Storm Burst Dmg Awful Poe

This is my first ever build guide, so please be nice :-). Any Advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I am currently Level 78 with this build and it is one shotting everything except bosses.
My play style is very slow so I dont use quick silver flasks, my builds are normally able to be played with as fewer clicks as possible as due to medication and my age my reactions are very slow. You can always make the build faster with flasks etc.
Skill Points 29
Move to get Second Totem and do first set of Ascendancy Trials and take Pursuit of Faith for 3 Totems
SP 49/50
Do second Ascendancy Trial and take Ritual of awakening, respec out of Ancestral Bond on skill tree to maintain 3 totems. All skills now do damage, eg Totems, Orb of Storms and Tempest Shield.
SP 80
Do Merc Trial and take Illuminated Devotion
Final Tree
Do Uber lab and take Devine Guidance
Gems and Links
MainStorm Burst - Spell Totem- Added Light - Incread Crit Strike -Slower Proj - Lesser Multiple Projectiles.
SceptreFlame Dash - Faster Casting - Less Duration
ShieldTempest Shield - Increased Crit Strikes - Power Charge on Crit
No need for any Links Fourth slot can be any purity gem to raise any weakness in overall resistances. I am using Purity of Ice
Wrath - Enduring Cry - Summon Ice Golem - Purity of Ice
HelmCWDT lvl 2- Immortal Call lvl 4 - Increased Duration - Enfeeble lvl 6
BootsOrb of Storms - Arcane Surge lvl 6 - Curse on Hit - Conductivity
I am only using rare gear not one unique so build is good for cost.
1 x Mana pot, 1 x Diamond Flask, 3 x life pots, one for curse removal, bleed removal and freeze removal.
Other all for life, Totem Damage, Lightening damage.
Solaris and Gruthkul but you can really take what you like.
Last edited by Aragorn_Angelus on Jun 26, 2018, 3:50:55 PM
Posted by
on Jun 14, 2018, 9:53:26 AM
retained for future posts
Posted by
on Jun 14, 2018, 10:01:31 AM
Storm burst pierces all targets by default, so there is no need to add pierce on your gear. Also, how does storm burst work with totems, does it actually burst, or only when you resummon the totems?
Posted by
on Jun 19, 2018, 5:18:28 AM
Storm burst pierces all targets by default, so there is no need to add pierce on your gear. Also, how does storm burst work with totems, does it actually burst, or only when you resummon the totems?
Posted by
on Jun 19, 2018, 5:18:28 AM
Storm burst pierces all targets by default, so there is no need to add pierce on your gear. Also, how does storm burst work with totems, does it actually burst, or only when you resummon the totems?

Sorry for not replying sooner been in Hospital, yeah I have removed the Pierce Jewel you are correct about the pierce. The Storm burst does burst using totems.
Posted by
on Jun 26, 2018, 3:50:17 PM
I might play around with this idea later, but you should use in your build. Rain of Splinters is very cheap, and it drastically increases the amount of projectiles your totems spawn.
Posted by
on Jun 27, 2018, 9:58:57 AM
Ups sorry for caplock :)
Posted by
on Sep 24, 2018, 10:04:24 AM
Storm Burst Dmg Awful Poe

PoE 3.5 Templar Lightning Crit Storm Brand Build. You either burst them with Vaal Storm Call, or you attach Storm Brands and run. Death Aurais a spell that deals chaos damage over time around the user, like Righteous Fire. Cnet mac cleaner. It is granted by Death's Oath.

This build just for fun, because flicker strike is a crazy skill that got buffed in patch 3.7 and is more viable to play without ferrules things. This build is mainly for SC players who don't care if they sometimes die. This build might be viable on HC but with some build changes.
Pros & Cons:
+ Can be played as league starter because it has cheap gear or easy to find (kinda)
+ Can do reflect maps (ele reflect can hurt you when you have active herald of ash so you must turn it off)
+ Can do no regen maps
+ Can do hexproof maps
+ Crazy playstyle thanks to flicker strike :)
- Sometimes you can struggle on the boss fight (lower single target dmg and not 100% frenzy generating) but I cleared T15 maps easily even with bosses, but not always 100% without problems
- Fully min-maxed build can cost you a lot (but that applies on every build)
- No leech maps might do a little problem, but you can take mana flask and might sustain it with that
- Sometimes you can get one shot by the rare monster because of Abyssus so if you like to try it on HC use Starkonja's Head

1. Endless Hunger
2. Brutal Feravour
3. Headsman
4. Bane of Legends

Alira - Mana regen on leveling, critical strike multiplier and all resistance help us a lot.
Major God - Soul of Solaris for bossing

Poe Storm Burst Build

Major God - Soul of Lunaris for mapping

Poe 3.6 Storm Burst Witch

Minor God - Soul of Ralakesh

Gems Setup:
Flicker Strike + Multistrike Support + Melee Splash Support + Melee Physical Damage Support + Fortify + Ancestral Call/Ruthless Support
Blasphemy Support + Assassin's Mark + Herald of Ash

Leap Slam + Faster Attack Support + Immortal Call + Cast When Damage Taken

Summon Ice Golem + Blood Rage + Vaal Ancestral Warchief + Rallying Cry
PoB Link:
Skill Tree: