Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base


Cut with care: Axe techniques and safety. There have been many debates on the 'proper' way to swing an axe. This means different things to different people. The method I'm referring to is a traditional one hand stationary near the base of the handle, the other hand beginning the swing near the head of the axe, in one fluid motion raising. Cost 20 gp Weight 12 lbs. Damage 1d10 (small), 1d12 (medium) Critical x3 Type slashing Category two-handed Proficiency martial Weapon Group axes. This two-handed battle axe is heavy enough that you can’t wield it with one hand. The head may have one blade or two, and may be “bearded” (meaning hooked or trailing at the bottom) to increase cleaving power and help pull down enemy shields.

  1. Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base 3
  2. Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base 1
  3. Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base 2017
  4. Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base Free
  5. Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base 2

Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base 3


Fuck this hero. Too many BKB piercing abilities. Call is way too good of a skill for what it provides.

I mean, holy fuck! Call, a non ultimate ability on a 10 second cooldown lasts 3.2 seconds and it pierces BKB, while magnus's ulti on a 100 second cooldown lasts for 3.75. Yeah yeah, bigger radius, but i'll take that trade any day.

His W is annoying at best. Does decent damage, but you really use it for movement speed and the slow, which is a lot.

Another BKB piercing ability that does way too much damage is his fucking spin, 1k hp hero 10 mins into the game? NO PROBLEM, let me just spin 5 times.
His ulti is pure bullshit too, another BKB piercing ability that can be a 650 pure damage nuke with aghs that has no cooldown if you don't fuck it up.

Assume he blinks in and calls you at lv 16 with aghs, and he spins 3 times (let's face it, he spins a fucking lot more), and auto attacks you 4 times, and ulties you at the correct threshold. That's 600 physical spin damage, 650 culling blade damage, + 400 auto attack damage. 1650 damage over 3.2 seconds. AND HES A FUCKING TANKY DISABLER. And i didnt even take fucking blademail into the equation. Not to mention his fucking movement speed utility, being able to both slow down, and increase team's move speed with culling blade by A LOT.

His versatility is ridiculous too, can jungle very efficiently, get a blink pre 10 mins, laning GOD, can mid, safe or offlane.

So let's get this straight:
He is a tanky utility disabler with very high nuke damage (all of them BKB piercing, his disables too), that can jungle or lane efficiently. FUCK THIS HERO.

Edit: Oh yeah, and his Q is better than magnus ulti imo, because it CANT be purged

The biggest takeaway from the (otherwise very small) patch is that the damage over time dealt by the game’s infamous Blue Zone is going up. Pubg dmg charts.


If i could have one wish for christmas, it would be remove void from the game, and nerf axe. fuck world peace.

Pickle Destroyer
Pickle Destroyer
the realm's delight
Young Zelda

He's not op, but I've seen peruvians do this creep cutting bullshit which pisses me off. According to what I've heard from other players, you need to attack him when he's doing this.

no need

Axe is only OP if your team has melee supports and/or you suuuuuuuuuck

He's usually quite good though


Dude axe is like a meepo, it has to be counterpicked. How? Ranged hero, kite him for days.


Winrate with axe on my team:
this month - 73.68% (19 games)
last 3 months - 60.78% (51 games)

axe is balanced


Is it possible to reduce his ults killing threshold with Cloak / Hood?


I like how he gets noticed by pros and everybody suddenly 'realizes' how OP he is and starts whining.


To be fair, he was one of the shittiest heroes for a very long time.


А почему тогда написано что у ульты магический урон? Опечатка?


It's magic damage if the enemy's HP is higher than the kill threshold. If it's equal or lower it will kill no matter not.


If the target hp is below threshold it will die to ulti regardless of them having magic immunity or not (even if the tooltip sais 'magical dmg type); the only thing that prevents dunk damage is linkens afaik

low hero pool lul

As far as I remember, Culling blade is only blocked by Linken's if the HP of the target is above the threshold, otherwise it's treated like a buff on the hero which is removed before the dunk.

There ARE ways to survive being culled though and they are all very unlikely to happen and extremely situational. At 1:57
If you are bloodraged AND have Blademail on AND the difference between your current HP and the threshold when Axe culls you is higher than his current HP, then Axe will get killed instead of you. Although in that particular video, this happened back when Bloodrage amplified Blademail damage.

