Poe High Dmg Build 2015

  1. Poe High Dmg Build 2015 Download
Hopefully this will change with ascendancy and the welcomed buff for our poor guy (spell block, permanent fortify..).
Posted by
on Dec 15, 2015, 11:54:45 AM
There you can see how strongly overpowered shadow and all this low-life crit dagger thing really was. The aftermath is still lasting and lasting.
(I have no idea how balance is nowadays, but it can hardly be worse than then)
Last edited by LSN on Dec 15, 2015, 4:23:58 PM
Posted by
on Dec 15, 2015, 4:21:35 PM
I'm surprised shadow is being heavily played. It seems impossible to get life from that position on the tree. Are people doing es/life hybrids now?
Posted by
on Dec 15, 2015, 4:54:49 PM
Duelist is least played because if you want to play Crit you would go Shadow/Ranger. If you wanted to go noncrit you would go maurader (for Resolute technique). If you wanted to go elemental hybrid then even templar is better.
If you want to be somewhere inbetween then you can play scion.
Duelist doesn't really have any builds that really shines for it other then some sort of dualwield nondagger but melee crit build or whatever else it's next too (blocking?, 2h non RT?).

What? Hell no!
Duelist is awesome for any attack damage build. Spectral Throw, Leap Slam, Cleave, Bleed, Flicker Strike builds and the list goes on. Duelist is the best class for both offense and defense in one, imo.
And especially good for any Weapon Elemental Damage builds, since he is close to Strength and Dex and several other nodes you can take. He's not as bad as people make him out to be.
He's just not a critter, that's all.
Proud creator of Hank the Tank™:
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Posted by
on Dec 15, 2015, 5:07:41 PM
And especially good for any Weapon Elemental Damage builds, since he is close to Strength and Dex and several other nodes you can take. He's not as bad as people make him out to be.

Why being close to Strength and Dex nodes makes the duelist good for a Weapon Elemental Damage build ?
Never tried this kind of build, so just curious.
Posted by
on Dec 15, 2015, 5:44:48 PM
And especially good for any Weapon Elemental Damage builds, since he is close to Strength and Dex and several other nodes you can take. He's not as bad as people make him out to be.

Why being close to Strength and Dex nodes makes the duelist good for a Weapon Elemental Damage build ?
Never tried this kind of build, so just curious.

Not really sure. I think it kind of depends on the skills you're using. Oros Flicker Strike requires something like 150 dex to use at level 20, for example. Guess it's likely you'd need a lot of str and/or dex to use a skill that utilizes WED well.
I dunno tho, I'm doing a WED Spectral Throw build right now and int is by far my biggest wall. I can't level my Herald of Thunder and I won't be able to equip my claw for awhile either.
Last edited by Nasreth on Dec 15, 2015, 5:58:48 PM
Posted by
on Dec 15, 2015, 5:57:56 PM
Seeing how theres so little duelist makes me glad I rolled one. Making a Duelist Mjolner build :D now I feel unique.
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 2:05:22 PM
Seeing how theres so little duelist makes me glad I rolled one. Making a Duelist Mjolner build :D now I feel unique.

I feel like I'm being robbed of my melee shadow glory by all the (inevitably) caster shadows.
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Last edited by Legatus1982 on Dec 16, 2015, 5:05:18 PM
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 5:04:49 PM
And especially good for any Weapon Elemental Damage builds, since he is close to Strength and Dex and several other nodes you can take. He's not as bad as people make him out to be.

Why being close to Strength and Dex nodes makes the duelist good for a Weapon Elemental Damage build ?
Never tried this kind of build, so just curious.

