Poe Chaos Dmg Nodes


All damage that would be dealt this turn to target creature you control by a source of your choice is dealt to another target creature instead.: The next 1 damage that would be dealt to Lancers en-Kor this turn is dealt to target creature you control instead. Until end of turn, if damage would be dealt to any creature, you may have that damage dealt to you instead. Burn from Within deals X damage to any target. If a creature is dealt damage this way, it loses indestructible until end of turn. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead. Gatherer is the Magic Card Database. Search for the perfect addition to your deck. Damage that would be dealt to that creature this turn can't be prevented or dealt instead to another permanent or player. When the creature dies this turn, exile the creature. You may have it deal 1 damage to target creature. If you do, prevent all combat. Damage dealt to creatures is removed from the creature at the end of each turn, unless the total damage dealt to that creature over the course of the turn equals or exceeds its toughness, which causes the creature to be destroyed and put into the graveyard unless another effect replaces this. An amount of damage larger than or equal to the toughness of a creature is called lethal damage. Mtg dmg delt to you is delt to creature instead. Whenever a creature you control attacks, it gets +2/+0 until end of turn and Anthem of Rakdos deals 1 damage to you. Hellbent — As long as you have no cards in hand, if a source you control would deal damage to a permanent or player, it deals double that damage to that permanent or player instead.

Duelist doesn't have chaos nodes, shadow is where you want to be to grab those plentiful inc phys inc chaos cluster. Also pure chaos dmg seems to be balanced around using poison (poison scales off chaos + phys), from there it's a small step to go viper strike to maximize both phys and chaos. Is it worth converting all Fire damage to Chaos damage? I'm running a Flame Totem build in Warbands (yeah, yeah, FOTM, I know), and I realised I could use Infernal Mantle and The Consuming Dark to convert 100% of fire damage to chaos.

  1. Poe Chaos Dmg Nodes Symptoms
  2. Poe Chaos Dmg Nodes Diagram

Only physical and chaos damage are able to inflict poison. Poison is a cumulatively stacking debuff. Each application—or 'stack'—of poison remains present on the target dealing chaos damage over time until it runs its course. There is no limit to the number of poison stacks a target can have. 150 chaos x (100% (base) + 100% (projectile) + 30% (physical)) = 345 chaos dmg Remember chaos damage in this instance also stacks of physical damage. Result above is of course the same with 130% projectile damage since you just add them together for a total of 130%. Guardian Ascendancy got 2 new nodes, which buff the new Herald of Purity by an enormous amount. Basically, you'll be able to alter the tree a little, choose the two nodes and Herald of Purity inside a 4L (maybe essence crafted, so it could get a possible 5L) and carry maps by yourself at a slow pace.

Can someone explain to me the mechanics with spell crit and Essence Drain?
Tool tip DPS goes up with spell crit. The chaos damage per second, does not.
Does spell crit only apply to the initial hit? And then a set amount of chaos per second?
If this is the case, why does the spell have a base 5% crit chance?
The amount of damage that spreads via contagion doesn't seem any different with, and without spell crit.. But I would like to hear anyone elses ideas on why this spell is seemingly VERY lack lustre at L72 with every single DoT node in the tree, dot on a high spell dmg wand, almost all of the chaos nodes, almost all of the big spell dmg nodes in the witch and templar trees, and ALL of the spell crit nodes..
Last bumped on May 6, 2016, 6:56:25 AM
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 2:30:21 AM
I want confirmation too as I plan to scale this with crit, but AFAIK (could be wrong, has been a while, maybe confusing with other game) DoT effects scale with crit, is just split on the ticks (is not evaluated per hit like on attacks or spells?).
In any case the initial spell hit should be affected by spell crit, but I believe the DoT does too, otherwise it sucks.
On your last paragraph.. well I'm just about lvl 60 and with crap gear, but white trash dies quite fast (combined with contagion), but to boost damage I guess you are supposed to use Wither (suggestion, use it with increased duration + spell totem) to boost the damage on hard mobs or bosses. What support gems are you using with it?
P.S: For others trying this, IMO is used mostly like a single target skill, which can be sometimes lacklustre due to the cast animations involved and projectile speed (they could improve that), but you can mix it up with LMP and/or pierce (or pierce from skill tree) to make your life easier too.
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 2:50:59 AM
Damage over Time cannot Crit, it is a constant degeneration. There are no ticks nor Hits that could Crit. As such, going Crit with Essence Drain is a little silly.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Dec 16, 2015, 3:10:41 AM
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 3:10:12 AM
Ok fail then.. good thing I just hadn't specced into crit yet, will have to replan.. Looks like we are stuck with lacklustre dmd though.
Then blasphemy + vulnerability will boost dmg a bit at least and usign some skill points into mana reservation reduction.
Last edited by knac84 on Dec 16, 2015, 3:14:19 AM
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 3:12:58 AM
Its only in a 4L atm. Rapid Decay. Void Manipulation. Added Chaos Dmg.
It was good until Act 4 Merciless. It takes like 1min? Kiting. dodging Voll in dry lake.
I use Wither. And 2 curses on Ball Lightning (vuln + chains).
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 3:18:41 AM
Well Essence Drain is basically one of the easiest to skills to get multipliers:
Trap, Trap Damage, Slower Projectiles, Void Manipulation, Rapid Decay, Controlled Destruction
Of course you can't put all of them on it. I would avoid using Rapid Decay, since having a good duration means more spreading with one use of essence drain. With Increased Duration you can clear large areas with one cast of essence drain and constant contagion casts.
Also added Chaos Damage is a very suboptimal skill. In theory Essence Drain also has some impact damage that actually hits the target. But unless having quality on Added Chaos it does not affect the DoT.
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 4:05:55 AM
Ok fail then.. good thing I just hadn't specced into crit yet, will have to replan.. Looks like we are stuck with lacklustre dmd though.
Then blasphemy + vulnerability will boost dmg a bit at least and usign some skill points into mana reservation reduction.

