Ranger Crit Or Dmg Prefix Terraria

My question is if it is worth it to craft a bow White Bow on up?
I have level 72 Ranger that was spec'ed a Piscator elemental wander before 1.20, but now I want to run a physical Split crit bow ranger. But now I need a crit bow, but they are hardly ever sold and when they do they are going for insane amounts. I saw a decent 5L Bow going for 18ex, it had a little over 8% crit and 300 pDps.
So would it be best to find a high ilvl Harbinger white bow, 6s5L the thing then Alt it to get the best Physical percent, then regal, then go to Tora?
Last edited by MartinDeShade on Sep 18, 2014, 5:07:40 AM
Posted by
on Sep 18, 2014, 5:07:10 AM
Well since you are barely into maps and you can't drop a high Ilevel bow, then you are going to have to buy that too.
And have you ever tried rolling Alts at a bow before? It will probably take you hundreds of Alts or maybe more than that.
Then you Regal it and craft it which is no big deal.
But next you have to six socket it - a couple hundred jewelers unless you are lucky.
And last, you get to 5L or 6L it with 100s or thousands of fusings.
You can buy one of these bows 5 linked in rampage for 5-8 Ex depending on the DPS, however in Standard the base price is somewhere around 30 Ex.
So since you are in Standard, my advice to you is to get crafting. Spending 5-12Ex to craft a 5L Harbinger seems entirely worth it -- if you have the time, patience, and currency - and hopefully some luck.
PS - You can also try grabbing a high crit% Harbinger (45-50% crit) Alcing it, then rolling chaos at it until you get something good. I have been lucky doing this on a few occasions.
Last edited by Skywalkerfx on Sep 18, 2014, 12:35:34 PM
Posted by
on Sep 18, 2014, 12:02:28 PM
I needed a crit bow too and had very little currency to spend (~20 alts). In this case I'd say using vendor recipes and master crafting is safer since you can guarantee at least 2 decent rolls.
So starting with a white (ilvl72 in my case) you can vendor it with a rare rustic sash and a blacksmith whetstone for the 'whicked' prefix: 70-89% added phys dmg. I wouldn't take anything below 85% though. If vendor offers a low roll, use the recipe with a white/blue sash to reset the recipe. Once you get a decent wicked roll, augment the bow and pray to RNGesus for a mid-high roll on a good stat like attack speed or a high flat phys. If successful, pray some more and regal it. After that you can add a master crafted mod to get whatever you are missing. If you get a crap roll, you can do the starting vendor recipe again. Note this method is still heavily luck based, but you will spend less currency than just spamming alts. Also note that spamming alts can potentially get you a much better bow, depending on the ilvl.
Anyway 'pics or it didn't happen' so here's my precious:
I had some insane luck and crafted that in just one attempt. Currently has ~275 pdps and with multiple crafted mods (Elreon level 8) I could add hybrid phys%/accuracy on top of crit chance and boost it to over 300 pdps.
Posted by
on Sep 18, 2014, 12:49:55 PM

Posted by
on Sep 18, 2014, 3:09:27 PM
Well since you are barely into maps and you can't drop a high Ilevel bow, then you are going to have to buy that too.
And have you ever tried rolling Alts at a bow before? It will probably take you hundreds of Alts or maybe more than that.
Then you Regal it and craft it which is no big deal.
But next you have to six socket it - a couple hundred jewelers unless you are lucky.
And last, you get to 5L or 6L it with 100s or thousands of fusings.
You can buy one of these bows 5 linked in rampage for 5-8 Ex depending on the DPS, however in Standard the base price is somewhere around 30 Ex.
So since you are in Standard, my advice to you is to get crafting. Spending 5-12Ex to craft a 5L Harbinger seems entirely worth it -- if you have the time, patience, and currency - and hopefully some luck.
PS - You can also try grabbing a high crit% Harbinger (45-50% crit) Alcing it, then rolling chaos at it until you get something good. I have been lucky doing this on a few occasions.

Who said I wasn't into Maps or that was my main character. I have got 3 other characters that are higher level than her. I am hoping to use my Ranger for no regen maps. I can easily get an ilvl 73 Harbinger(to get the top level damage%), but I don't have many high level maps to get a ilvl 77(to get the top level of crit).
My question is how many alts will I likely need. I have 24 stacks of alts(480) right now.
Posted by
on Sep 19, 2014, 6:36:09 AM
As long as you can get a 73 ilvl bow, you can get Tryannical which is the highest level % mod. You give up the top flat physical roll, flaring, by not using a 77. But you can still craft a very good bow.
The answer to your question for how many alts it takes you depends on what you are trying to accomplish, and your tolerance.
I would give you a very rough estimate of 1 tyrannical roll per 500 alts. The issue, and cost arises is that it's not only tyrannical you want, but tyrannical with a usable suffix which would take a few thousand.
Or would you be willing to accept Cruel or Bloodthirsty..or even a flat physical roll and plan to benchcraft some % phys.
I find with crafting you really need to determine your end goal, and then figure out the ways you can feasible get there. Your question of how many alts would it take is impossible to answer unless we know exactly what you are trying to create and what mods you want - and even then it's a guess or estimate as we don't have definitive data, just our experiences..and RNG is still in play.
My Phys Crit Split Arrow Ranger Guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/919885
My Poison Arrow Ranger Guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/806913
Posted by
on Sep 19, 2014, 7:07:11 AM
yesterday I tried this path with no hope on creating decent bow as I've got like few chaos worth of currency:
ilvl 73 - took me 1 sash+stone for 83ipd, 1 aug for the crit chance.
Regal gave me 15 accuracy..
I'm not familiar with the affixes in POE so I'm not sure if I can still upgrade it with hybrid mod later on when Elreon and Tora are high level.
Posted by
on Sep 19, 2014, 10:29:07 AM
I dont really have too much to add, but in my opinion is unless you have mass currency its not really worth it to craft up. In my experience it is better to just buy the item you want and you will spend way less. I know its a generalization, but it is a 1:1500 chance to 6L an item. That alone is 23-25 EX in fuze alone..though you can get lucky, or be VERY unlucky. For that currency you can buy an AMAZING bow that is crafted how you want with currency to spare. Or, you can find stuff on the ground like:
I have a couple others that id'd really well. threw flat damage on them for a chaos, turned out great! I just noticed..its not qual'd yet either..
Last edited by SlashaLO on Sep 19, 2014, 11:09:18 AM
Posted by
on Sep 19, 2014, 11:06:30 AM
I'm not familiar with the affixes in POE so I'm not sure if I can still upgrade it with hybrid mod later on when Elreon and Tora are high level.

Unless I'm wrong..which I could be you can only craft 1 master craft on an item
Posted by
on Sep 19, 2014, 11:10:49 AM
I'm not familiar with the affixes in POE so I'm not sure if I can still upgrade it with hybrid mod later on when Elreon and Tora are high level.

Unless I'm wrong..which I could be you can only craft 1 master craft on an item

lvl 8 Elreon provides 'can have multiple crafted mods' craftable mod. I'm just not sure I can still have a usefull one crafted on this bow.
Posted by
on Sep 19, 2014, 12:11:56 PM
Ranger crit or dmg prefix terraria 2

Ranger Crit Or Dmg Prefix Terraria 4

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