Warframe Deal No Dmg


Keep in mind that we all have preferences and different interpretations of the best. Each player should select what’s best for him or her. Without further ado, here are the Best Warframes rankings for each role. Which Warframe has the best Damage/DPS? Released in December 2014, this Warframe is the primed variant of the Nova frame. I deal literally no damage to teralyst. (otherwise you do almost no dmg to shields). And Warframe is supposed to have a pretty nice community. Explosives are ineffective on the weak points as they will hit the invulnerable body and deal no damage. Shotguns that fire projectiles, such as the Arca Plasmor, can be ineffective, since the weapon's damage will not register if any part of the projectile misses the joint. The Teralyst is immune to all debuffing effects of Warframe powers.

Wisp is the 40th Warframe of the game and was added together with a new assassination target as well as an overhaul of Jupiter. She is mainly seen as a support Warframes due to her abilities, but can also be played in a more DPS oriented way, which does resemble the way you can play Oberon. But not only is she somewhat similar to Oberon in they way her abilities come together, but also in the way they look: Especially her first ability looks like a nice addition to every Hollowed Ground build.

But she is by no means just a copy of Oberon. Instead she brings her own, very unique skill set and a very interesting passive ability, which let’s her become invisible while being airborne. If you want to know how you can get your hands on all the blueprints needed to craft her, you might want to take a look at our guide. If you’re looking for some good ideas on how to build your Wisp, you came to the right place!


  • High energy pool
  • Easy to obtain
  • Good buffer
  • Solid DPS output
  • Can be played in different ways


Warframe Deal No Dmg Game

  • Lowish Shields
  • No ‘real’ AoE damage

The different builds


Even though Wisp is mainly seen as a support Warframe you are always free to explore other options and builds as well. While she shines with her utility she can also deal huge amounts of damage due to her strong fourth ability. You don’t really want or need to change the aura polarity and keep the Naramon version, simply because you want to use either for more caster related builds where you spam your abilities more or to pick to reduce enemy armor.

You should also know that the builds displayed here are just a guideline and need to be changed depending on the missions you plan to bring the Warframe to, your group composition as well as personal preferences. So see our builds just as a start from where on you shape your personal build even further!

Tip:If you want to know more about Wisp and her abilities, feel free to take a look at the wikia page.

The Allrounder Build

This build tries to enable you to use all your abilities with at least some success and combines the power of your supportive skills with your offensive skills. You do want to get a good amount of ability strength to boost your first and fourth skill and combine it with some range and duration. Efficiency is usually your main problem with this build, but works really great. You also don’t usually need to spam your abilities, but rather use them when needed. Especially your ultimate skill ‘Sol Gate’ should only be used if you have enough energy for a few seconds or if you just want to quickly kill larger groups of enemies.

If you rather have more efficiency, you can always switch out or for . While takes a great amount of efficiency away from this build, you really want to get the higher ability strength for the better heal and higher damage output. Reducing your duration or range will negatively influence your second and third skill, but if you don’t see yourself using them all that often you shouldn’t have any trouble with that.

The best choice for your Exilus Adapter mod slot really depends on your own preferences and can be changes as you please. If you want to be faster, bring . If you rather have more ability range, pick . More energy regeneration? Think about bringing Coaction Drift. and even could also be used, depending on what you want and need.

Pure Heal Support Build

This build fully revolves around your first ability ‘Reservoirs’ and tries to improve the buffs you do get from your motes. Especially the Mote is super strong here and will not only increase your and your allies health pool by over 900 points, but also shine with a high healing rate. The Haste Mote is also pretty strong and does increase your fire rate and speed by a lot, while the Shock Mote is still okay, but won’t be optimal due to the lower ability range.

If you don’t have and , just pick the normal versions of those mods and you will still get a very good result. and are more of a quality-of-life addition and will increase the pick-up radius of your buffs as well as increase the range for your Shock Mote. If you want to change the build a bit, those are the mods you would want to change first.

The DPS Build

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Trying to get the best build for your ultimate ability ‘Sol Gate’ feels like a little bit of a problem, because you do want to have a high damage output, but you also need to balance range and efficiency for that. Especially the energy drain is a really big problem, which is why this build doesn’t use . Even without that mod you still have a drain of more than seven energy per second and unless you do have a Trinity in your group, you’re going to get some energy problems.

