Strongest Hero In Dota And Dmg

  1. Who Is The Strongest Hero In Dota
  2. Top 10 Strongest Hero In Dota
  3. Strongest Hero In Dota And Dmg 1

Looking for a Dota Underlords tier list to sort the weaker heroes from the stronger ones? Luckily for us, Valve has beaten us to it by ranking the Dota Underlords heroes using a five-staged tier list – handy, too, as there’s 60 of them to choose from. Dota Underlords’ tier list splits heroes into five groups, and sorts each one based on their strength, rarity, and how much they cost. So, the higher the tier, the better they are.

Wow, looking at the response, + dota buff stats for KDA and win/ratio it does indeed seem that Spectre is one of the best late game carries in the game (in all three categories, current month/patch/all time) As far as heros based on picks riki seems to be the most deadly currently. Huskar - burning spears hurts like hell at lvl 1 Techies - landmines is the 2nd strongest level 1 nuke in the game Gyro - 1v1, rocket barrage is huge at level 1 Razor - Static link is basically DD at level 1 Leshrac - If you catch someone out alone, edict at level 1 deals 360 damage, which is the biggest single level 1 damage spell.

Having a firm grip on how powerful and valuable a hero is will put you in good stead for mastering Dota Underlords. You’ll get a randomised selection to pick from to start the game, and you’ll be able to acquire more as the game goes on, with rarer heroes becoming more common as you progress. Choosing the right one, however, has a considerable effect on how the game plays out. Each hero comes with two – and in some cases three – Dota Underlords alliances, which gives them different buffs and affects how they’ll interact with each other.

Keep in mind that Dota Underlords is currently in open beta, so these standings could easily change based on player feedback. Also, Valve will be squashing bugs with a Dota Underlords update here and there, so if a Hero isn’t quite working, a fix shouldn’t be too far away. Anyway, now that’s all out the way, let’s crack on with the Dota Underlords tier list.

Dota Underlords tier list

Dota Underlords tier one heroes

  • Anti-Mage
    Alliance One: Elusive
    Alliance Two: Demon Hunter
    Ability: Mana Break – the Anti-Mage burns points off the opponent’s mana on attack, depending on its level. It deals 50% of mana burned as damage to the target
  • Axe
    Alliance One: Brawny
    Alliance Two: Warrior
    Ability: Berserker’s Call – Axe taunts enemies that are one cell away, forcing them to attack him. While the ability is active Axe gains bonus armor depending on its level
  • Batrider
    Alliance One: Troll
    Alliance Two: Knight
    Ability: Sticky Napalm – throws sticky oil and coats the ground two cells from impact, which adds damage to its attacks (depending on level) and slows enemy movement by -5%, stacks up to ten times
  • Bloodseeker
    Alliance One: Human
    Alliance Two: Assassin
    Ability: Bloodrage – takes damage to the effect of 7% of his total health, gains 5% attack speed and 35% of his health back on kill
  • Bounty Hunter
    Alliance One: Scrappy
    Alliance Two: Assassin
    Ability: Shuriken Toss – a shuriken attack that inflicts the enemy with mini-stun, damage increases depending on level
  • Drow Ranger
    Alliance One: Heartless
    Alliance Two: Hunter
    Ability: Precision Aura – adds attack speed and damage to allies that are one cell away, increases with hero level
  • Enchantress
    Alliance One: Savage
    Alliance Two: Druid
    Ability: Nature’s Attendants – summons a cloud that heals all allies within four cells for 11 seconds (+25 health every 1.5 seconds)
  • Ogre Magi
    Alliance One: Blood-bound
    Alliance Two: Mage
    Ability: Blood Lust – incites frenzy on ally units increasing movement and attack speed, Ogre Magi can also cast Blood Lust on himself for higher attack speeds instead
  • Razor
    Alliance One: Primordial
    Alliance Two: Mage
    Ability: Plasma Field – release a ring of plasma that damages and slows enemies up to three cells away. Damage increases with distance of field from Razor and hits on expansion and contraction
  • Shadow Shaman
    Alliance One: Troll
    Alliance Two: Shaman
    Ability: Hex – transforms enemies into harmless creatures for four to eight seconds depending on Shadow Shaman’s level
  • Tiny
    Alliance One: Primordial
    Alliance Two: Warrior
    Ability: Toss – picks up a nearby enemy and launches them at the farthest target, all enemies within one cell of impact take damage and are stunned for little over a second, too
  • Tusk
    Alliance One: Savage
    Alliance Two: Warrior
    Ability: Walrus Punch – a critical strike that launches an enemy into the air and inflicts 40% slow effect after landing
  • Venomancer
    Alliance One: Savage
    Alliance Two: Warlock
    Ability: Plague Ward – Venomancer summons a Plague Ward to fight alongside him
  • Warlock
    Alliance One: Blood-bound
    Alliance Two: Warlock
    Ability: Shadow Word – a spell which can either heal allies or damage enemies, effect occurs every second for 3 seconds