According to dota2 wiki, if you are affected by some STR draining debuff (like Timbersaw's..melee nuke or Undying's decrepify), Culling Blade will first purge this debuffs and therefore give you your STR back before being culled, so there's the possibility that your HP will exceed the threshold.

Edit: Messed up my explanation a bit.

Escaping the Pool

It's like saying techeis is OP against an all melee team.

Axe is strong but far from OP. If you want some Broken ass bullshit, get good at ES or Slark.


Whatever dude, every game i play there is an axe farming jungle that comes out and wrecks shit up. im going to start counter picking bounty hunter and pick up his fucking tranquil boots and put it on display. ive officially become an axe hater. i now hate void and axe, although my hate for void can't be quantified like my hate for axe.

Also, if youre going to say hes not op, present counter arguments pls. fucking l2p ppl isnt an argument

I just rly hate heroes you can't really counter. Like jugg is fotm but there are so many things to counter him, mana burn, ghost scepter, euls, silence. if you itemize properly, ull be fine. but what the fuck do u itemize against this red shit? its rly hard to blink out since his cast animation is pretty quick.


axe is a problwm when you are out of position all th time, dont have vision/map awareness, or simply retarded.
if you know axe is woods and doesnt have dagger yet, send a support to fuck with him, maybe kill his boots, maybe just send him to base, or pick bh and camp him, last hit big creeps/kill boots/just leech xp,if you are offlane with some mobile hero like mirana or es you can go there and arrow/kill him or just send him to base etc etc. if axe is fucked early game and doesnt get a fast dagger he is kinda fucked, cuz dagger at min 18(killed boots & ganked woods) is very bad.

Last picking is 4 pussies

ES considered OP but still takes too much work for the average and below player to practice to be effective. God I love this hero and his versatility.

On the axe thing I don't believe he has been buffed/nerfed in last year has he? Amazing what pro usage does for heroes visibility.


OP is a c*nt, told you already how to counter the fucker, play ranged hero.


are u retarded how does being ranged counter him u dumbass. ur even squishier and blink call is still going to fuck u


@bastian i can't remem ber how many times ive destroyed tranquils for axe

and then 7 mins later he comes with new pair of tranquils and blink dagger higer lvl than our solo mid


step 1: pick viper when enemy picks axe
step 2: ez mmr

the realm's delight


he didn't get noticed by the pros until he got a huge fucking buff, and everyone 'noticed' him at the same time.

dont get that twisted.

20% spin rate was huge with the tranqs change.

Venom of the Red Lotus

A month ago, he was shit. He barely gets changed, he is now OP. Seriously, people are just stupid. And you could make any hero look OP by running through their skills like that. 'YOU KNOW WHAT DISPERSION DOES? YES , IT MAKES YOU TAKE %22 LESS DAMAGE AND LIKE THIS IS NOT ENOUGH, YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IT DOES? IT REFLECTS ALL THAT DAMAGE. HOLY SHIT, YOU DEAL 1000 DAMAGE, SHE TAKES 780, YOUR ENTIRE TEAM TAKES 1100 TOTAL. HOLY SHIT SO BROKEN, LITERALLY TANKIER THAN 5 HEROES.'


I thought he was only gotten popular since he counters troll, jugger and brood. His last buff was to a skill a lot of players don't even put more than one point in and sometimes even don't get before level 10. What makes him more op now than 6.82c?


i always liked axe and knew he was a good hero, some people just make things mainstream like jugger, troll, axe and everyone tries to copy them.


Question to Havoc as he is an Axe player.

Is it worth building blademail on Axe? I mean, you blink in and pres Q and you get + 40 amour (?) then you pop blademail and expect people to kill them selves? I don't know you seem to build it most of the time..


@imchillyee i think you should build blademail vs bursty hero, mostly magic damage heroes such as lina/lion/skywrath. I usually build a blademail as many strength tanky heros like axe/bristle/centaur etc because its so funny to see a lina land a full combo on your blademail then instantly dies and you survive because you have 300hp more than her. You can also use it on PA as it reks her early when shes squishy and no bkb/hp. You dont have to acrivate it as soon as you call, delay it if they keep fighting you after call is over.

