Savage Worlds Healing From Dmg

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Is there anything that those who have played the game can point to as faults?

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Things I don't like about Savage Worlds..
1. Spellcasting. The limited Powers (in core), as already mentioned. Once your opponents Toughness starts to rise, it becomes harder and harder to beat with spells without a raise (melee combatants can mitigate this easier than spellcasters and ranged combatants usually have a static TN of 4). In the 50 Fathoms campaign, there was a time that my Firemage was better off wading into combat with his sword than trying to damage opponents with his spells (because even if he wasn't doing the damage, he was assisting his allies with a 'gang up bonus'). Spellcasting is good at 'low levels' and then comes back into it's own at 'high levels'. Feedback damage on a 1 is annoying as well (especially if you have to make multiple spellcasting rolls).

Nov 14, 2018  Hello again! /open-dmg-file-on-ipad.html. It's been quite a while since last I played Savage Worlds, but I got sucked into it again lately and figured I'd drop by the forum again. Wasn't very active before so likely nobody recognizes me, but it's nice to be here again. So one of the reasons I stopped running SW at my table was because I didn't like. Weapon Range ROF DMG Wgt/Notes Area Armour Prot Wgt Notes Head Torso Arms Legs Possessions Location Wgt. Armour Worn Weapons Carried Combat Weight Non-Combat Weight Encumbrance ( 5 x Str) Other Stuff Character Illustration Penalty -0 Penalty -1.

2. Character creation. For some concepts it is a little lacking (I had a 'Ranger' concept in a short lived Egyptian campaign that was rather gimped).
3. 'High level' characters can be taken out by a random mook. Sure, it's rare (since the die usually has to explode multiple times), but in both full campaigns I played there were multiple times when my high Toughness character (you could say I min/maxed my Toughness ) came very close to being one-shotted by a vanilla extra (including twice when I had to spend all of my Bennies - and I hoarded Bennies - to soak the damage enough just to get back to 3 wounds*).
4. Not everything is covered in the rules. Sure, there's always GM fiat, but I like to keep that to a minimum (insert shocked horror from old school and 4.0 D&Ders) so that everyone is on the same playing field - even if I happen to be the GM.
None of that is enough to turn me off the system though. In some cases, a couple of those may actually be positives (nerfed spellcaster and high level characters still being vulnerable)..
*This is just above Incapacitated, for those who haven't read the rules.
Sounds about right for why it doesn't interest me: seems a bit too disjointed. Whether or not it plays fast I need a smoother system.
Actually, it runs very smooth. The groups I've been in haven't had the problem with how damage or healing works - and they have included lots of newbs..
More specifically I've downloaded the Test Drive rules several times, but each time I've just found the whole thing too full of tiny little bits, like weapons having lots of little extras for how they function.
Care to elaborate? I'm not sure what you mean by 'weapons having lots of little extras for how they function'..
You can be skilled in a number of things but you can never be an amazing expert in just one field. This tends to mean that characters get all the abilities they want about half way through their career and then are forced to 'waste' advances on spreading out.
Why are you limiting yourself to being an 'amazing expert in

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just one field

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While there were some instances I had to wait until the next Rank to take that 'just right' Edge for my main schtick, but I rarely felt I had to 'waste' an advancement (and when I did, it was from poor planning in character creation or previous advances).