Also don’t forget to use your first skill and place all three motes to increase your damage output. and Shock will each increase your damage output with your Sol Gate by 25% (so 50% in total), while the Haste Mote allows your ability to deal corrosive damage procs (but it doesn’t add corrosive damage to your skill!).

If you want to increase your damage output for a few seconds, press the left mouse button. This will increase the gate and beam size and also multiply the DPS by a lot. It also increases the energy drain, so be careful and always have an eye on your energy pool. Don’t forget that you can use abilities while Sol Gate is active. You can also move, dash and ‘run’, but you’re not able to jump or combat roll.

The Crowd Control Build

This build tries to abuse the power of your Shock Mote and combine it with the great crowd control of your ‘Breach Surge’ skill. While the first one will directly stun up to five targets, your third ability will instead blind your enemies for a good amount of time, so get some additional duration. Those blinded enemies can be attacked for higher damage due to the fact that they are susceptible to the stealth damage bonus, but they can’t be killed with melee finishers, so keep that in mind. You can also use your Breach Surge while your ‘Wil-O-Wisp’ is active and get a second activation on your clone. You can also spread your motes around the map and use your third skill to directly teleport to those as long as you have line of sight. This will also increase the range of your ability for that activation!

The build itself should be self-explanatory: You want a lot of range, some duration (for a longer blinding debuff and a longer Shock Mote buff) as well as some ability strength so you can use your other motes, too.


The 40th Warframe is a really well balanced addition to the game and can work as a great buffer, a solid damage dealer and even satisfy with crowd control mechanics. There are a lot of different ways how you could play Wisp and in the end it always comes down to your own preferences and your personal play style. Just make sure to understand the synergies between the different abilities and you will be good to go!

If you think we missed a great build idea or some important information, feel free to leave us a comment!

Warframe Combo Moves Guide by Nevrmoor

Below is what I did to accomplish this. Vba download mac. I set a timer to wait on the download, since it's being done outside of VBA.

This guide focuses on the buttons you have to press to do all kinds of moves. Some are harder, some are easier to perform, remember:

Practice makes perfect!

HOTHOTHOT: Check Wallwalk section for the vertical connect!

Jump= Spacebar
Melee= E
Crouch= Ctrl
Sprint= Shift
Aim= RMB (Right Mouse Button)
Move= WSAD
Roll= V (not in key setup)

+ = “and” (push 2 or more buttons together)
> = followed by … (sequential activation)
>>=immediatly followed by
# = connection point (Combo your Combos!)
* = *x* just happend, i.e. you hit the floor etc.


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Base Combos
Sprint>Crouch= Slide
Slide>Jump= Forward Flip (in direction of slide)

Jump>Melee= Devastating downward Strike (a.k.a. Death from above)
– 10-100% melee dmg, seems to be related to drop height

Slide>Melee= Dash 360° Hit with swords, Big weapons and Bo staff, Furax will do uppercut
– 200-300% melee dmg depending on weapon, scales with melee dmg mods!

Advanced Combos
Slide>Jump>Melee= Forward Flip to Downward Strike (doesnt deal more damage, but looks cool and has a slightly longer range than the normal jump; hard to aim at first)

Sprint>Jump>Crouch=Air Slide# A.K.A “Dragon Kick” (combine to your likes) knocks back enemies while airborne

Warframe Deal No Dmg 1

#Air Slide>Melee= Dragon Kick to Dash 360° or uppercut

#Air Slide>*sliding floor contact*>Jump(>melee)= Forward Flip (to Downward Strike) [jeez what a range!!11]

#Air Slide>Jump>RMB= Extended Forward Flip

Charge Melee>Sprint*Strike*>Slide>Melee=Double-Hit
(Hard to aim but looks kinda cool! Learning the distance when to start Charging your melee is key to this combo)

Jump > Melee >> Shift Twice (after you hit the ground)
(This cuts out a lot of the delay you get from this attack)

Try those vs Toxic ancients and Infested Bosses:

Melee>>Sprint>>Sprint= Rolling Melee
Charge Melee>>Sprint>>Sprint=Charged melee Roll
RMB+Move Back>Melee>>Sprint>>Sprint
Charge Melee+RMB+Move Back>>Sprint>>Sprint

Other Moves
Hold RMB>Shift+S = Backflip
Hold RMB>V = Backflip (Mr. Grineeer Sir, how about a “Sideflip”?)
WSAD+Jump>RMB*fire away* = Aiming jump, like in Matrix or Max Payne (Get your Akimbo Pistols ;D)

Note: you will keep wallwalking as long as you press the jump and movement key or you run out of stamina.

