World Of Tanks Dmg

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  2. World Of Tanks Dmg Download
  3. World Of Tanks Damage Records

Target at range, aim, fire! Penetration! But now it would be good to know what damage we can cause to the enemy with our shells.

Jun 27, 2014  Read my guides there 'I want the game to be just how it was launched, no MM limitations for platoons, some unbalanced match once in a while, and friendly fire should come back as well.

Same as with the armor penetration, damage inflicted by our gun is averaged - actual values vary from 75% to 125% (exact range can be read by clicking RMB on our tank's ammo in the garage). Damage which can be inflicted depend both on the shell type we're using (armor piercing AP, subcaliber APCR, cumulative HEAT or high explosive HE) as well as on the area where we hit enemy tank.

Inflicted damage can be divided in two types: hull damage, which reduces hit points if the vehicle and 'inside' damage of the crew and modules. If you use AP, APCR or HEAT shells, then penetration of enemy hull armor will reduce vehicle hit points with the listed damage +-25%. If we use HE shells and manage to penetrate enemy tank, damage is calculated identically as with other types of shells. But if the shell doesn't penetrate hull armor, we might still damage it seriously. In this case inflicted damage vary between 0 (small caliber HE shell hitting strongest armored part on enemy tank) and half of the gun's listed damage for that type of shells. In addition you should know, that explosion caused by HE shell will always try to 'find' the weakest point at the enemy tank (in the range of the blast), so if you use it, it might be a good idea to aim at the top of the tank or sight.

Despite the fact, that the shell hit the hardest enemy armor, the blast wave got inside the vehicle through driver's vision slit (marked in green).

CodeWeavers, with support from Wargaming, have developed a software solution that allows Mac OS X users to join the army of World of Tanks fans. In order to do this you need to: Download Codeweavers Mac Wrapper. Launch the downloaded file. Move World of Tanks icons to the ‘Applications’ folder. Check your personal World of Tanks Rating and the ratings of other players. Only official statistics in the Hall of Fame! World of Tanks on Console — KNOW YOUR WAR! World of Tanks on Console is a free-to-play, team-based MMO dedicated to strategic armored warfare in the mid-20th century. Module and Crew Damage World of Tanks. World of Tanks is a Free 2 Play online game which is available as a free download. It is one of the best video games I have ever played and I fully recommend it.

Another type of possible inflicted damage is inside damage. All shells after penetrating the hull armor (or after explosion on its surface in case of HE shells), can injure the tank crew or destroy single modules as an engine or ammo rack. If the shell or the blast wave of HE shell hits the module, it not necessarily gets damaged. There exists so called 'saving throw'. Once it fails, the module get hit and eventually destroyed. The chances of damaging specific module are as follows:


Chance of damage





Fuel tank


Observation device




Turret ring




Ammunition rack


A damaged module is represented in yellow, while destroyed one - in red. Damaged modules can be fixed up to 100% by using special consumables (i.e. repair kits) or up to 50% by the crew, automatically. Damaged modules affect the entire tank as follows:





Reduced maximum speed

Vehicle can't move


Reduced engine power, chance of fire

Vehicle can't move

Fuel tank

Higher chance of ire


Observation device

Reduced spotting range

Reduced spotting range


Reduced radio range

Reduced radio range

Turret ring

Reduced turret ring rotational speed

Turret ring blocked


Reduced aiming

You can't fire

Ammunition rack

Increased reload time

Vehicle explodes !

As for the crew, chances that each of tankers gets hit are 33% for AP, APCR and HEAT shells and 10% for HE shells. Unlike equipment, crew members can be only fully operative or knocked out.

Crew member

Knocked out


Reduced view range, deteriorated tank parameters


Reduced aiming, increased aiming time


Reduced acceleration, poor mobility

Radio Operator

Reduced radio range


Increased reload time

In addition to destroying the tank by inflicting it sufficient damage points or by explosion of ammo rack, there is a third possibility: make the tank inoperable by knocking out all crew members. Once the tank loses its all tankers, it becomes inoperable even it has still hit points. Such vehicle is considered destroyed.

If you’re looking for burst damage, you’ve come to the right place.

Autoloaders are an incredibly powerful sub-class of vehicle in World of Tanks, providing the user knows how to put them in the right situation. They specialise in burst damage and unfair one-on-one engagements to crush their opponent’s firepower, and dish out far more damage than they take. The magazine can be a curse as well as a blessing, however, as inexperienced players may find themselves unstuck as they overcommit to squeeze out those last few shells, just to quickly find they’ve rattled the hornet’s nest as they’re stuck with a very long and unforgiving reload.


World Of Tanks Download

In this article we’ll be taking a look at the best Autoloaders in World of Tanks, as well as giving a few tips on how to play them.

Škoda T 25

World Of Tanks Dmg Download

The Czech Mediums make for some of the finest autoloaders in the game, and we’ll be seeing more of them later. Down at Tier 6 we find our first one; a surprisingly powerful and often disregarded 3-shell magazine. The alpha damage of this 75mm isn’t making anyone cower in fear, and a limited magazine size makes this seem even more underwhelming.

In practice, however, the Skoda T 25 is an absolute monster when it comes to damage output. An intra-clip reload of 1.33 seconds allows the gun to unload 330 alpha damage in a mere 2.66 seconds, before only having to spend around 7 seconds reloading the entire magazine. This hidden potential makes the Skoda T 25 woefully underrated by those unfamiliar with it, allowing it to surprise the enemy with a nice cup of 3-shells-to-the-hull.

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This gun is very comparable to the Chi-Ri an entire Tier above, but due to the Skoda’s far superior mobility it makes for a far better Tank as far as I’m concerned.

World Of Tanks Damage Records

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