Dota Underlords tier two heroes

  • Beastmaster
    Alliance One: Brawny
    Alliance Two: Hunter
    Ability: Wild Axes – Beastmaster throws his axes in a straight line and hits all enemies in its path, foes take additional damage if hit by both axes
  • Chaos Knight
    Alliance One: Demon
    Alliance Two: Knight
    Ability: Chaos Bolt – this lightening-based attack can stun and damage enemies, though both damage and stun duration is random
  • Juggernaut
    Alliance One: Brawny
    Alliance Two: Warrior
    Ability: Blade Fury – when surrounded by 2 or more enemies, Juggernaut spins his blades for five seconds, dealing damage to enemies 1 cell away while being invulnerable to magic attacks – this will activate if eligible just before take magic damage
  • Lina
    Alliance One: Human
    Alliance Two: Mage
    Ability: Laguna Blade – Lina casts a bolt of lightning that deals damage to a single unit
  • Luna
    Alliance One: Elusive
    Alliance Two: Knight
    Ability: Moon Glaives – Luna’s ability is passive and allows her to bounce her glaive between enemies two cells away, the glaives deal 30% less damage with each bounce
  • Morphling
    Alliance One: Primordial
    Alliance Two: Assassin
    Ability: Waveform – Morphling dissolves into liquid, surges forward, and damages anything in front of it – Morphling is invulnerable to damage during Waveform
  • Nature’s Prophet
    Alliance One: Elusive
    Alliance Two: Druid
    Ability: Nature’s Call – summons a Treant, which is considered a druid, from the edge of the board
  • Puck
    Alliance One: Elusive
    Alliance Two: Dragon
    Alliance Three: Mage
    Ability: Illusory Orb – a magic orb that floats along a straight path, damaging enemies as it goes
    Ability two: Phase Shift [unlocked by the Dragon Alliance] – Just before taking damage, Puck briefly shifts into another dimension where it is immune from harm for 0.5 seconds
  • Pudge
    Alliance One: Heartless
    Alliance Two: Warrior
    Ability: Meat Hook – targets the furthest enemy away from Pudge and brings them toward him while dealing damage, Pudge and allies one cell away will then attack the victim until it dies
  • Queen of Pain
    Alliance One: Demon
    Alliance Two: Assassin
    Ability: Scream of Pain – an AoE ability that damages every enemy within a three cell radius
  • Slardar
    Alliance One: Scaled
    Alliance Two: Warrior
    Ability: Corrosive Haze – all enemies on the board will have their armour reduced for 20 seconds, between -15 and -45 depending on Slardar’s level
  • Timbersaw
    Ability One: Scrappy
    Ability Two: Inventor
    Ability: Whirling Death – a spinning blade attack that deals damage to enemies within a two cell radius
  • Windranger
    Alliance One: Elusive
    Alliance Two: Hunter
    Ability: Powershot – Windranger charges up her bow for 1.5 seconds to deal a high damage attack – for each foe the arrow hits, however, its power reduces by 10%
  • Witchdoctor
    Alliance One: Troll
    Alliance Two: Warlock
    Ability: Paralyzing Cask – a paralyzing ability that bounces between enemies, inflicting damage and stun

