Dmg Errata

  1. 5e Dmg Errata
  2. Dmg Errata 5e
  3. Dmg Errata 3.5

@JeremyECrawford Are Potions of Healing Magic or Mundane items in terms of 5e crafting?

5e Dmg Errata

— tony (@perception101) December 6, 2016

A potion of healing is magical. See the first sentence of its description (PH, 153). #DnD

Noticed in the DMG errata they got some stuff in the much lauded 'table on page 42' wrong. Yeah, that one was a headsmacker. They've been pimping page 42 as the most important page in the DMG, as the one page that let's you adjudicate any situation. This DNDBeyond thread covers all 5e errata, and this particular post in it summarizes/excerpts the new PHB errata (i.e. The changes). It only includes the stuff WotC marked as 'New', not the minor changes from previous errata documents that WotC failed to denote. There don't seem to be any such summaries/excerpts for the DMG or MM errata.

— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 6, 2016

Errata can be found on the WOTC D&D website under the Sage Advice section of the Articles tab. They produce a new article in this category every few months, as needed, and show links to information about other D&D reference stuff there.

@Mazoshi1987But that means only casters can create them even though phb states you can make them with a herbalist kit? I'm curious, where do you interpret the PH saying that an herbalism kit gives you the ability to make a potion of healing?

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— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 6, 2016

@perception101@Mazoshi1987but I guess you’re going to say, required, but not sufficient – which clears up a LOT of confusion 🙂 Bingo. The kit is required but not sufficient. /equilibrium-dmg.html.

— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 6, 2016

Dmg Errata 5e

Dmg Errata

@perception101@Mazoshi1987 Cool, thanks. Funny what you can read into a single sentence (along with half of reddit it seems). There are many phantom rules on the loose online.

— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 6, 2016

@perception101@Mazoshi1987aye, but the flipside is we can now clear stuff up in real time! Appreciate you taking the time for this. My pleasure!

— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 6, 2016

@JeremyECrawford WAit, shit, I just got around to checking the DMG. Kinda sad that Healing Potions are always made at a loss.

— Torbjørn Brekke (@Tobbun) December 8, 2016

As of the DMG errata, potions and other consumable magic items cost half as much to make:

— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 8, 2016

Dmg Errata 3.5

In looking at the SRD and my DMG I'm seeing the paragraph talking about the enhancement bonus of a shield improving it's Hardness/HP (+2/+10 respectively per enhancement bonus).
Then, under weapons there's a contradicting statement where it says each +1 enhancement bonus of a weapon or shield adds +1 to the items Hardness/HP.
There's no such statement I can find regarding armor anywhere. I'm hoping this was covered by some errata, but I cant access errata atm so I'm looking for someone to help clear this up for me.