Tyrael Does No Dmg


Though the Heroes of the Storm developers have been teasing a Tyrael rework for a while now, none of us quite expected it to arrive out of the blue today. Many of his passive and generic talents have been removed, including the talents that used to augment his trait, in favor of a more active playstyle. His passive Spell Armor has also been removed in favor of slightly higher health and health regen.

  1. Tyrael Does No Dmg Play

He essentially does no damage, and while he has a large amount of disrupt, he doesn't have enough control to keep someone in place long enough for an ally to respond and help. Arthas is the antithesis to Diablo. AFAIK he did do good damage but was nerfed in an early patch. Even Tyrael is not immune to nerfs. Increase the Shield amount Tyrael gains from Righteousness by 25% and heal Tyrael for 140 (+4% per level) Health if his Shield is destroyed. Does not increase the Shield amount gained by allies. Does not increase the Shield amount gained by allies. Wielding his sword El'druin against the Burning Hells, the Prime Evils would have enslaved Sanctuary and all of humanity long ago if Tyrael had not intervened. Trait: Archangel's Wrath. Upon dying, become Invulnerable and explode for 550 damage after 3.5 seconds.

But the bigger story here is probably going to be the anime-style teaser trailer that came with the patch. Blizzard didn’t hold back with this one, pitting Mecha Tyrael and Mecha Rehgar against the evil Xenotech Abathur. But enough talking, I’ll just let you see it for yourself:

As for the rest of that Tyrael rework, his mana costs have been marginally reduced, which was a much needed change for the mana-hungry hero, but it might not prove to be too significant a buff: Many of Tyrael’s new talents increase the frequency at which he can use his abilities. The new talent Law and Order, for example, reduces the cooldown on Righteousness for every hero hit by Smite. The new Tyrael might be able to squeeze out more abilities in a shorter period of time, but it’ll very likely leave him with no mana, just like the old Tyrael.

This rework also appears to have focused heavily upon El’druin’s Might as his defining ability. Many of his new talents augment El’druin’s Might — such as enabling double teleports — or give him a variety of power bonuses when El’druin is on the field. With some of these talents, it will be advantageous to keep El’duin on the ground as often as possible for as long as possible, rather than tossing it out the very moment you want to teleport.

Check out the full rework notes below:

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Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment (Official Post)





  • Tyrael will now face the target of his Basic Attack after attacking. This is a visual change, and does not directly affect gameplay
  • Passive Spell Armor has been removed


  • Base Maximum Health increased from 2296 to 2468
  • Health Regeneration increased from 4.78 to 5.14


  • El’druin’s Might (Q)
    • Mana cost reduced from 50 to 45
  • Righteousness (W)
    • Mana cost reduced from 60 to 50
    • Allied Shield amount changed from a flat value to 40% of the Tyrael-only Shield value.
      • This is the same amount of Shields, but it makes it easier to understand new Talent interactions
  • Smite (E)
    • Can now be cast while moving
    • Damage increased from 144 to 150