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that guy saying ' counter axe with ranged support' made my day.
3ks logic~

yung aegon

Well pro123, i can kite axe blink with veno all day.


'If i could have one wish for christmas, it would be remove void from the game, and nerf axe. fuck world peace.'

Sounds like two wishes. No trying to cheese out a 2 for 1 wish here, mister!

Welt Aus Eis

'He's not op, but I've seen peruvians do this creep cutting bullshit which pisses me off. According to what I've heard from other players, you need to attack him when he's doing this.'

No, I think the solution is to heal him


lel void nerf, he is balanced, just looks op on paper. 49% wr in pubs


Road to 4k built 100% on the back of axe and techies..


Road to 4k built 100% on the back of axe and techies..


Looks like skipping battle hunger on Axe is a bit better. At least when you check the ability builds and win rates on him, actually around 3% better win rate (that's quite a lot). Skipping hunger is the usual jungle build, at least for me.

It must be two reasons this build gets a better win rate, the team as a whole gets an economy/exp advantage and Axe benefits of has four extra stats at level 16. The latter makes him quite tanky, +190 in hp and +1 armor (plus 80 extra mana).

For me in the 3k range the jungle Axe and this build is superior. You get blink before 10 minutes, sometimes even before 8 minutes depending on which neutrals that spawns.

An Axe with early blink you really don't have any counters, as long you initiate and gank properly. Then is just up to snowballing or creating space for your carries. The hero is easy as f*ck to win with if you utilize him properly.

So if the lanes can hold for 8-10 minutes and your jungle time is somewhat uninterrupted, then I guess Axe is quite broken.

Perhaps ppl tries to shut him down earlier in the higher brackets by invading the jungle some, but I doubt that's the usual game plan when Axe is in the enemy team (only a bit more frequent perhaps).

Pickle Destroyer

For Jungling - 3 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 2- 6
For Offlane - 3 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 6

Battle hunger has the most impact early game so you're skipping 240 DoT at level 6 for .4 - .8 second call which can be achieved equally well by learning to weave past creeps and draw back aggro after call.

In a dual lane DoT damage is very hard for the support to remove and by level 7 (340) you've basically got a free kill if you've done a lot of lane prep and are able to battle hunger (slows), Berserker, then use Culling Blade once you've reached the killing threshold.

One of my all time favorites is Stout, Tranquils, and Soul Ring where you just roam around or camp your offlane. If you suddenly dive the mid or the offlane they aren't going to have time to remove the battle hunger unless they are exceptionally close to a creep that they can kill. The slow it gives will allow you to be able to catch up to him meaning by the time you've caught up the DoT (level dependent) has already done 150-200 damage and can be stacked again and hopefully can get you in range for a call and with assistance an easy culling kill.

This is speculative however, and how to build Axe is lane, and hero pick based.


Me thinks that the hunger dot is useless when you blink+call early game, the target is almost 99% dead anyways. Hunger is just waste of space as it is now.. I think it will be buffed or reworked in the future.

Also, I see that you are a blood stone Axe, which makes you another stereotype of this hero. By using that item I can understand your preference towards hunger

Pickle Destroyer

Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base 1

Bloodstone allows you to remain ahead in terms of killing potential, I think in fact I am part of the small percentage that still think battle hunger is good. Most people use it incorrectly or spam it without the means to replenish mana thus deeming it worthless as they think they are better with a + .4 second call over potentially 400 damage if played right.

You gain +25% MS with each target effected by battle hunger, which means chasing or running its beneficial, it deals damage, and coupled with the ult can result in about a +65% MS boost which allows you to catch units even with blink down. I have experimented with a lot of items progressions on Axe and have worked this one out to be the most effective at quick killing so instead of being able to tank targets for longer you're killing them faster and using the beneficial MS to weave in and out of teamfights.

There are several people who have been using this build with reported success but I guess if something else works for you then stick with it as it's where your comfort zone is. Build details -

Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base 2017


Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base Free

I perfectly understand it when your laning and when you are more skilled (not as casual and sucky as me).

The difference here is that you are in the Very High bracket and my opinion is just a low skill bracket view of what works. Offlane in my bracket usually means a duo lane, which your support-farming-partner is mostly auto attacking the hell out of those creeps (needs to save that tower by keeping the wave far-far away).