Dota Underlords tier three heroes

  • Abaddon
    Alliance One: Heartless
    Alliance Two: Knight
    Ability: Aphotic Shield – protects friendly units and absorbs damage for 10 seconds before bursting and dealing damage to any enemy units within two cells. Also removes some negative effects and stuns on cast
  • Tinker
    Alliance One: Scrappy
    Alliance Two: Inventor
    Ability: Heat-Seeking Missile – fires a salvo of rockets at between two and three (depending on level) random enemies on the board, damages on impact
  • Crystal Maiden
    Alliance One: Human
    Alliance Two: Mage
    Ability: Arcane Aura – a support ability that grants mana to friendly units every two seconds
  • Lycan
    Alliance One: Human
    Alliance Two: Savage
    Alliance Three: Warrior
    Ability: Summon Wolves – Lycan summons two wolves to fight alongside him and then transforms himself, gaining buffs to health (30% of max), movement speed, and critical hit chance for bonus damage
  • Omniknight
    Alliance One: Human
    Alliance Two: Knight
    Ability: Purification – instantly heals a friendly unit while damaging all enemy units one cell away
  • Treant Protector
    Alliance One: Elusive
    Alliance Two: Druid
    Ability: Leech Seed – plants a seed in an enemy unit that saps their health every 1.5 seconds while slowing their attack and movement speed by -50% – sapped health can be channelled to heal allies one cell away for up to 5 seconds
  • Clockwerk
    Alliance One: Scrappy
    Alliance Two: Inventor
    Ability: Battery Assault – discharges high powered shrapnel at enemy units one cell away for five seconds, dealing magic damage and mini-stun
  • Phantom Assassin
    Alliance One: Elusive
    Alliance Two: Assassin
    Ability: Coup de Grace – ups Phantom Assassin’s odds of delivering a crit attack by between 15% and 25% depending on level
  • Shadow Fiend
    Alliance One: Demon
    Alliance Two: Warlock
    Ability: Requiem of Souls – a demonic-themed energy attack that damages nearby foes
  • Slark
    Alliance One: Scaled
    Alliance Two: Assassin
    Ability: Essence Shift – this ability lowers a target’s damage and attack speed, while buffing Slark’s
    Ability two: Pounce – After landing from a leap, Slark disarms his target for 3 seconds
  • Sniper
    Alliance One: Deadeye
    Alliance Two: Hunter
    Ability: Assassinate – Sniper takes two seconds to line up his shot before inflicting damage and mini-stun, damage ranges between 1,000 and 3,000 depending on level
  • Terrorblade
    Alliance One: Demon
    Alliance Two: Demon Hunter
    Ability: Metamorphosis – Terrorblade transforms into a demon, gaining access to a ranged attack that affects four cells and a buff to damage and attack speed. Terrorblade also trades health values with another ally when this ability starts
  • Viper
    Alliance One: Dragon
    Alliance Two: Assassin
    Ability: Viper Strike – a poison attack that slows down enemy movement and attack speed while dealing damage over time
    Ability two: Corrosive Skin [unlocked by the Dragon Alliance] – Viper exudes an infectious toxin that deals damage per second and slows the attack speed of any enemy that damage it for 2 seconds. The acid also increases Viper’s magic resistance

Dota Underlords tier four heroes

  • Alchemist
    Alliance One: Scrappy
    Alliance Two: Warlock
    Ability: Acid Spray – this ranged acid attack affects enemies within three cells, and reduces the armour of any foe who steps in it thereafter while dealing damage over time
  • Disruptor
    Alliance One: Brawny
    Alliance Two: Shaman
    Alliance Three: Warlock
    Ability: Static Storm – Disruptor creates a damaging static storm that silences and blinds all enemies within two cells. This attack’s damage starts off slow but ramps up over time while inflicting silence on foes
  • Doom
    Alliance One: Demon
    Alliance Two: Warrior
    Ability: Doom – damages enemies while preventing them from casting spells or using items for 20 seconds, even disables passive buffs and Alliance passives
  • Sand King
    Alliance One: Savage
    Alliance Two: Assassin
    Ability: Burrow Strike – Sand King burrows into the ground and tunnels forward, damaging enemies and stunning them for two seconds
    Ability two: Caustic Finale – reduces the attack speed of enemies Sand King strikes by -35% for 3.5 seconds. If a target dies while Caustic Finale is active it will explode damaging its allies within one cell
  • Arc Warden
    Alliance One: Primordial
    Alliance Two: Shaman
    Ability: Tempest Double – Arc Warden can create a clone of himself that uses his items and spells but on a separate cooldown.
  • Dragon Knight
    Alliance One: Human
    Alliance Two: Dragon
    Alliance Three: Knight
    Ability: Elder Dragon Form [unlocked by the Dragon Alliance] – Dragon Knight can take the form of one of three dragons, gaining new abilities alongside a 30% buff to movement speed
    Ability two: Breathe Fire – Unleashes a breath of fire in front of Dragon Knight that burns enemies and reduces the damage of their attacks for 6 seconds
  • Keeper of the Light
    Alliance One: Human
    Alliance Two: Mage
    Ability: Illuminate – a charged magical attack that sends forth a wave of energy that does damage by the second
  • Kunkka
    Alliance One: Human
    Alliance Two: Warrior
    Ability: Ghostship – Kunkka summons a ship that sails through the battlefield and deals damage within a cell radius that’s dependent on Kunkka’s level
  • Lone Druid
    Alliance One: Savage
    Alliance Two: Druid
    Ability: Summon Spirit Bear – brings a bear spirit companion to the board
  • Mirana
    Alliance One: Elusive
    Alliance Two: Hunter
    Ability: Sacred Arrow – fires a long range arrow that deals damage and stun
  • Necrophos
    Alliance One: Heartless
    Alliance Two: Warlock
    Ability: Death Pulse – damages and heals enemy and friendly units respectively within three cells
  • Templar Assassin
    Alliance One: Elusive
    Alliance Two: Assassin
    Ability: Refraction – this ability allows Templar Assassin to avoid damage while getting a bonus to her damage
  • Tidehunter
    Alliances One: Scaled
    Alliances Two: Hunter
    Ability: Ravage – Tidehunter slams the ground, causing tentacles to rise up and deal damage and stun to enemies – range and damage increase with Tidehunter’s level