Not really. Duelist doesn't really have immediate access to elemental damage and ranger outdoes him in generic projectile damage and attack speed. The duelist's biggest issue has always been that there are very few builds that can't be made at least as good (if not better) as mara, ranger, or scion. And any of those starts would offer much more flexibility. I suspect we'll see duelist gaining a lot more popularity with the expansion though.
The shadow popularity is for sure a result of all the new poison shenanigans.
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 5:42:30 PM
I am playing a LA/frenzy duelist, level 81 at the moment.
Picked up IR,IG, RT, it does decent dmg even with a 4 link chin sol.
To be honest I could have just started a marauder instead but I wanted to have a high level duelist.
Btw I do not regret picking him, it is nice to play with something different from time to time.
Oh and the things that he says /gets at boss fights are hilarious.
4.0 patch notes
* Armor sources have been replaced with condensed milk.
Players can't feel the difference at all
Last edited by krenderke on Dec 16, 2015, 6:25:45 PM
Posted by
on Dec 16, 2015, 6:25:03 PM

Report Forum Post

There's a Warchief build under Facebreaker and several under Other - Totems. Under Other - Old 2.4 builds. Take a look at some of the builds to see if any catch your eye, then check poe.trade for the cost of the required uniques for the build to see if it's affordable for you. Can't really go wrong with Warchief Totems.

Rings was just speed increase (int and speed would work better but never found em), and neck int and speed increase.If you're becoming over whelmed by adds, you can switch out the shield for piercing orb for a decent AE (not tried it in Inferno, since I stopped using it in act 3 on hell mode, but it was hitting for about 5-6k a tick when I was lvl 58).Also, the quicker your cast speed is (press C then go into details), the higher your out put is.Every spell is locked to a 1 second cast speed. Demon hunter highest dmg ability. This would be rings, neck and gloves, as their the only items (also weapons) that have increase speed stat.Gloves I would aim for int and speed increase.

Poe High Dmg Build 2015 Download

Hello all,
I've been away from poe for about a year. But awakening is drawing me back in, Though I am have some problems deciding what to build.
I really like wildstrike. I'm thinking of using it with multistrike and ele prolif to some effect. But being rusty I figured I would ask the help of the community, assuming in the year I've been gone they haven't turned into sentient apes hell bent on trolling. Here's the build I'm think of

Of course this was my first attempt Plus all those crit nodes are so tempting I might try a dagger crit wild strike shadow. Any skill/build advice would be super helpful.
Posted by
on Jul 6, 2015, 7:35:55 PM
Well, we have been discussing it a bit
Currently, there's still a lot of unknown about the skill, so you might want to postpone heavy theorycrafting until we know more.
Есть один путь - наверх!
Posted by
on Jul 6, 2015, 7:58:18 PM
Thanks for the heads up there is always tornado puncture plus the new bleed support gem.
Posted by
on Jul 6, 2015, 8:00:36 PM
To be honest I would hold off on going into the Awakening release with a build set in mind for Wild Strike, mainly because we don't know any of the skill interactions. It works off base damage and converts physical to an element and causes an AOE elemental proc, but it seems there is very little information about the proc. Not sure what that aoe proc will be based off, if weapon elemental damage will affect it, will it be based off your base weapon or a set amount like elemental hit and how will dual wield work with it. At this point I'm thinking perhaps it will be an ability to make a one handed mace templar out of, but not sure yet.
Looks fun as heck though, hopefully it is good, i'm putting it down as what I'll go for a reroll if it is decent.
Posted by
on Jul 10, 2015, 5:44:11 AM
i got wild strike as a mission reward for shadow. for the heck of it i decided to see what duel wielding daggers using wild strike, faster attacks, added lightning does. im basing the build off elemental equilibrium and wild strike. its just OK so far. im sure there are rare items that can be put in with the build to make it nicer.
honestly though i dont see much use for this sort of combo build. any enemy that resists elemental just takes it like a man til i get get physical. many a high dmg 2hd build where elemental equilibrium is easy to get to. my guy is very underpowered with how many points i had to use to get to it.
Posted by
on Jul 11, 2015, 4:38:21 PM
sion- wild strike swoed 2H NO EE life armor tank
aura: arctic armor, herald of ash
Buff. leap slam+fortify abyssal cry, cwdt temporal chain+molten shel+phase run, blood rage
Posted by
on Jul 28, 2015, 6:54:47 PM