Warframe Is Radiation Dmg Good


I know the elemental attributes and whatnot are important. I also know the wiki has some information on them. However, I’ve spent many hours looking at the wiki articles on the damage types, and honestly, the way it’s written is just confusing as hell to me.

  1. Warframe Is Radiation Dmg Good For Life

Gas Damage is one of the six secondary elemental damage types, composed of Heat and Toxin elements. It is particularly effective against light Infested types, but deals lower damage to Corpus and Grineer bodies. Gas damage's status effect is Toxin Cloud, which produces small toxin cloud that. #warframe #Detron #barokiteer Was just looking for a good radiation damage weapon and remembered baro brought this yesterday so thought it was time to take a look at it to find, i've missed it. This article is to explain and give insight to all that the Damage system in Warframe entails, such as Puncture, Slash and Impact base damage, as well as Elemental damage (Heat, Cold, Electricity and Toxin) and Elemental Combo damage (Blast, Corrosive, Radiation, Viral, Magnetic and Gas) – and Finisher damage (bypass shields and armor and goes straight onto health), yellow, orange and red crits. High slash damage, good against enemies with high HP. High Radiation damage (Radiation status effect is Confusion). Tigris Prime comes in 1st place with its insane amount of base damage. Many Warframe players across the internet agree that Tigris Prime is the best primary weapon available. While Arca Plasmor is excellent for crowd. What, the name of the video says it all, this just hit me after i went into a loot room, turned around and all the enemys where waiting for me at the door. Intro video made for us by SkillCraftFTW.

So, I was wondering if people could give me general ideas as to the damage types (not necessarily elemental combos needed to get a specific type, that’s easy enough) and what they do, so that I can know what I ought to go for against different foes.

Physical Elements

  • Slash – great against Infested, great against Grineer once armor is removed, decent against Corpus
  • PROC – DOT that ignores shields, armor, and other damage resistances, making it ‘true damage; one of the best procs in the game
  • Impact – good against shields…that’s it. Otherwise just okay, but mitigated by armor
  • PROC – short stagger effect. Meh
  • Puncture – good against Grineer armor, weak against Corpus shields, okay against Infested. Better than Impact
  • PROC – reduce enemy damage by 30%. Meh. If they’re gonna one shot you already, they’ll probably STILL one shot you

Basic elements

  • Heat – usually added to a build with a combined element; good against Grineer enemies beneath their armor, decent against Corpus, great against Infested
  • PROC – CC effect and light damage
  • Cold – usually added to a build with a combined element; good against Corpus shields and Grineer Alloy armor (Bombard units, mainly)
  • PROC – slows target’s animations (including rate of fire)
  • Toxin – often used to form a strong combined element; can use it alone or combined with Magnetic to wreck Corpus (Toxin ignores shields)
  • PROC – DOT, nothing special
  • Electric – pretty much never used along, always as a combined element
  • PROC – small chain DOT and CC effect

Combined Elements

  • Corrosive (Toxin + Electricity) – good against most Grineer armor, strong against Ancient Infested
  • PROC – removes 25% of target’s current armor (this is a HUGE benefit as it removes some of the enemy’s damage reduction)
  • Viral (Toxin + Cold) – VERY strong against Corpus and Grineer fleshy units (though shields and armor can lessen its strength); weak damage type against Infested
  • PROC – cut health to 50%, making this good against all enemies
  • Gas (Toxin + Heat) – Gas damage itself is pretty bad: it’s very weak against Grineer/Corpus units, but it’s strong against Infested light units
  • PROC – radial DOT toxin damage around the target, making this very strong against Corpus, decent against Grineer if you have enough Gas procs. If your weapon has AOE or punch through (Ogris explosion is a great AOE status applier), all the gas procs triggering on each enemy will intensify the damage on their allies (bigger group = more damage). Because the Infested are very strong against Status (Ancient Healers protect from the effects AND reduce the damage) and because Toxic Ancients nullify Toxic damage, Gas damage is a poor choice against Infested (despite having bonus raw damage against light Infested)
  • Radiation (Electricity + Heat) – strong against heavy Corpus units (Bombards, Elite lancers), good against Corpus Robotics but weak against elite unit’s shields; VERY weak against Infested (Radiation deals one-seventh as much damage as Corrosive versus Fossilized ancients/boilers/broodmothers/MOAs)
  • PROC – confusion effect, strong against all factions for the crowd control AND removing team-buffs enemies provide each other. This makes the proc GREAT versus Infested, removing their aura buffs AND keeping them clumped up on each other rather than clumped up clobbering you
  • Magnetic (Electricity + Cold) – good against Corpus shields, trash at everything else. You can ignore shields with Toxin, so Magnetic isn’t usually worth building unless you have no other good options for your mod slots
  • PROC – cuts down shields; again, not that great
  • Blast (Cold + Heat) – good damage type against Infested, terrible damage type against Grineer, fine against Corpus)
  • PROC – smalle AOE knockdown, quite useful

