Ranged Dmg Breakdown Dawn Of War 2


Tau are modded in, a modification of Bloodravage's tau.

Commander :
Weapons:Starts with plasma gun, can get flamer, Fusion gun, plasma missile launcher, burst cannon.
Armors: He can also take two types of shields, and a left hand plasma missile launcher.
Accessories: He can have a gun and a shield drone, a frag rocket barrage launcher, and a triple anti tank rocket launcher.

Ranged line units pretty much firing all in sync no variations or even slight ones. Basic Melee units and some elites got roughly 1 or 2 melee animations for the most part left and right slash. They are ok just could be spiced up a bit. They can shoot 1, max. 2 volleys until the enemy is approaching. But those volleys aren't worth the gold. Of course even behind the frontline they will still shoot (sometimes and mostly at enemy ranged units), but if you really want them to deal a reasonable amount of damage, you have to let them flank (or better: get behind) the enemy. Sep 07, 2014  Best Build for Force Commander? Post by Spikyball » Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:02 am Hi, I'm pretty bad at the game at the moment, being a noob and all that, but the commander I have had the most success with is the FC.

He has an innate jetpack and AOE heal ability.

Tau Units:

Tier 1:

Can uprade to flamers, and add a Shas'ui, a Shield Drone (reduces incoming ranged damage), and two gun drones to the squad. Shas'ui allows them to use medikits. Heavy weapons squad: Fire warriors with 2 burst cannons, can replace one for a Fusion gun to give the squad some close ranged bite against incoming melee chargers. Board index Dawn of War II: Elite Balance Discussion; It is currently Mon Oct 28, 2019 10:51 pm. You also take full dmg from ranged and melee attacks. It also deals initial dmg. Put on a hero that has quite the hp pool to work with and a chaos army to back him up, it is quite nasty. Drain Life dmg reduction while lifted up. Post by Dark.

Fire warriors: 12 tau with pulse rifles. Can uprade to flamers, and add a Shas'ui, a Shield Drone (reduces incoming ranged damage), and two gun drones to the squad. Shas'ui allows them to use medikits.

Heavy weapons squad: Fire warriors with 2 burst cannons, can replace one for a Fusion gun to give the squad some close ranged bite against incoming melee chargers. Shas'ui allows them to use medikits.

Kroots: Like Catachan devils, but less effective at range and better at melee. Pretty much a straightforward conversion, I just added extra health and damage to them.

Devilfish: Transport with a Burst cannon. Pretty much like a Chimera, but faster and without the extra firepower of garrisoned squads.

Tier 2:

Skyray : Pretty much like the Manticore, but got two plasma missile launchers, which make it better when it is attacking a unit.

Battlesuit: Can jump with a jetpack, and starts with a plasma rifle and shield. Can get Flamer and shield, Melta and shield, burst cannon and shield, or dual plasma missile launchers.

Stealthsuits : Stealthed infantry with burst cannons. They can get 4 fusion guns to be better against vehicles.

Hammerhead: Medium tank with 2 gundrones, and a fusion gun. Can upgrade to heavy plasma gun.

Gun Drones: Drones with twin linked pulse carbines. Very fast and very resistant to ranged fire, with good detection, making them an ideal scout/spotter. They can aslo kite most melee units.

Tier 3:

Elite hammerhead: A Hammerhead gunship with a Railgun, and two fusion gun drones attached to it. Currently its anti tank, but I think I'll try give it a switch to Submunitions. Not sure if its possible though. Limited to 5.


-Captain, Techmarine, Apothecary, pretty much same as SM one. Wargear and models may change in time.
-Lieutenant, who is a ranged hero. Currently using wargear from the Techmarine, but that will change in time. I'm considering volkite rifle and rad missile launcher as wargear.

-Tier 1:
Scouts and Rhinos, same as before. Edit : scounts got no sniper or grenade launcher options.
Tactical Squad : 9 marine + Sergeant, costs half the population. Can be upgraded with chainswords, or one special weapon, either flamer, plasma or melta gun.
Assault Marines :9 marine + AssaultSergeant, half the population, can take the same gear as normal ASM.
Heavy Squad : 9 marine + Sergeant, can take 4 of these heavy weapon types : Autocannon, Missile Launcher, Lascannon, Plasmacannon, Multimelta. Limited to 3.
Support Squad : 4 + Sergeant, starts with 4 flamers, and can take 2 plasma guns or 2 meltas. Can throw Melta bombs. Limited to 3.

Tier 2:
Recon Squad : 4 + Sergeant, has sniper rifles and can be upgraded to infiltrate. Can throw stun grenades. Limited to 3. May get some special ability, like artillery spotter.
Seeker Squad : 4 + Sergeant, starts with 4 veterans, and can take a plasma gun or a melta. Can use Kraken Rounds, Scorpion Rounds and Tempest rounds. Can throw melta bombs. Limited to 3. May get Volkite.
Breacher Squad :10 Iron armor veterans, starts with chainswords and pistols , can take powerfists, power axes and lighning claws. Can throw melta bombs. Limited to 1. Can get 2 special pistols like melta, plasma. I'm trying to kitbash a Volkite gun.
Unfortunately the pistol and shield models use the same hand, so I cant have them using bolters and shield it seems.
Predator: Same as Space marine one, but without the Lascannon options, those are post heresy.

Tier 3:
Dreadnought : Starts with left claw and right melta. Can get second power claw, twin autocannons, twin lascannons, twin heavy bolters, plasma cannon or missile launcher. Currently its the Chaos Dread with the SM dread ranged weapon models.
Land Raider : Same as loyalist, but can only take the Multi melta upgrade, not the Flamestorm or Hurricane ones.
Vindicator and Whirwind : unchanged. Since canon conflicts whenever Whirlwinds are post or pre heresy, I let them in.


Catapracthi Terminators :
Slower than regular ones, have Power axe and combi bolter. Can get a heavy flamer or a twin autocannon. They also have a shield similar to Iron halo.
Catpracthi Captain: your Legion commander can don this armor, just like the normal one.

A note on non hero Legionaries : Fluffwise these Legiones Astartes were not as hardly trained, nor was their gear as advanced as the current versions, and balance wise because up to 200 space marines would be way too powerful, I had to lower their health to 70% of the Adeptus Astartes ones, and their boltguns do only 60% of the damage of 41k era Loyalist or Chaos marines.
However they are also cheaper, and their squads take up only half the population a loyalist or chaos version would.

This does not effect heroes or any upgraded weapon.

Their current Mark IV armor is a kitbash, I apologise that its less than totally accurate. I'll try to mod in the more advanced 30m era stuff like Volkites or Grav guns and such. I'm also poking around the AI, learning how to make it go, as a Pakled would say.

I got the AI to build the units I put in.

Ranged Dmg Breakdown Dawn Of War 2 Gameplay

Edit :
Chaos Terminators now have Heavy flamers.
Raptors can take Lightning claws.

Space Marine Assault marines and Crusader squads can now upgrade to 2 plasma pistols.
Legion Assault marines, Breacher squad, and Chaos Raptors can take 2 plasma pistols or 2 melta pistols. Their power claw option however is a single claw, which deals less damage than the loyalist 2 handed version.

Ranged Dmg Breakdown Dawn Of War 2 Retribution

Added new Blood Raven customisation.

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