  • Level 1
    • Salvation (W)
      • Moved from level 16
      • New functionality:
        • Increase Righteousness’ Tyrael-only Shield amount by 25%. If the Shield is destroyed, heal Tyrael for 125 Health.
    • (New) Justice for All (W)
      • Increases Righteousness’ allied shield value to 100% of the Tyrael-only Shield amount.
    • (New) Ardent Restoration (Passive)
      • Damaging an enemy Hero grants 2.5 Health per Second to Tyrael for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.
    • Protection in Death (Trait)
      • Removed
    • Even in Death (Trait)
      • Removed
    • Regeneration Master (Passive)
      • Removed
  • Level 4
    • (New) Stalwart Angel (Q)
      • Tyrael gains 25 Armor while El’druin’s Might is out, and for 3 seconds after teleporting.
    • (New) Bound by Law (Q)
      • Increases El’druin’s Might’s slow amount from 25 to 35%. Tyrael’s Basic Attacks increase the duration of the slow by 1 second, up to 4 seconds.
    • (New) Divine Vigor (Passive)
      • Damaging an enemy with Smite causes Tyrael’s Basic Attacks to heal him for 50% of their damage for 4 seconds.
    • Vigorous Strike (Passive)
      • Removed
  • Level 7
    • Purge Evil (E)
      • Moved from level 1
      • New functionality:
        • Every enemy Hero hit by Smite increases Tyrael’s Basic Attack damage by 30% for 4 seconds
    • Swift Retribution (E)
      • Movement Speed bonus increased from 10 to 20%
      • No longer increases the duration of Smite’s Movement Speed bonus
      • Added functionality:
        • Now also causes Smite’s friendly effect to increase Attack Speed by 25%
    • Angel’s Grace (Q)
      • Removed
    • Zealotry (W)
      • Removed
    • Follow Through (Passive)
      • Removed
  • Level 13
    • Sword of Justice (Q)
      • Moved from level 16
      • New functionality:
        • Can teleport with El’druin’s Might twice, returning to Tyrael’s original position.
    • Holy Ground (Q)
      • Moved from level 16
      • Duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
    • (New) Law and Order (W)
      • Reduce the cooldown of Righteousness by 1 second for each enemy Hero hit by Smite. Righteousness increases the damage of your next Smite by 25% for each ally affected.
    • Burning Rage (Passive)
      • Removed
    • Angelic Absorption (W)
      • Removed
    • Angelic Might (E)
      • Removed
  • Level 16
    • (New) Burning Halo (Q)
      • El’druin and Tyrael deal 15 damage per second to nearby enemies. This damage is increased by 100% for Tyrael for 3 seconds after teleporting to El’Druin.
    • Horadric Reforging (Q)
      • Moved from level 4
      • New functionality:
        • Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of El’druin’s Might by 1.5 seconds
    • (New) Smite the Wicked (E)
      • Smite’s cooldown recharges 100% faster while El’druin is out and for 3 seconds after teleporting to El’Druin
    • Blood for Blood (Active)
      • Removed
  • Level 20
    • (New) Defense of the Angels (Active)
      • Activate to reduce all incoming damage by 40% for 5 seconds. Any time Tyrael or an ally shielded by Righteousness take damage, reduce the cooldown by 3 seconds. 120 second cooldown
    • (New) Seal of El’druin (Passive)
      • Every time Tyrael casts a Basic Ability, increase his Attack Speed by 50% for 3 seconds
    • Nullification Shield (Active)
      • Removed
    • Nexus Blades (Passive)
      • Removed

Bug Fixes

Heroes, Abilities, and Talents

  • Blaze: Fixed an issue allowing players to cast Flame Stream while dead if they entered a Bunker while dying.
  • Blaze: Fixed an issue that could cause Heroes to enter permanent Stasis if they were killed just as they entered a Bunker.
  • Hanzo & Leoric: Fixed an issue causing Towers to spawn if Leoric was directly impacted by Sonic Arrow.
  • Malfurion & Stitches: Fixed an issue that could cause Heroes to become unplayable if Nature’s Cure was cast while they were affected by Stitches’ Gorge.
  • Malfurion & Zagara: Nature’s Cure can no longer cleanse Heroes of the Devouring Maw effect.
  • Uther: The Well Met talent will no longer affect non-Heroic units.
  • Valeera: The Strangle talent will no longer affect non-Heroic units.

This patch also includes the new Mecha skins, one of which belongs to Tyrael himself. Considering the teasers relating to that Tyrael skin, maybe we shouldn’t have been surprised by the timing of this rework at all.

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Review of Dimethylglycine (DMG)

What is Dimethylglycine (DMG)?

Dimethylglycine (DMG) is an amino acid that is found naturally, in small quantities in plant and animal cells. DMG is believed to improve endurance performance, enhance oxygen utilisation, and improve the rate of recovery. DMG is an anti-oxidant that may also works as a detoxifier.

