Lineage 1 Special Dmg Weapons

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Lineage Weapons Special Abilities Information. Dual Sword Special Abilities. Grade Dual Weapon Name Description (when enchanted to +4) C. A wide variety of A, B, C and S grade weapons in the game can have a special ability, or SA for short, applied to them. The Bloodline is the skill tree for Vampire's Fall: Origins. Make your choices wisely while using your bloodline pts. The attributes you give your Vampire can give him/her a vital edge in combat. Anger pts make your Vampire's weapon attacks better, individual attack types critical attacks, counter attacks Vitality pts make your Vampire's overall health and focus stronger, builds them and makes. Any enchantments on a weapon are not lost when applying SA, and also the weapon with SA can be further enchanted without losing it's SA (unless over-enchantment fails). Using blessed enchant weapon scroll (rare item available from drop at high level Raid Bosses and Grand Olympiad) is much safer way to over-enchant your weapon - then you don't lose weapon and it's SA, only enchant status turns to +0. Level 1 magic 1. Mirror image ER+5, evasion+5 for 1200 sec. Smash Additional hit: 15 damage to enemy. Illusion: Orge Hit dmg+4 Hit chance+4 for 32 sec. Confusion Gives 10 dmg and for 2 sec the target cannot cast any magic(30% chance) 5. Cube: Ignition For ally +30 fire resist. For enemy 10 dmg every 5 sec. Cube can be summoned for 20 sec. Level 2 magic 1. On freya if the resist value is higer than atack the dmg will be the same as if they were equal so u can put whatever atribute u wish the dmg will be the same. Armors: For GE Dynasty leather armor Jewell if its possible if enchant goes 20 than better is vesper light.

This article is a stub.It could probably be helpful one day, but right now it is incomplete, lacks structure and/or verified content.You can help us by contributing!

The Bloodline is the skill tree for Vampire's Fall: Origins.
Make your choices wisely while using your bloodline pts. the attributes you give your Vampire can give him/her a vital edge in combat.Anger pts make your Vampire's weapon attacks better, individual attack types critical attacks, counter attacksVitality pts make your Vampire's overall health and focus stronger, builds them and makes focus regenerate more easilyDeceit pts make your Vampire benefit more from battle, gets you additional XP and cash also allows you to build your Vampire's dodging abilities and shield blocking abilitiesThe bloodline trees are INFINITELY valuable, use them well.It is possible to switch your bloodline attributes later on in the game, but it will cost you in game currencies to do so. More on Reseting skills.

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There are three different categories:

Anger[editedit source]

  • <skill name>(minimum requirement/max stack): <skill effect>
  • Hard hitter(0/3): +1 Max dmg with weapons
  • Precise hitter(0/20): +0.3 % Chance for critical hit
  • Hard precise hitter(0/30): +2% Critial hit dmg
  • Stunning strike(0/10): +1% Chance for critical hits to stun target (if your weapon has a stun chance)
  • Piercing expert(0/30): +3% Dmg with piercing weapons
  • Blunt expert(0/30): +3% Dmg with blunt weapons
  • Slash expert(0/30): +3% Dmg with slash weapons
  • Harder hitter(10
Lineage 1 Special Dmg Weapons

/10): +1 Max dmg with weapons

  • Berserker(0/20): +5% Dmg when HP is under 25%
  • Poison Expert (0/15) +6% Poison damage per tick
  • Poison Mastery (?/?) +2% Crit chance per poison tick
  • Bleed Expert (0/15) +5% Bleed dump damage
  • Bleed Mastery (?/?) +2% Crit chance for bleed dump

Vitality[editedit source]

  • Lesser health(0/3): +2 Max HP
  • Minor health(0/25): +3 Max HP
  • Major health(0/25): +5 Max HP
  • Greater health(0/25): +8 Max HP
  • Refreshing combo (0/15): +1.5 Focus regenerated on Combo turn
  • Healthy combo(0/20): +1 HP regeneration on Combo turn
  • An extra combo(0/10): +5% Chance to add one normal attack at the end of Combo turn
  • Vampiric touch(0/10): +2% Dmg dealt with weapons added as health (max 5% of MAX HP per turn)
  • Improved focus(0/25): +3 Max focus
  • Improved focus regen(0/20): +0.8 Focus regen per turn
  • Focused mind(0/20): +5 Starting focus
  • Armor (0/10) +2% armor
  • Arcane Damage (0/20) +4% damage with conjure and bat swarm
  • Arcane Mastery (0/??) 3%Critical chance with conjure and bat swarm

Lineage 1 Special Dmg Weapons Guide

Deceit[editedit source]

  • Dodge(0/3): +1% Chance to dodge enemy attacks
  • Refreshing dodge(0/20): +2 Focus when successfully dodging an attack
  • Greater dodge(0/30): +0.5 Chance to dodge enemy attacks
  • Dodging death(0/10): +5% Chance to keep 1 HP when an enemy does a killing blow
  • Shield mastery(0/15): +1% Chance to block with shield
  • Ranged defender(0/20): +1.5% Chance to block ranged attacks with shield
  • Opportunist(0/20): +1% Chance to counter-attack a blocked melee attack. (Can`t be dodged or blocked)
  • Gold fever(0/10): +3% more gold from enemies
  • Experience fever(0/10): +5% more XP from enemies
  • Backpacker(0/1): +1 extra slot for potions in inventory
  • Strong back(0/15): +2 Max equip load
  • Extra pocket(0/1): +1 extra slot for crafting potions

Lineage 1 Special Dmg Weapons Mod

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