Spell Dmg Mundus Ston Eeso

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Mundus Stone:
The Thief
DiscoveryLeveled(?) XP
Leveled(?) XP
Leveled(?) XP
Leveled(?) XP
North of Vulkwasten (Malabal Tor) (map)
East of HoonDing's Watch (Alik'r Desert) (map)
South of the Bonestrewn Crest (Eastmarch) (map)
North of Fort Ash (Cyrodiil) (map)
The Thief

Ive been going from dps/tank to more of a strict tank role lately as ive been guild grouping more. I have been using thief stone for the crit chance% since nothing else really boosts it. Now that im more pure tank should I change it to a different one?

The Thief is a Mundus Stone found in Malabal Tor, Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, and Cyrodiil. Activating the stone will grant you the permanent blessing of increased critical chance. This will last until you activate another Mundus Stone, which will replace it.

Patch Notes[edit]


Spell Dmg Mundus Stone Eso Download

  • The Thief stone in Alik'r

  • The Thief stone in Cyrodiil

  • The Thief stone in Eastmarch

  • The Thief stone in Malabal Tor

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Mundus Stone Eso

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