Dota Underlords tier five heroes

  • Enigma
    Alliance One: Primordial
    Alliance Two: Shaman
    Ability: Midnight Pulse – an area of effect attack that steals a percentage of an enemy’s max health for ten seconds and deals it as damage to enemy units in an area of effect
  • Gyrocopter
    Alliance One: Deadeye
    Alliance Two: Inventor
    Ability: Call Down – launches a missile strike that damages and inflicts slow on anyone within three cells of the impact zone
  • Lich
    Alliance One: Heartless
    Alliance Two: Mage
    Ability: Chain Frost – releases a frost orb that bounces between enemies, dealing damage alongside attack and movement speed debuffs
  • Medusa
    Alliance One: Scaled
    Alliance Two: Hunter
    Ability: Stone Gaze – enemies up to four cells away and looking at her will move and attack slower before ultimately turning to stone – petrified foes take 20% more damage
    Ability two: Split Shot – Medusa shoots between two and four extra arrows (depending on level) that hit additional targets within one cell of her original target. Additional arrows deal -20% of the initial arrow
  • Techies
    Alliance One: Scrappy
    Alliance Two: Inventor
    Remote Mines – The Gang plants explosives that detonate after three seconds and deal damage to anyone within a three cell radius
  • Troll Warlord
    Alliance One:Troll
    Alliance Two: Warrior
    Ability: Fervor – a passive ability that means each blow on a target increases Troll Warlord’s attack speed. The stack drops to zero if you change targets

More Dota Underlords guides:
Dota Underlords update guide
Dota Underlords alliances guide
Dota Underlords strategy guide

As for the best heroes, regardless of tier? While it really depends on what Dota Underlords build you’re chasing, here are some of the strongest heroes in the game for any comp.

S tier Dota Underlords heroes


AoE damage through her passive Split-Shot ability is very handy for chipping away at clusters of enemies, while her Stone Gaze ability is great for freezing the odd enemy out of the battle.


Even if you’re not running a Warrior comp, you should try and get your hands on an upgraded copy of this Demon. Doom dishes out a terrifying amount of damage with its melee strikes, making it one of the best frontliners, or a makeshift Assassin if you can equip a Blink Dagger.


The best crowd control hero in Dota Underlords, bar none. Tidehunter also fits into the powerful Hunter comp seamlessly and can tank a lot of damage.


Pop an upgraded version of this unit in a corner with some protection and grin as healthy enemies are shot down with a single hit. When it comes to thinning your opponent’s ranks, Sniper is a great asset.


Lycan belongs to three alliances, making it easy to slot him into most playing styles, but he’s also a very practical fit. It’s relatively easy to get a three-star Lycan on your crew, plus his wolf form is great for turning the tide of a fight.

And that’ll be that, a Dota Underlords tier list to chronicle every hero in the game straight from Valve itself. Do keep in mind, though, that just because one hero may belong to a higher tier than another, that doesn’t mean they’ll be more useful. More top tier heroes are more expensive and show up less, so keep your eyes peeled for good mid-tier heroes who may prove more reliable to come by. Apart from that, all that’s left to do is dive in yourself, and for that, we wish you good luck.