I would not recommend any of my low tier friends to use that build of yours, instead they should go with the jungle with Axe. As I said your team will get an early advantage if the can survive the laning phase.

Also that's usually the problem with low bracket games, ppl trying to use builds that works great when your at higher skill. I mean stuff like going Maelstrom instead of Bfury makes wonders on an Antimage,in the lower skill brackets (luckily enough nobody uses that build because those guides always says Bfury) .

Subsistence Axe Dmg To Base 2

Can someone explain to me the mechanics behind this?
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2018, 8:29:39 PM
Posted by
on Apr 8, 2013, 8:15:51 AM
You have damage.
It is increased by your 'increased damage' and reduced by your 'reduced damage'.
It is then multiplied by your 'more damage' and your 'less damage'.
Posted by
on Apr 8, 2013, 8:33:27 AM
What the other guy said.
In math terms, 'increased / decreased' is an additive effect, 'more / less' is multiplicative.
Base Damage * (1 + increased damage - decreased damage) * more damage * less damage
'I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it's what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.' - Mewtwo
Posted by
on Apr 8, 2013, 8:39:49 AM
Increased Dmg you add every single 'increased dmg' on gear/passives/gems up and have them altogether as one multiplier.
More Damage is a multiplier for itselfs and affects your base damage as well as your 'increased dmg' from gear/passives.
so lets say 1000 base dmg and 100% increased dmg from gear and 100% from passives.
Gem A gives increased dmg by 100%
Gem B gives more dmg by 100%
A: gear+passive+gem = 300% increased, so 1000*(1+3.0) = 4000 dmg
B: (gear+passive)*gem = 200% increased and 100% more, so 1000*(1+2.0)*(1+1.0) = 6000 dmg
Posted by
on Apr 8, 2013, 8:40:11 AM
Posted by
on Apr 8, 2013, 9:11:58 AM

If the 1 is multiplier, why it is summed up in your calculations. Can you please explain it? I thought that if you do 1000dmg and you get 300% damage increase from the passive, you do 3000dmg, right?
I still do not understand the meaning of more / increased.
Last edited by Jplays on Jan 15, 2014, 9:53:18 PM
Posted by
on Jan 15, 2014, 9:49:19 PM

If the 1 is multiplier, why it is summed up in your calculations. Can you please explain it? I thought that if you do 1000dmg and you get 300% damage increase from the passive, you do 3000dmg, right?
I still do not understand the meaning of more / increased.

1000 + 300% increase = 4000.
Many lewt.
Much desync.
Such rewarding.
According to forum mods 'sandwich' is considered an offensive word. Who knew?
Last edited by Robert_Paulson on Jan 15, 2014, 9:59:02 PM
Posted by
on Jan 15, 2014, 9:58:29 PM
Digging this thread from the grave, got a quick question to ask:
I am guessing without any 'increased damage', having 'more damage' will be not as effective.
So what is the best ratio between increased damage and more damage?
Is it like 1:3 or 1:1 or 3:1?
Posted by
on Apr 9, 2016, 1:34:03 PM
Most builds aim for around 400-500% increased damage.
Just to reiterate on the original replies the actual damage calculation is:
base_raw_damage = base damage * total_increased * total_more
total_increased = sum of increased / decreased modifiers
total_more = multiplication of all more / less modifiers (so having 2x 50% more damage multipliers isn't a 2x multiplier but a 1.5*1.5 = 2.25x multiplier)
If crit is in play:
base_damage = (base_raw_damage * crit_chance * crit_multiplier) + (base_raw_damage * (1.0 - crit_chance))
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
Posted by
on Apr 9, 2016, 1:51:52 PM
more/less are standalone multipliers, increased/reduced stack into one multiplier
more is always the same effective, it just multiplies whatever your actual damage is by given modifier
'increased' relative strength goes down the the higher it is:
* if you already have 300% increased and add 100% increased, then it equals 25% more (multiplier goes from 400% to 500%)
* if you already have 400% increased and add 100% increased, then it equals 20% more (multiplier goes from 500% to 600%)
Posted by
on Apr 9, 2016, 1:54:35 PM

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