Desktop Cleaner Mac


A messy Mac desktop makes everything hard to find – too many programs put their stuff there. If you’re having trouble keeping your desktop clean, some third-party programs will help keep your Mac spic and span.

Why This Matters

Tidy up your desktop Light Pillar Software Light Pillar’s wonderful app Desktop Tidy ($8; available on the App Store; requires OS X 10.8 or later) is a handy utility that cleans up your Mac’s. Oct 07, 2019  How to free up storage space on your Mac. Desktop and Documents. Store all files from these two locations in iCloud Drive. When storage space is needed, only the files you recently opened are kept on your Mac, so that you can easily work offline. How to free up storage space manually. Even without using the Optimized Storage features of.

The obvious answer is you’ll have trouble finding stuff on a messy desktop. Sure you can use Spotlight or Alfred, but that approach isn’t always efficient. With too many desktop icons, your Mac could slow down. In rare circumstances, you could lose your stuff. Worst of all, you can’t see your awesome wallpaper with a messy desktop.

Bored of your wallpaper? Check out these cool apps as an incentive for a clean desktop.

HiddenMe: A Temporary Solution

If you haven’t gotten to desktop zero yet, HiddenMe is a free app that hides your desktop icons. They’re still on the desktop; you just can’t see them. This app is great when you’re giving presentations. One click and they all disappear!

Multiple monitors means more desktops: Here are some tips to manage those extra displays.

Declutter: A Delightful Desktop

Declutter uses rules to create individual folders on your desktop. It then moves stuff into what they call “Intelligent Folders.” The first step is to create your folder. Declutter goes beyond the standard Finder folders and creates fun icons on top of the folders for you.

Then you create the name filters for the folder. You can customize the name of file extension too. For example, if you put Screen,Shot in the File Name field and png in the File Extension, that will move your screen shots to the correct folder. The program interface is quirky because it won’t let you put spaces in the file name. I’d like to put Screen shot instead of Screen,Shot but it didn’t support spaces.

Screenshots on the Mac: Here are some great tools to manage them from the menu bar.

If you want some time to organize your desktop, you can turn off the automatic mode on Declutter. Then you can have it run the rules from the program, the menu bar icon or a hot key.

Hazel: Powerful Cleanup And Automation on Your Mac

Hazel uses Apple’s search functions to automate file movement on your Mac. For cleaning the desktop, Hazel can do the same stuff Declutter does. The interface is just like Spotlight. You can tell it anything on the desktop matching a file name or extension goes into a particular folder. That folder can be on your desktop or anywhere on your Mac.

Hazel gives you a few starting suggestions like moving files that are a few days old to a special folder. I use Hazel to manage my downloads folder much better. I can tell it to move my .dmg installers to the correct folder. Hazel also lets me create rules based on the where the file was downloaded from. I have most of my statements from the bank paperless. Hazel automatically puts them in the correct folder after downloading.

Dumb about Smart Folders? Desktop Cleaner MacHere are some tips on how to create and manage them.

The interface and rule-based functions take some getting used to. If a clean desktop is your primary concern, Declutter is better. If you want more control over not just the desktop, but file automation on your Mac, Hazel’s the better choice. Hazel has a 14-day free trial and isn’t available in the Mac App Store.

Keep a Good Backup

Both of these programs rely on your skills to write a rule. If you make a mistake, files might end up in the wrong place or get overwritten. You should be backing up your Mac regularly, but especially when you’ve got file automation. The first time I used Hazel, I thought I was trashing temp files but, instead, I was deleting everything in downloads. Oops! My backup saved me from some data loss due to my novice programming skills.

ALSO READ:Keeping Focused While Working on a Mac

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Mac Desktop Cleaner App

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Like any computer, your Mac needs some clean up work done every once in a while. Before downloading a Mac cleaner software however, you should know that some Mac cleaners can actually make your Mac worse, instead of better!

Some reasons that you should be cautious of which Mac cleaner you choose, include downloading a virus, installing a program that works improperly, or by downloading multiple cleaning programs that will just add to the clutter on your Mac’s hard drive.

Why do you need to clean up your Mac?

We get it, your mac isn’t the top performer it once was. That is a solid reason for getting a mac cleaner to restore past performance.

Another thing is to consider is privacy and protection. Do you have viruses or injections on your laptop? Yup, a legit mac cleaner will help this, too.


Getting a Legit Mac Cleaner.

By getting the best Mac cleaning software (and not just a “one trick pony” apps) you’ll be able to optimize, speed, protect and un-clutter your computer pretty quickly.

But wait… is Mac Cleaner even safe?

The short answer would be yes. Mac cleaner safe and it does work. This app just like Antivirus, Firewall or Speed-optimization software people are using for PC (Windows, eww)

The only difference that a good mac cleaner does it ALL in one program. No more installing 5 different apps, each for its own purpose – maccleaner does it all.

Why do you even need an Antivirus software?

Mac owners (or Apple fans) answer to this question is usually “No, I do not need an anti-virus program for my Mac, because Mac’s don’t get viruses”. Although it’s true that Mac’s do not get viruses as often as Windows, but they do still get them!

In fact, there are new viruses popping up every day (and malware programs), that are directly targeting Mac computers!

If your Mac got exposed to such a virus in any way, you’d be happy you got a real Mac cleaner (which includes an anti-virus program) that will either block the virus all together, or locate and destroy it before it harms to your files and passwords.

Keeping your computer protected from malware and viruses, is not something all Mac cleaning software programs include. Therefore, finding a reputable, good-quality Mac cleaning software that includes advanced antivirus protection is VERY important.

Final thing before you use a Mac cleaner: Know what you’re downloading!

Mac Cleaner Software

By downloading a Mac clean up software, you could actually be downloading a virus or malware program to your computer. In fact consider the names of the four most popular Mac viruses: MacSecurity, MacProtector, MacDefender, and MacShield. Each of them sound as if they will be a beneficial Mac clean up tool, when in fact they are all viruses that will corrupt your Mac’s hard drive, and steal your personal information.

So what can you do to be safe? Just remember that like with any computer, you should only download what you know is safe. To avoid downloading bogus Mac clean up software, you should be sure that the program is one that is recognized via awards, and other acknowledgments, and promoted as a good Mac clean up utility, by those in the computer industry.

Dr cleaner pro vs clean my mac. Find the entry for Mac Cleanup Pro on the interface, right-click on it and select Move to Trash. If user password is required, go ahead and enter it.

Another sign of a Mac cleaner that may not be what it says it is, is that it will be offered to you completely for free. /5e-dmg-treasure-tables.html. Therefore, one should consider spending a few dollars on a good Mac cleaning software program, which will help them feel confident that it is a legitimate program, and company. Purchasing a safe, and reliable program that will do what you need it to do, is definitely worth the price.

Next step? Get your Mac scanned and cleaned up!

If, before reading this article, you never used a mac cleaner – please start using one now. We’ve already done the heavy lifting for you and after reviewing 23 different mac cleaners, we found the best, safe and legit software you should use in 2019. Read our review of MacKeeper here, the link to download it (completely free) is there too.