Is Rengar Burst Dmg

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I saw rengar as a tanky jungler who relied on heal to live like a semi tank finisher with his ulti helping out the kills.but like his dmg is just WOW. He downed me from 100% hp under torret at same lvl in 1 sec. Oct 27, 2012  the top 10 must have those specifications. 1) early game(1lvl - 6lvl) 2) not fed.(when i say no fed i mean that some champions do burst dmg when they had fed). Finaly their is no need for those champions to be only ap or only ad, they can be even tanks or support. Comment below rating threshold, click here to show it. Nov 07, 2013  You wanna open with double Q whenever you can, because most people will start to run away if a Rengar jumps on them (if they're smart), which means you might not get your Qs if they run out of range. Your E slow isn't enough to ensure the hits in most cases. Besides that, you want your burst to be up front so they don't have as much time to react.

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