Thornmail Dmg Vs Bloodthirster


ブラッドサースター(Bloodthirster) 攻撃力 +80 自動効果(重複不可): ライフスティール +20% 自動効果(重複不可): 通常攻撃で最大体力を超えて回復できる。体力回復の余剰分は、50 - 350ダメージ (チャンピオンのレベルに比例) の耐久値を持つシールドとして蓄積さ. .Culture. Here you’ll find all sorts of discussions related to playing League of Legends. From discussions about your personal strategies, to speculation about the next champion or patch, if it’s about playing the game, it goes here. Trynd with latern Lw phantom dancer Black cleaver and bloodthirster lose vs shen with omen ninja tabi sunfire fon and thornmail? 1vs1 fight trynd lose vs shen? Why the hell full tank champion defeat in 1vs1 fight full ad with so much armor pen and lifesteal this is normal for you riot? Tank make more dmg than trynd rly? Thornmail is a finished item in League of Legends. Reflected damage reduced to 15% from 30%. New Effect: Reflected damage now deals (+25% bonus armor) bonus damage. The armor ratio will be affected by flat armor reductions down to 0 armor - while percent armor reductions will be ignored for the purpose of calculating bonus damage.i.e. For example, when i started, i played ad carry the whole way up to lvl 30, i would come up vs people who would build a thornmail to deal with the damage i would be putting out as well as the other ad users in my team, so with my logic, i would build another bloodthirster to get the life steal rate over 30% so that i would not die so easy vs.

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Talon Armorpenetration and High Dmg, Midline and Botline

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Talon Mid Guide

Hey guys this is the perfekt mid item, rune and masteries guide for Talon.
You aske you now why is this guide the best?
Her are the risond.
In midlane you play 95% vs AP chmaps like Vaiger,Ahri and Morgana and there jungler.
You got megic resist and armor for reducing the dmg of your ap enemy and your enemy jungler.
Armor penetrionen is to maximize your own dmg.
The most midline players don´t have armor so you do your FULL AD DMG on them and this is realy important for Talon players.
With this guide you just to attack the enemi on lvl 6 2 times and he is down.
( when he have no hp items exept Doran´s ring and Ruby Crystal)
Earlie game
You allways use this combo:
Aktivate q skill jumb on your enemy with e skill do your w skill and run back. 40-50% of there live is now away.
Now you w8 on the cooldown of your e skill.
It´s very long for talon skills.
Now you start the same combo but you use your ulti.
Thornmail Dmg Vs BloodthirsterQ, jump with e, slow with w, but now you take your ulti and finish it.
Mid game
When your tower is pushed ( what is really easy with this guide ) you have to assist your team.
Fokus ad carries and low hp & armored champs.
You have to play talon like an assasin because he is just build for PUR DMG !!!
This means that you jumb in to you dmg and the run out of fight when the enemys got to much hp left.

Thornmail Dmg Vs Bloodthirster Pro

After you have bought Sheen you do with your q-skill on non armored champions 400-450 dmg, this is realy much at this time.
Now you start to go on crit, movespeed and attack speed.
Crit incraese your dmg by 160%, the + at your q-skill and Sheen stacks with crit so your q- skill is with e-skill the most important combi for your whowl gameplay.
With Infinity Edge you do like 900-1000 crits with your q-skill at this time and normal auto attacks do 650-700 dmg.
Trinity Force and Phantom Dancer will increase you chance to crit, that will make you more powerfull in 1 vs 1 situations and it´s easy to escape and follow champs.
Bloodthirster will let your surive better vs tanks who have Thornmail.
When you got a very tanky enemie team you can trade Youmuu´s Ghostbalde vs
Last Whisper, but you will lose the buff of YGB and the crit chance.
At the end you will tons of dmg, already did with this build 1,75k crit !!!
I hope you will like this guide, it´s my first one.

It’s still early for Riot Games’ new autobattler, Teamfight Tactics. The metagame is forming and a combination of bugs and hotfixes make deciding what’s best an extremely difficult task. But there are a few outliers that help us determine the power level of each item in TFT.

The tiers are based on a mixture of criteria, including raw strength, flexibility, and niche synergy.

Thornmail Dmg Vs Bloodthirster Free

S tier (Best of the bunch)

  • Spear of Shojin
  • Phantom Dancer
  • Force of Nature
  • Locket of the Iron Solari
  • Dragon’s Claw

The top tier items are powerful for completely different reasons. These items can absolutely carry your game under the right circumstances.

In the case of Spear of Shojin, as a flexible item, it’s fairly lackluster. It is, however, one of the very best when combined with specific units. It allows champions like Pyke, Lulu, and Aurelion Sol to be incredibly strong. For any unit that has a particularly powerful ultimate and immediately auto attacks, this item will work wonders.

