Is A Crit Increase Better Than A Dmg Increase Wotlk

  1. Is A Crit Increase Better Than A Dmg Increase Wotlk List
  2. Is A Crit Increase Better Than A Dmg Increase Wotlk Download
Is A Crit Increase Better Than A Dmg Increase Wotlk

Is A Crit Increase Better Than A Dmg Increase Wotlk List

So its like increasing your damage by 50% (Maxi side) VS increasing it by a flat 10,000 (Add damage side). Yes, you should invest more into crit but do not replace your Maximize for crit since you need them both. Find ways to increase that 30% crit chance to at least 50% or more without losing your 70% Maxi. In pre raid gear I usually go by 20 ap = 1% crit 15 ap = 1% hit. 20 agi for warriors is equivalent to 1% crit and 1 str = 2 ap so strength is about twice as valuable as agility. As you gear becomes better, crit and hit scales faster than ap so with world buffs and some epics for example you can reach 1% crit being equivalent to 30+ ap. Dmg construction.

Is A Crit Increase Better Than A Dmg Increase Wotlk Download

For pure dmg, both pools scale the same way:
Generell rule:
Increasing your pool by n% increases your dmg done by n/2%. Means if u have 2k spelldmg and increase it by 200, your dmg goes up by 5%.
As already mentioned over the thumb 1 spelldmg is worth 10 max magicka.
If your magicka/10 is higher than your spelldmg its better to increase spelldmg and the other way round. Reason is, if u e.g. have 2k spelldmg and 40k max magicka and u can choose between increasing magicka by 2k or spelldmg by 200:
- 200 spelldmg will increase your dmg by 5%
- 2k max mag will only give a 2,5% dmg increase.
Skills that do dmg and heal (e.g. Funnel Health) r slightly different as they the dmg component scales by 0,6 w/ spelldmg and 0,4 with max magicka, while the healing component scales by 0,4 with spelldmg and 0,6 with max mag.
Shields and (sorc?-) pets only scale with magicka.
- for 2, 3, 4 pc boni the spelldmg boosters r slightly higher than the max magicka, thus they r 'better'.
- u get 25% [+2% for every sorc skill] increase in spelldmg for minor and major buff, max magicka buffs r 7% inner light + [2% meteor] + [10% race] + [8% sorc/nb/warden] + [2% every other mages guild skill]. Those buffs stack additive: e.g. <your pool> * 1,09 if u have inner light and meteor slotted (and not (<your pool> *1,07)* 1,02).