Who Should Consider Taking DMG supplements?

DMG supplements may be of benefit to endurance athletes, or anyone, wanting to reduce their risk of infection through training.

Summary of DMG's Phyiological Effects:

  • May enhance immune function but no conclusive evidence to support this
  • Does not improve physical performance
  • Doesn't appear to improve endurance performance or aerobic fitness

DMG Research

DMG has been proposed as a beneficial supplement, and is said to have been used medicinally to combat fatigue, enhance metabolism, improve liver function, and to strengthen the immune system (Tonda and Hart 1992). On the back of this some nutritional companies, have include DMG in their products, and made claims that it has beneficial effects on endurance performance by combating fatigue and enhancing the metabolism. However, there is at present, little evidence to back up these claims. In fact most research appears to point to there being little or no benefit to DMG supplementation.

Research looking at the effect of DMG supplementation in horses (Rose et al., 1989), found no beneficial effects of supplementation on measures of cardiac fitness or lactate production. Research in humans has proved to be equally ineffective. Liet et al., 2003 looked at the effects of DMG supplementation on measures of aerobic fitness in children suffering with cytochrome-c oxidase deficiency. They found that DMG supplementation had no detectable effect on blood levels of lactate, pyruvate, bicarbonate, pH, or measures of VO2.

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Research with humans has failed to find any positive benefits on measured physiological variables - specifically aerobic fitness - with DMG supplementation (100-200mg daily) (Harpaz et al., 1985; Bishop et al., 1987).

Research by Reap et al., (1989) found that DMG supplementation stimulated the immune system, and caused a four-fold increase in antibody production by the immune system. They found that there was no observed toxicity, or adverse effects during the treatment. However, this was an animal study and it cannot be assumed that the same results would be achieved in normal healthy humans.

Is DMG effective?

Some evidence supports it's use as an immune stimulant but it has proved ineffective at enhancing physical performance.

How to take DMG?

At present research does not support the use of DMG for athletes for improved endurance, or, enhanced immune function. However, most manufacturers, generally recommend taking around 100-200mg on a long term basis, which they claim reduces the risk of succumbing to illness or infection during intensified training. Or they suggest taking 200-300mg in the short-term (5-7 days) to possibly endurance performance leading up to a competition.

Tyrael Does No Dmg Play

Athletes, or anyone, looking to enhance stamina, and immune function, will be better advised to use supplements like acetyl-L-carnitine – particularly if combined with alpha-lipoic acid, or, Rhodiola rosea.


Bishop, P. A., Smith, J. F. and Young, B. (1987) Effects of N' N'-dimethylglycine on physiological response and performance in trained runners. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 27, 53.

Harpaz, M., Otto, R. M. and Smith, T. K. (1985) The effect of N' N'-dimethylglycine ingestion upon aerobic performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 17, 287.

Liet, J. M., Pelletier, V., Robinson, B. H., Laryea, M. D., Wendel, U., Morneau, S., Morin, C., Mitchell, G. and Lacroix, J. (2003) The effect of short-term dimethylglycine treatment on oxygen consumption in cytochrome oxidase deficiency: a double-blind randomised crossover clinical trial. J Pediatr. 142 (1), 62-66.

Reap, E. A. and Lawson, J. W. Mac cleaner free download full version. (1990) Stimulation of the immune response by dimethylglycine, a nontoxic metabolite. J Lab Clin Med. 115 (4), 481-486.

Rose, R. J. Schlierf, H. A., Knight, P. K., Plummer, C., Davis, M. and Ray, S. P. (1989) Effects of N,N-dimethylglycine on cardiorespiratory function and lactate production in thoroughbred d horses performing incremental treadmill exercise. Vet Rec. 125 (10), 268-271.

Tonda, M. E. and Hart, L. L. (1992) N,N dimethylglycine and L-carnitine as performance enhancers in athletes. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 26, 935-937.