Phantom Dancer is a good all-around item. It’s potent in the metagame, especially considering the power level of Assassins. It stops critical strikes and can be an effective item on both tanks and squishy carries. Put this item on Gnar or Garen, and you’ll be unstoppable. Or you can protect a Draven from premature death. Either way, it’s a worthwhile pickup.

Force of Nature is an obvious top-tier choice. It’s not amazing in the early game, but the later the match goes, the stronger it will be. An extra unit could make or break any given game. It depends on what you do with it, though. Once more, it’s incredibly flexible. You can leave it on a unit on the bench, and the effect will still be just as prevalent.

As a standalone item, Locket of the Iron Solari is poor. But if you stack three of them on one target, when combined with six sorcerers, it can work wonders.

Dragon’s Claw is an underrated item. In the right situation, it’s incredibly strong. And against a team of sorcerers, it’s the best item you could ask for. Put it on a tanky Gnar and he’ll one-vs-nine. Combine it with a Phantom Dancer and you’ll be almost unkillable.

A tier (Consistently strong)

  • Morellonomicon
  • Frozen Heart
  • Rapid Firecannon

The items in this tier aren’t quite the best, but they’re still definitely worth investing in.

Morellonomicon would categorically be S tier if not for its nerf, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It took quite a hit and it’s no longer overpowered, but it’s still well worth buying on certain units. It stops healing and can be used to counter strong units like Nidalee and Draven.

Rapid Firecannon is great for carries like Draven, Tristana, Vayne, Volibear, or Nidalee. It allows them to stay behind the backline without being touched, while simultaneously being able to deal damage. It’s also the perfect counter to Phantom Dancer. It stops its effect in its tracks, making it obsolete against the Rapid Firecannon holder.

Frozen Heart is another item that fits well in the current meta. It stops Assassins from being quite as strong and will easily prevent a hyper carry like Draven or Tristana from carrying. It’s flexible, too. Put it on a frontline tank and you should be good to go.

B tier (Reliable)

  • Titanic Hydra
  • Zeke’s Herald
  • Zephyr
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Titanic Hydra has some interesting niche synergies. It works on a number of units and can help swing the game in your favor. It’s not the best item in the game, but it’s still strong.

Zeke’s Herald used to be one of the best items in the game, but it’s since been nerfed. It’s still extremely strong, though, and will always be an effective item in comps that thrive with AS.

Zephyr is a basic item. It simply crowd controls a target at the very start of the game. This wouldn’t be great if it were random, but you can actually choose your specific target by angling the item holder correctly. If you want to stop a Pyke from jumping in and one-shotting you, or put an Aurelion Sol in his place, then Zephyr is the way to go.

C tier (Middle of the road)

  • Bloodthirster
  • Infinity Edge
  • Thornmail
  • Red Buff

Bloodthirster is a niche item, but on its specialized units, it’s extremely strong. In the case of Draven, it allows him to deal tons of damage while healing. If a Draven is stacked with items and he’s level two or three, he’ll be incredibly difficult to kill.

Infinity Edge is in a similar situation. It works well on certain carries, as well as Assassins, but it’s not the best item considering the other options in the game.

Thornmail is a great counter to damage-oriented comps. This would include a protect-the-carry style comp, as well as any variant of Assassins. Either way, it’s a good item that will help protect your frontline.

D tier (Decent in some situations)

  • Sword of the Divine
  • Warmog’s Armor
  • Statikk Shiv
  • Rabadon’s Death Cap
  • Redemption

Sword of the Divine is hit or miss. It’s good on certain units with high attack speed and can work well with Assassins, but it’s not the best.

Warmog’s is another item that has the potential to be strong. There are lots of other alternatives that seem to be more effective, however.

Statikk Shiv is great in the early game. It falls off in the late game, though. The damage isn’t great, and eventually, it will become a waste of an item slot. It’s not bad, it’s just not ideal.

As a pure damage item, Rabadon’s Deathcap is great. It works on sorcerers, as well as any unit who scales with AP. It’s obviously not worth buying on every unit, but it’s still a good choice in certain circumstances. There are often better options, however.

E tier (Lackluster)

Thornmail Dmg Vs Bloodthirster Iphone

  • Hush
  • Runaan’s Hurrican
  • Hextech Gunblade
  • Seraph’s Embrace
  • Ionic Spark
  • Sword Breaker

All of these items are underwhelming.

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Hush is always a good item, but it doesn’t seem to proc quite enough. If it was buffed, it could easily go up in the ranks.

Ionic Spark had its moment in the spotlight. It just recently got nerfed and now it’s just another lackluster item. It has its uses and can do work, but it’s never going to be top tier.

F tier (Terrible)

  • Guardian Angel
  • Cursed Blade
  • Luden’s Echo

None of these items are worth investing in. They’re either ineffective or just plain bad.

If you can, you should avoid them at all costs.

This item tier list is a starting point for TFT. It’s bound to change and it’s admittedly subjective. We’ll make sure to update it as the meta changes in the months and patches to come.