Increase Damage Assasincation Rogue Aoe Dmg

  1. Subtlety Rogue
  2. Increase Damage Assassination Rogue Aoe Dmg 2
Hey folks..I have been a hold out in going to Assassination through 7.1.5, but after seeing the lack of appreciable changes to Outlaw..I feel like it might be time to swap specializations. With that being the case, I seem to really be struggling with Cleave and AoE damage. I have been in runs where an Assassination Rogue is keeping up or surpassing me on Outlaw in Cleave and/or AoE damage. I have read the sites and different posts on how to do this, but I am not able to generate anything close to that level of damage in those situations. I feel like I am horrendously missing the boat on something, but this is what I have been doing..
- Get Garrote and 5 Point Rupture up on primary target
- Get 5 Point Rupture up on secondary and tertiary targets
- Go back to primary target and start building CPs to Envenom
- FoK spam to generate 3-5 CPs
- Hit Envenom and hope for Poison Bomb proc
Does anyone have input on what I need to be modifying? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Subtlety Rogue

Hello. I'm considerably new to the rogue class and so far I have only tried playing Combat in PVE and Subtlety in PVP, so please forgive me my ignorance. My question is regarding Assassination and how should I perform in, say, dungeon/raid trash or multiple targets in general. I know trash isn't important, but getting through it faster is always a bonus and currently I don't 'feel at home' if you will.
I mean, when coming from Combat background, you are so used to just cleaving stuff to death. Now, I do know that Mutilate is the rogue spec when it comes to dealing AOE damage, but how should I do it? Let's say I'm faced with 3-5 targets. On how many targets should I keep Rupture up on? Should I then just keep doing a single-target rotation? At which point there's enough targets to keep spamming FoK?
Thank you in advance for whatever help.

Increase Damage Assassination Rogue Aoe Dmg 2

For example, for Assassination, Shrouded Suffocation won’t be good if adds die in a few seconds because Garrote won’t tick more than 2-3 times. Folinic acid dmg b12 dosage chart. Echoing Blades is most likely not a thing, since it barely does any damage unless you fight huge packs. Scent of Blood might find a spot on longer cleave fights. You have Lacerate. Rust dmg calc. Death Field/Wither/Discharge depending on your spec. Can't think of any others off the top of my head, but your primary AoE attack is Lacerate, which provides horrible DPS compared to most other classes.