Kusarigama 3.5 Dmg

recipes sources full list
  1. To make Dimensional Warrior Breastplate (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 335), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge. Block of High Quality Ore (.). To make Block of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 29), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, or Antonican Forge.
  2. Jan 23, 2015  Yes there is, there is stats on kusari-gama in DMG, they are a reach weapon that is one-handed but can be used to attack adjacent. If you are talking about 3.5 builds, you can make a nasty AoO trip build using them. Two-weapon fighting with improved trip is a viable tactic that allows you some versatility with them.
  3. A Kusarigama has reach, so you can strike opponents 10 feet away with it. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, it can be used against an adjacent foe. You can make trip attacks with the Kusarigama. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the chain to avoid being tripped. When using a Kusarigama.

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Dimensional Warrior Sabatons
Slot: FEET
Purity: 45
AC: 180
Effect: Velocious Fervor
Focus Effect: Singing Resonance 26
STR: +32 (+9) DEX: +40 (+11) STA: +36 (+10) CHA: +32 (+9) WIS: +29 (+9) INT: +29
AGI: +38 (+11) HP: +2474 MANA: +2300 Endurance: +2379
Combat Effects: +6
Spell Shield: +2
3.5Avoidance: +5
Attack: +29
Regeneration: +4
Mana regeneration: +3
Accuracy: +8
Damage Shield: +3
Dmg Shld Mit: +2
Clairvoyance: +33
Spell Dmg: +23
Heal Amount: +23
Shielding: +2%
DoT Shielding: +2%
Strikethrough: +1%
Stun Resist: +2%
Required level of 100
WT: 3.5 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot type 7:empty
Slot type 13:empty

Kusarigama 3.5 Dmg Download

EQ item ID: 85275

This item is not used in any recipes. Dmg twitter.

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Kusarigama 3.5 Dmg 2

  • Smithing Components: Block of High Quality Ore(2), Charged Coal, Ethernere Essence, Smithy Hammer, Steel Ingot(3)
    In: Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), Guild Forge
    Yield: 1
    Also Returns: Smithy Hammer(1)
    On Failure Returns: Smithy Hammer
    Notes: You can purchase and scribe Equipment of the Ethernere in order to learn this recipe without experimentation.
    Trivial at:335

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Sources:Kusarigama 3.5 Dmg
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  • To make Dimensional Warrior Sabatons (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 335), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
    • Block of High Quality Ore (2) (*)
      • To make Block of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 29), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, or Antonican Forge
        • Water Flask (*)
          • To make Water Flask (Brewing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Brew Barrel, or Tanaan Brew Barrel
            • Bottle (*)
            • Pod of Water (4)
        • Large Brick of High Quality Ore (3) (*)
          • To make Large Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 29), Combine the following in a Forge, or Tanaan Forge
            • Water Flask (*)
            • Small Brick of High Quality Ore (3) (*)
              • To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 29), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Smithing Chisel (*)
                • Large Brick of High Quality Ore (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 29), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
                • Small Piece of High Quality Ore (3)
                  • To make Small Piece of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 29), Combine the following in a Forge
                    • Smithing Chisel (*)
                    • Small Brick of High Quality Ore (*)
                  • Alternatively: To make Small Piece of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, or Tanaan Forge
                    • Water Flask (*)
                  • Alternatively: To make Small Piece of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, or Tanaan Forge
                    • Water Flask (*)
                  • Alternatively: To make Small Piece of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, or Tanaan Forge
                    • Water Flask (*)
                  • Alternatively: To make Small Piece of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge
                    • Water Flask (*)
                  • Alternatively: To make Small Piece of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, or Tanaan Forge
                    • Water Flask (*)
                  • Alternatively: To make Small Piece of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                    • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Teir`Dal Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 3, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
              • Alternatively: To make Small Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 1, trivial 21), Combine the following in a Forge, Tanaan Forge, Forge - Floor (Placeable), Forge - Standing (Placeable), or Guild Forge
                • Water Flask (*)
          • Alternatively: To make Large Brick of High Quality Ore (Smithing: Yield 2, trivial 29), Combine the following in a Forge
            • Smithing Chisel (*)
            • Block of High Quality Ore (*)
    • Smithy Hammer (*)
    • Charged Coal (*)
    • Steel Ingot (3)

Kusarigama 3.5 Dmg 1

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