Poe Elemental Dmg Affix


You can focus totally on physical damage without needing any affixes for ANY elemental damage modifiers (for shits and giggles cold/fire gem for MOAR fire damage and higher ignite DoT). Hell you can even ditch penetration gems if you have enough physical damage. As it stands the elemental affixes are pretty bad. I finally managed to get the right pseudos on my Two-Handed Dildo! I'll commit the changes in a bit, still have some code cleaning to do. Let me know if you think.

  1. Poe Elemental Dmg Affix Name
  2. Poe Elemental Dmg Affix Chart
So what exactly is the difference
If using let's say a fire skill and got 1 item of either 10% spell or elemental increase the damage increase would be the same of either of them right??
And playing as a Witch is your normal attack considered to be a 'Spell' attack with a wand or elemental?
Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 9:24:05 PM
10% spell damage or elemental damage will do the same on a fire spell.
But 10% spell damage will increase chaos damage, unlike elemental damage.
Do you mean basic attack with wand? No, it isn't spell damage. But if the wand deals elemental damage, %increased elemental damage will work on it.
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Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 9:34:40 PM
Ah oke thanks for the quick awnser and chaos damage is a special kind of damage or?
Also to increase wand damage I have to get STR/Pysical boosts?
Also if your weapon has like 6 cold damage does elemental increase only increase the 6 cold damage portial of the basic atk?
Last edited by SAKRAY on Apr 5, 2012, 9:58:46 PM
Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 9:40:36 PM
Strength does not increase the physical damage of ranged weapons unless you get the keystone passive that allows it to do so, or support your attack skill with it.
Increased spell damage will increase the damage of all of your spells, including chaos spells as was stated.
If you a weapon with elemental damage attached to it, increased elemental damage will only increase the elemental portion, not the physical portion of your attack. However, you can get decent elemental levels on your attacks by utilizing elemental hit, lightning strike, lightning arrow, fire arrow, molten strike, or glacial hammer. These all add or convert a large amount of elemental damage to your attacks, and increased elemental damage will add to all of them (but spell damage will NOT because they are attacks and not spells).
Last edited by Kraide on Apr 5, 2012, 10:10:31 PM
Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 10:10:10 PM
Ah oke thanks for the quick awnser and chaos damage is a special kind of damage or?

yes, chaos damage isn't reduced by elemental resist or armor, and it bypass energy shield.
Some enemies have chaos resist though, but it just reduces the damage a bit, you can still kill them.
SAKRAY wrote:
Also if your weapon has like 6 cold damage does elemental increase only increase the 6 cold damage portial of the basic atk?

yes, if you get the %increase ele damage from a passive, it will increase the 6 cold damage on your weapon.
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Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 10:42:22 PM
I know this thread is old but if someone sees it I would be glad to get an answer. so if i understand this correctly. Elemental DMG boost all forms of attacks/spells that have some sort of element in it. And spell DMG only increeses the dmg of actual SPELLS.
I have done a Witch where i go heavy into lightning DMG (dont know if it is good late game or not but i wanna try it). So i can both get spell dmg and elemental dmg to boost the damage of my lightning spells such as spark and lightning trap for exampel?
Posted by
on Nov 9, 2013, 2:18:35 PM
Both spell dmg and elemental dmg will boost the damage of your lightning spells.
Posted by
on Nov 10, 2013, 2:10:09 AM
I have a witch doing cold damage. I was told that x% increased elemental damage passives not only increases the cold damage but also increases chill and freeze damage so is better bang for buck than x% increased spell damage passives.
Using Freezing Pulse, Ice Nova and Ice Spear.
Is this right? Thanks in advance.
Playing almost every day since Beta version 0.9.1 in 2011.
Last edited by DemiDemon on Mar 11, 2014, 12:23:46 AM
Posted by
on Mar 11, 2014, 12:19:10 AM
I have a witch doing cold damage. I was told that x% increased elemental damage passives not only increases the cold damage but also increases chill and freeze damage so is better bang for buck than x% increased spell damage passives.
Using Freezing Pulse, Ice Nova and Ice Spear.
Is this right? Thanks in advance.

