, so the total power of the hero is 96 (50+46).

You can get your weapon from chests - check the 'How to get new equipment' page in our guide.

The Okri's Challenges in The Warhammer: Vermintide2include special tasks and challenges to help you get equipment crates. These are very important because only with the help of such crates you can obtain new equipment for your heroes. And better equipment means more Hero's Power, which increases your damage and gives you access to higher difficulty levels. You can open the chests in the middle of the fortress or in the 'Spoils of War' tab.

Okri's Challenges can be opened in the central spot of the Fortress - after opening them, you will see the above menu.


The Quest tab contains daily tasks and events - these are random goals on a given day (once a day you can draw them again), after which you will receive a prize in the form of a chest that contains, for example, a frame for a portrait of a hero. Quests are randomized every day, so check them out every 24 hours.

How To See Dmg Numbers In Vermintide 2 Download

Examples of daily quests and events:

  1. Complete 10 missions at Champion difficulty level
  2. Win 10 quick games
  3. Kill 25 elite enemies
  4. Complete two missions as a specified hero

How To See Dmg Numbers In Vermintide 2 Release


How To See Dmg Numbers In Vermintide 2 Game

Challenges work similar to quests, but are limited in number. Challenge goals are related to every aspect of the game - completing a given act, creating or destroying an object, or reaching a given level of character. In contrast to quests, a challenge that you have completed is marked as passed and you can no longer repeat it.