Is Terror Blade the strongest hero in dota late game?
Personally i think wonder 9k players spam him non-stop.

Who Is The Strongest Hero In Dota

Splitpush? Check
Powerfarming? Check
Teamfight? Check
Durability? Check
Damage? Check

You dont even have to buy jungle sustain item..he gets 7hp regen at lvl 10 talent.
No armor items aswell.

Aquila, powerthreads, dragonlance, manta, diffusal..finish game in 25 minutes.

And everyone of his abilities ia just amazing.
I mean look at Sunder for example? At lvl 25 it has 10 sec cd with 0 mana cost.

It basically removes hero from enemy team and adds one to yours..the power shift in a team fight is just to powerfull.

Sometimes they wont attack TerrorBlade because he will just Sunder them.
Leave him unattended and he will shred everyone and everything.

The Only flaws with terrorblade is his low hp early game , but you have 10 base armor, so just buy raindrops and that should nullify that disadvantage.

Mobiltiy is his second and biggest disadvantage.
He is stand and destroy type of carry, which makes him cumbersome and unable to make moves around the map except for splitpushing.

Slark is the exact opposite, v.high mobility.
Slark counter tb v.well..shadowdance and there aint no sunder.

But still..this demon from foulfell will always be the hardest carry in the game of Dota.


Dk is strong carry with decent line up high armor high hp almost have the same with tb but dying while on dragon form is problem tho still hit like a truck without dragon form


well without metamorphosis ur pretty much useless in fights, and this makes him very dependent on cd

Top 10 Strongest Hero In Dota

Strongest hero in dota and dmg 2

tb is in what used to be fv's spot, miss a chronosphere/metamorphosis after the 45 minutes mark and the game is over

Hmm If u are saying tb is the hardest carry Imo the hardest carry in dota 2 is lone druid
A hero with 12 items can beat any one no matter what so . i guess we cant say who is the hardest carry in dota 2
For example pl is a 2 star carry but if he be in a game agaist no aoe team he will become a 3 star carry agais them like tb with out any counter
But Yeah tb is 1 of the hardest carrie s in game but the sad part is he needs meta so much with out meta his damage out puts actually completely sucks

Void>medusa>chaos knight>am>spectre>morph>terribleblade

Strongest Hero In Dota And Dmg

void pre 6.86 was the hardest carry in game. now idk


Think the game has changed enough that we can't say 'X' is the strongest carry.
I'm a huge fan of Lifestealer anyways, but he can get kited super hard.


I believe AM is the strongest carry like the top 1 its just that not everyone including me is not really good at using him.


I dont comment ok every thread i just comment on the autistic ones and the funny ones.
Take a good guess as to which one urs is.


People talking about which hero is the hardest carry like it fucking matters and most of them still got it wrong

am is only strong for the same reason alche is: his skillset applies you to flashfarm. that being said, if you don't farm 6 slot and finish at 35 ish mins the game gets harder and harder since you reached your cap already and enemies can do nothing but catch up on you since your abilities are not that strong (u are vulnerable against silences and roots so much, u have a mana break that's effect fades away in teamfights, spell shield that doesnt do shit against enemy's carry, mana void that is not that strong if enemy has not got enormous manapools)
tldr am and alch are only good midgame and only cause their farming abilities, they also want to avoild teamfights most of the cases

>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

Incorrect. Arc Warden is strongest carry.

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He is literally online at level 2 or 3 and stays online for the rest of the game.


Incorrect. CM is the hardest carry.
Slow? Check
Stun? Check
Root? Check
AoE ultimate? Check
Passive with regen? Check
Ranged? Check
+60 dmg talent? Check
+120 gpm talent? Check

Honestly CM>Shadow Shaman>Lion>Treant>AM>Morph>Naga>TB>Spectre>Medusa>CK

Potato Marshal

Honestly CK is one of the hardest carries. Several full damage illusions, lifesteal, high crit, built in deso. His only problem is farming, but I don't think anyone can take on CK if both of them are six slotted.

Bb gets 270 damage from ulti..he also can be v.good late game.


Strongest Hero In Dota And Dmg 1

Jolly Hotdog

io is the strongest carry. great escape, great speed, awesome damage

TB has no disables and generally poor teamfight. He is a hard carry, but in the very stage of the game, he cannot be as powerful as Luna, Medusa and Chaos Knight.