In short, no.
'Chill and freeze damage' doesn't exist. Chill and freeze duration is based on the damage dealt by the hit that triggered them. Anything that increases the damage of the original hit increases the duration of chill/freeze. No extra damage is dealt to a monster just because you chilled or froze it.
Whoever told you that is getting chill/freeze mechanics mixed up with ignite/burn mechanics.
You're welcome to make a new thread for this kind of thing instead of bumping really, really old ones. PoE has changed a lot since Open Beta started, much less 2012.
Last edited by KG31459 on Mar 11, 2014, 12:54:00 AM
Posted by
on Mar 11, 2014, 12:52:09 AM
Whoever told you that is getting chill/freeze mechanics mixed up with ignite/burn mechanics.
Thanks for the answer.
Yeah, he had a fire witch and I assumed that what applied to one element would naturally apply to another - my bad.
KG31459 wrote:
You're welcome to make a new thread for this kind of thing instead of bumping really, really old ones. PoE has changed a lot since Open Beta started, much less 2012.
Again, my bad. After looking over the site for 20 mins I resorted to Googling the term 'elemental damage vs spell damage' and this was the only result close to what I wanted to know. When it didn't give me quite the answer I needed I thought it better to post in a similar thread rather than start another and end up with even more thousands of threads that are next-to-impossible to search through.
Playing almost every day since Beta version 0.9.1 in 2011.
Posted by
on Mar 11, 2014, 1:24:17 AM

Report Forum Post

PoeCurrencyBuyDate: Aug/29/17 03:29:39Views: 3691

The Retch provides 200% of your leeched life as chaos damage, which would'nt be too fancy without the Endless Hunger, because leech-effects normally would be removed at full life. - Well, with Endless Hunger it's not removed.

Finally Vessel of Vinktar provides a huge lifeleech-amount based on your lightning damage (30% base for leg. version and 20% for the new one), which is already showing the direction they build has to take: Getting as much lightning damage as possible (more later at following points).
A few sentences about slayer being played as an archer, which may be weird at the first look, but: Skilling into headsman and brutal fervour provides benefits to two-handed weapons, not two-handed-melee-weapons.
Even though bows are being used with quivers, they are mechanically two-handed weapons, which is why they can be 6-linked as well. - So you are not going to waste any potential here.

1 . Introduction

1.1 Skilltree

1.1.1 lvl94-Skilltree, legacy Vinktar-Varation

1.1.2 lvl97-Skilltree, Vaal-Pact-Variation

2.1 1st 6-Link

2.1 2nd 6-Link

2.1 3x 4-Links

2. items

2.1 HelmetHide

2.2 BowHide

Poe elemental dmg affix chart

2.3 QuiverHide /advance3d-mac-cleaner-pup.html.

2.4 AmuletHide

2.5 Body ArmourHide

2.6 RingsHide

2.7 GlovesHide

2.8 BeltHide

2.9 BootsHide

Duelist Barrage Builds Retch - SLArcher Introduction

The skilltree is about pathing to certain keynodes such as Point Blank, Druidic Rite, Forces of Nature, Phase Acrobatics, Arcing Blows, Alchemist and Elemental Overload. The deep pathing into witch-area probably needs the most explanation.
Alchemist grants 30% increased flask effect, which lead into 26% lightning conversion of vinktar and 39% total lightning-lifeleech. With the physical to lightning-gem (50% conversion) and a corrupted drillneck you are able to reach up to 96% lightning-conversion this way. The dps-boost is immense and totally worth the investment.
Elemental Overload on the other hand is a great addition, because Reach of the Council has only a base critical strike chance of 6% and the build isn't really made for heavy investments into critical strike multiplier on gear or tree. To maintain the buff of Elemental Overload a total critical strike chance between 10 and 20 percent is good enough, which is easily doable without heavy investments.
The other keynodes are about..
a) defences like Phase Acrobatics, or
b) damage through elemental penetration, like Forces of Nature and Arcing Blows, or through positioning like Point Blank,
c) utility like Druidic Rite for better gaining of flask charges and duration,
d) instant leech, because of Vaal Pact (in case you don't own a leg. Vessel of Vinktar).
On the way to those keynodes you are just taking nodes which are worth it, like most lifenode, some damage and jewel nodes. 'Deal with the Bandits'-Quest should be completed with killing all for 2 additional skillpoints.
About the ascendancy-nodes: Endless Hunger is needed for the build synergy as already being mentioned. With Bane of Legends you are getting pretty much perma-onslaught while grinding and an advanced culling strike on top of it. Headsmen gives a 20%-more-multiplier, if you have killed recently. And finally: Overwhelm is kind of a useful king of the hill-replacement: Giving some utility through crowd control.
Pantheon should be used as probably intended from GGG. Use the nodes which do help you at your current setup or tasks the most and just switch them, if you are going for something else.

Duelist Barrage Builds Retch - SLArcher Skilltree

lvl94-Skilltree, legacy Vinktar-Varation

lvl97-Skilltree, Vaal-Pact-Variation

A. 1st 6-Link

Tornado-Shot as main-attack, still one of the most powerful skills at the game. The linking provides great area-damage and still powerful single target damage, so you don't actually need a second 6-link. This setup is good enough to kill the shaper on it's own and one-shoting most bosses up to t15 without any other single-target-skill.

B. 2nd 6-Link

As said above, you don't need the 2nd-6-Link, but your single-target-damage will sky rocket with it. I am using it on my weapon-swap, as don't have a 6-link body armour. For stuff like guardians, shaper or uber-atziri/izaro i just switch my weapon.

C. 3x 4-Links

Herald of Thunder with Curse on Hit and Poacher's Mark and/or Elemental Weakness. Poacher's Mark isn't a very common curse these days, but actually like made for this build. Because you are going deep into witch-area, your dexterity won't be too huge, so your accuracy won't be as well. That's why lowering the enemies evasion is very useful. Even more useful is the 100% increased flask-gaining, because of The Retch debuff and your general dependence on flasks. On top you are getting a passive way of frenzy charge-generation. Elemental Weakness is the better choice for bosses, because Poacher's Mark doesn't do a lot here. Getting both curses needs an additional curse-mod on gear of course. Drop increased area of effect, if you got the possibility. Using Herald of Thunder with Curse on Hit and increased Area of Effect grants a very reliable source of spreading your curse and - of course - deals some more elemental damage.

Poe Elemental Dmg Affix Name

Wrath for obvious reasons, plus Blink Arrow for mobility and a Golem, because it's nice to have. Faster Attacks to buff both. Any golem works. If you are going with the Vaal Pact - tree the life-regen of the stone one won't have an effect though and you should'nt take it.

Usual cast when damage taken setup comibend with Vaal Grace (for getting increased duration linked with it). Vaal Haste instead of Grace would be ok as well, depending on what you prefer more: Speed, or defense. I prefer defense.

Poe Elemental Dmg Affix Chart

The shown items are just examples to show the approximate direction.

A. HelmetHide

The most important thing about the slot is probably the enchantment. +2 projectiles to either tornado shot, or barrage is a huge boost. To choose between those is about chosing your preferences. If you are grinding bosses like shaper or uber-atziri a lot barrage will be the better choice, if it's more about general grinding then tornado shot.

For chosing the right base: Alpha's Howl provides some utility with less mana reservation and cannot be frozen. Rat's Nest isn't as great as being used at usual crit-builds, but it provides enough global critical strike chance to disregard it on any other slots.

A good rare providing resistance, life and evasion would work as well.

B. BowHide

(Legacy) Reach of the Council is probably the most powerful choice here, because you don't have to use greater multiple projectiles. High base critical strike chance isn't needed and global critical strike multiplier is useless, so i don't recommend using a rare (mirrored) bow. Of course Brood Twine & Co. do have a lot more physical damage, but the investment isn't worth it.

If you cannot afford a legacy Reach or playing a temp league you should use GMP instead of slower projectiles and try to get any rare bow with high-phys-rolls or use Lioneye's Glare (probably drop point blank then).

C. QuiverHide

A corrupted version of Drillneck not being used a lot, which is why they are pretty cheap at the moment. For my build it's the perfect fit, because playing into the main-synergy (up to 20% lightning conversion) as well as the usual synergy with pierce.

D. AmuletHide

Weapon elemental and flat physical damage, plus life are the most important rolls here. Critical Strike chance doesn't hurt, but isn't needed. Just get some useful suffixes, like accuracy (you should get a least about 250 total from gear), resistance, needed attributs, or %-lightning-damage here.

E. Body ArmourHide

Legacy Kaom's Heart is best in slot, but if you cannot afford one, or playing a temp league a non-legacy Kaom's Heart, Belly of the Beast or good rare body armour does the job as well. If you are using a 6-link chest, you don't need a second weapon setup of course.

F. RingsHide

Once again: Weapon elemental damage, flat physical and life, plus useful suffixes. Opal and Steel being the best bases, but other useful bases are fine as well.

G. GlovesHide

I am going with gripped gloves here, because i don't like the gloves-enchantments too much. Flat physical, life and some resistance, accuracy or attack speed are great.

H. BeltHide

Must have, because the guide is more or less about The Retch and it's synergy-potentials.

I. BootsHide

Some rare boots with movement speed, life and resistance are most likely the way to go. The enchantments above, plus flat-lightning are probably the best ones. If you don't need the resistance then Atziri's Steps are definitely worth a try.


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Knight physical crit bow Build for Path of exile 3.0

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