In short

  • Impact sucks
  • Puncture is okay against armor, but the right element is better (Corrosive or Radiation)
  • Slash procs are awesome
  • Gas is good against groups of Corpus
  • Viral procs are amazeballs
  • Heat/Cold are good splash elements added on to Corrosive or Radiation builds (where possible)
  • Don’t use Radiation damage against infested, but the proc is very useful
  • Magnetic is kinda pointless
  • Blast is a good CC effect, bad damage type; only use as Corrosive + Blast to have a good damage type available
  • Electricity exists

Original Link – Continuation of discussion

The Arca Plasmor is classified as a shotgun, but to be fair the primary weapon does feel like it’s own kind. Shooting out pulses of plasma instead of the normal shotgun pallets does bring some great advantages over other shotguns: Getting status procs is way more easy and you don’t need to build it for 100% status chance. Instead, you can simply rely on the core strength of the Arca Plasmor and use the high base damage and good critical chance in combination with radiation damage and a good accuracy. The critical multiplier isn’t all that great, but the high base damage does help out here. The magazine of ten shots is also very nice and will help you to blast away large groups of enemies without having to run around mid fight, waiting to finish the reload. Acquiring the Arca Plasmor is also pretty easy, because the blueprint is researched and sold in the Energy Lab in your dojo.

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    • High base damage
    • Very high status chance
    • High critical chance
    • Pleasant magazine size
    • Good area-of-effect damage
  • Already two polarities


    • Slowish travel time of projectiles
    • Low critical multiplier
    • Slow reload speed
  • Very low fire rate

The different builds

As usual you should try to build around the strength of a weapon to maximize the damage output and to simply feel useful during missions. Of course there are some theoretical ideas you might want to consider – using will increase the weapon range by 40% and also deals with the damage falloff. And while will reduce the accuracy of your shots by a lot, putting in as much multishot as you can will counter these effects. And if you get very lucky (or find a seller), you can get yourself a Riven mod for the Arca Plasmor and increase your damage output by a lot. Don’t be afraid to invest some Platinum if you really like the Arca Plasmor, since a good Riven mod is super strong.

Tip:If you want to know more about Arca Plasmor and its abilities, feel free to take a look at the wikia page!

The Radiation Build

Since the Arca Plasmor already has innate radiation damage, increasing this by picking up some heat and electricity mods seems like the right idea. If you don’t have a you can just use the normal version. , and are boosting Radiation damage and status chance, while raises the already very good critical chance even further. The latter can even be changed for if you rather have even more Radiation damage.

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If you don’t like the pure radiation damage (because it isn’t all that effective against some enemies), feel free to simply switch out and or for and . That way you split your proc damage between radiation and toxin, which will allow you to at least deal some amount of damage to enemies with radiation immunity.

The Critical Damage Build

This build looks somewhat similar to the radiation version, but uses , and in combination with to increase your critical damage as much as possible. and (or its normal version) are used to increase your radiation damage by a lot, but can be switched out for something like , or other status mods.

To be fair, is the weakest mod in this build and is mainly used because of it’s second ability. The extra fire rate is nice, but not necessary at all. Maybe you rather have instead.


Warframe Is Radiation Dmg Good For Life

The innate radiation damage, the area-of-effect and the fact that the Arca Plasmor isn’t just your normal shotgun makes the weapon super strong. Yes, if you plan to fight in high level missions, bringing the Tigris Prime or the Vaykor Hek is still the better choice, but unless the enemies reach level 85+ you will quickly dissolve them in plasma. Especially the ten pulse shots in the magazine are very comfortable and counter the long reload time pretty well. So if you don’t already have an Arca Plasmor, go ahead and craft yourself one of those. It will be worth it!