What To Build For Dmg Rammus Jg Lol

  1. What To Build For Dmg Rammus Jg Lol Build

Fgo dmg. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Rammus. Created and rated by players, search through some of the best builds to increase your game and dominate the field of battle. Players guide you through every step of Rammus creation, modification and play style. League of Legends guides are sorted by how up to date they are, but can also be sorted by other criteria such as rating, author level, age or total comments. Browse other League of Legends Champion Guides.

The taunt is one of the best controls in League of Legends if utilized properly. Within the support role, Rammus will absolutely need to take Armor runes to survive the lane phase, but this ultimately works out well in the end due to standard build patterns. As such, the taunt gives both engage and dis-engage potential to Rammus and his lane partner.

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What To Build For Dmg Rammus Jg Lol Build

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My name i FlopyWeiner with one P xD.
I have used this guide and i have a few things to add.


Conditioning is OP on Rammus because of his passive and Demolish because his ult destroys turrets so you can CARRY. Also aftershock makes him good tank since it is a norm rune for tanks. Unflinching And Tenacity so you can never be stopped lmao.


Thornmail and The Frozen Heart stacks up so they hit s-u-p-e-r sloooowwwww. Also the Dead Mans plate makes you super fast and helps out with your Q. The Trinity force cause it helps with your e and gives you all around a buff.


Instead of flash you could get ghost but flash is normally always a must.

Pros / Cons

1. Fast / can escape from anything
2. Tanky AF
3. Taunt is OP
4. Demolishes turrets
What to build for dmg rammus jg lol buildCons
1. Hardly any dmg

How to Play Rammus

I don't usually play THAT agressive with this rammus build but if you want pure dmg and want to slaughter people go to this guide-
I love this guide for being agressive and slaying.