You have to spend ALOT of points to get a small radius. Honestly I can only see Blashemy being useful on melee. I had to spec out of witch/templar nodes, plus the curse nodes near CI, plus the aura radius node near Scion, because of damage, and because with like 20 points invested. it was barely reaching half way across the screen.
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 4:10:29 AM
Well Essence Drain is basically one of the easiest to skills to get multipliers:
Trap, Trap Damage, Slower Projectiles, Void Manipulation, Rapid Decay, Controlled Destruction
Of course you can't put all of them on it. I would avoid using Rapid Decay, since having a good duration means more spreading with one use of essence drain. With Increased Duration you can clear large areas with one cast of essence drain and constant contagion casts.
Also added Chaos Damage is a very suboptimal skill. In theory Essence Drain also has some impact damage that actually hits the target. But unless having quality on Added Chaos it does not affect the DoT.

Thanks, took added chaos out. It wasn't adding to the degen damage.
Also, why Slower Projectiles?
Last edited by Laminar_Flow1 on Dec 16, 2015, 4:14:27 AM
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 4:13:17 AM
Also, why Slower Projectiles?

Because Essence Drain is a projectile. Yes it is already a very slow projectile and making it slower isn't the best thing, but if paired with Trap and Trap-Damage it doesn't really matter, since the projectile is created directly at the mob triggering the trap.
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 4:18:51 AM
The skill doesn't work with traps does it?
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 4:05:13 PM

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Poe Chaos Dmg Nodes Symptoms

Hi i want to share my witch firestorm pure crit chaos build.
Its just simple build for crit casters stack crit chance and dmg some spell fire and chaos dmg an get resonable life nodes.The core of this buid are infernal mantle and The Consuming Dark dagger it give us 100% chaos dmg.I in my firestorm setup use all things i can to get all dmg i can Void manipulation is great option here and give us loots of dmg more than increase crit multipler.Facebreaker is great cause give us almost 1k dmg you can use maligaro gloves but i dont have it.
Its not really expensive build but you need little currency for it.
In bandits i take oak point point cause its old character but you can take power charge from alira if you want it isnt a bigg diffrence.
Tree at 89 lvl

Items and gems what i use

Some stats

Offensive just base dmg no flask power charges and not including assasins mark curse

Videos will come soon.
Last edited by mati3255 on Dec 18, 2015, 10:09:16 PM
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 6:51:15 PM
And here first video:
Terrace map:
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 9:36:00 PM
New vid Arid Lake 76 lvl crazy mods
Posted by
on Dec 18, 2015, 11:38:42 PM
Nice build dude, ty for that!!! Good job working to make the post i apreciate that, funny picture :=)
Posted by
on Jan 8, 2016, 4:58:33 AM

Poe Chaos Dmg Nodes Diagram

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