Sprint>Jump (Running straight to a wall)=Vertical Wallwallk
Keep Jump pressed after reaching the peak altitude= slowly sliding down from max altitude

Sprint>Jump = Wallwalk to Jump on release of Jump button (Running/ jumping at an angle to a wall not exceeding 45°)

Wallwalk>Release Jump> Wallwalk = Connect!
(Make sure to move your camera to the appropriate angle for the next wall to keep running)

Wallwalk>crouch=cancel (Jump removed as of 6.5)

Horizontal Wallwalk>release Jump= Walljump (high range and altitude jumps, make sure that you are wallwalking before you release the jump key, you only need a piece of wall the size of a coin to do this)

Vert.Wallwalk>Release Jump= Backflip
Vert.Wallwalk>Release Jump>*backflip*>Crouch=Frontflip (regardless of camera position)

any.Wallwalk>Shift>>Shift>release Jump=Wallwalk roll (said to allow you to jump over certain ledges)
performed from a horizontal wallwalk you will do a really quick forward flip jump

Horizontal wallwalk to grab:
Horizontal-WW>Release Jump>>Crouch=grab ledge above you
While wallwalking, release jump so you are jumping away from your wall/ rail,
quickly after you jumped, tap crouch for a split second while facing the rail/ ledge you want to grab!
you are grabbing the ledge and climb up, now that is real ninja stuff!

Vert.Wallwalk>Release Jump+Release Sprint>Jump+Sprint= Vertical connect
Make Sure to look to the next wall in the right angle! you can do a new Vert or go horiz from there!

Warframe Deal No Dmg 2

Wallwalk + Melee = Dash Strike -dmg ~10-100% melee dmg
(also works while sliding down the wall)

hit to your right side with swords, straight ahead with furax, other weaps will do their slide dash
While wallwalking, simply press melee additionally to the keys youre pressing. The frame will launch itself into your crosshairs direction. Make sure to aim left of your target when using sword. Takes a lot of practice to perform it fluently and with success.

In fact it is possible to wallwalk around corners, you just have to press jump again after you jumped on your first wall. Sometimes youll get the Backflip walljump instead, angle of attack is everything!
See this Warframe Wall Running Guide for further info on wallwalking

Usefull information:

You can slide down ramps for extended slide range
You can interrupt your wallwalk by pressing crouch, it will propel you a bit further skyward and allows you to change directions (grab ledge to the side etc.)

Comboing stuff for a purpose:
Probably most basic, but in order to keep it complete ill add it anyways.
If you hit an enemy with a melee strike, hell be “stunned”. Its “” because hes just tumbling backwards for a brief moment. The time is usually enuff to get a charged strike in. In context this would look like this: Derp is crouch-jump-sliding from cover to cover, slide-360dashing to the first enemy behind his box, finishing him off with a charget melee strike and returning to cover, sliding to the next enemy 360-charged and so forth.

Something you can do as well is shoot a target once or twice to interrupt their attack, sprint>slide>melee to get close and interrupt him a gain and then finish him off with a charged melee or the jump>melee. This deals tons of damage and conserves ammo for bossfights for example.
Shotgun: open with a dash combo and fire the shotgun or bronco from up close

At the moment the enemies will shot and hit you as if youre moving normally, so theres no noticable added dodge chance by doing these moves. Hovever, you can reduce the time of exposure by doing the combos at the appropriate times, jumping from cover to cover and approaching the enemies from behind will keep you out of the line of fire.

Warframe Deal No Dmg Free

I just found out a quick way of using your combos… By reassigning the secondary key commands:
crouch=middle mouse button
jump=mouse wheel up (got the idea from cs)
melee=mouse wheel down

Warframe Deal No Dmg Code

It speeds up the combos tenfold. While sprinting press middle click and scorll down or up for stylish effect ;)