Are Auto Attacks In Wow Supposed To Do Alot Of Dmg


The award winning AutoDMG takes a macOS installer (10.10 or newer) and builds a system image suitable for deployment with Imagr, DeployStudio, LANrev, Jamf Pro, and other asr-based imaging tools.

Its actually 144 dmg, not 131, u forgetitn 10% from Natural Weapons, (majority of feral druids will always have this talent).s o 144.6=864 dmg just from auto atatcks. 1152 with 2 mnore specials, so roughly 1k dmg more every 30 sec, pretty good, if some fights go for 10+ min in raid this can easy add 10/15k more dmg for free and even more if u. The attacks of some monsters that do magic damage are actually treated as melee attacks, and use the standard melee auto-attack rules. For example, the melee attacks done by a fire elemental inflict fire damage, but they're resolved as an ordinary white-damage auto-attack—they can miss, be dodged, be parried, be blocked (as of Patch 3.0 ), and do double damage on a crit. 2 or, your death coil/scourge strike/ etch has a chance to do the same as the one I posted over. 3 each ghoul attack that crits also steals mana from the target (very fun for pvp) and for each crit with your ghoul you are getting a 5% increase in dmg. Mastery points makes it stronger. Dont use thorns if you are boosting someone especially in bear form where it will be inflicting alot of dmg. If you are lvling dont use it unless you NEED the dps to kill the mobs. If you have no exp to worry about then feel free, or if you dont mind losing a little exp per mob to thorns.


Documentation and help is in the AutoDMG wiki.



For a great overview of modular imaging and a demonstration of some of AutoDMG's features, watch Anthony Reimer's presentation from Penn State MacAdmins 2014:


The latest release can be found on the release page.


If you have questions or need help, you can join us in #autodmg on Slack MacAdmins.

If you find a bug, please report it in the issue tracker.

Are auto attacks in wow supposed to do a lot of dmg download


Dmg financial pty ltd linked. AutoDMG uses STPrivilegedTask,an NSTask-like wrapper around AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges.Copyright © 2009-2016 Sveinbjörn Þórðarson [email protected]

An auto-attack or autoattack is any kind of player or pet attack that will repeat automatically unless interrupted by the player or some other event. Auto-attacks function separately to the use of specific abilities, and do not interrupt or affect their use. Auto-attack automatically uses the player's current target, and lasts until cancelled.

Auto-attacks have an internal swing or cast timer which, while not displayed to the player, determines how regularly attacks are made. This is generally affected by haste. If the target moves out of range of auto-attack, auto-attacks will cease. Once the target is once more in range, or a new target is selected, auto-attacks will automatically resume. Auto-attack will be suspended by crowd control effects such as stuns and fears, but will resume once the effect has ended.

Auto-attack damage is improved by numerous passives, such as [Crazed Berserker].


Auto-attacks are a substantial source of damage generation for melee classes, and serve to generate rage for warriors and manaEnhancementshamans ([Mental Quickness]). They can also proc certain passive abilities, and interact with all abilities that affect melee attacks.

Are Auto Attacks In Wow Supposed To Do A Lot Of Dmg Change

Melee auto-attacks serve to deal a steady, reliable flow of damage while the player focuses on more specific ability usage. Auto-attacks generate white damage.

Using a hostile melee ability or specifically melee attacking a target will initiate auto-attack by the player.


Are Auto Attacks In Wow Supposed To Do A Lot Of Dmg Free

Normal ranged and thrown weapon attacks do not use auto-attack. Hunters need to use the [Auto Shot] ability to make their ranged attacks repeat automatically.

Are Auto Attacks In Wow Supposed To Do A Lot Of Dmg Mean

The default shoot ability for attacking with wands is a type of auto-attack.

Are Auto Attacks In Wow Supposed To Do A Lot Of Dmg File

See also

  • Player auto-attack section of Attack
  • Auto attacks section of Hit
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