How To Spec Artifact Maximum Dmg Outlaw


DPS DEFINITION. DPS is an abbreviation which means damage per second. It’s mainly used in MMORPG where fights against big raid bosses are long and DPS is the most important characteristic for players who choose damage dealer as their main role. In League of Legends DPS is. Oct 17, 2019  Yan 'Damage' Sales Neves is a League of Legends esports player who is the support for Uppercut esports Uppercut esports. Dmg lol. Aug 19, 2014  Drag the 'League of Legends' application into the 'Applications' folder. Unmount the DMG file from finder again. Go to your applications folder and run League of Legends directly from there. This is a list of the champions and their base attack damage at level 1, attack damage growth and attack damage at level 18. No abilities passive, active or innate are included in this list. Item-gained damage is not included. Under the list you can see one additional champion: Mega Gnar, the.

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  5. How To Spec Artifact Maximum Dmg Outlaw 2017
So I have been testing all of the Rogue specs, and at the moment I have come to a few conclusions, I want to see what other people have to say in response to this. Please note that this is my opinion and I may have not done a few things right, so if you do have any feedback please reply to this forum so I can do some further testing!
Now obviously we cannot take numbers into account, as Blizzard have not fully balanced every class and spec yet. However, I found that while playing both Sub and Outlaw, I was only pulling a maximum of about 15-20k DPS in the default 680 character that you get on the PTR. I then tested Assassination and I was able to pull off about 35-40k DPS. Now even though numbers are not set in stone, this is a considerable difference, and surely Blizzard couldn't of made the other specs that bad.. right?
I tested some other melee DPS specs and they all roughly did about 25-30k DPS in the 680 gear. So the DPS output of Outlaw and Sub compared to every other class I have played is a bit worrying. Of course this will hopefully change but for now it seems a bit weak.
So here are my opinions on each of the specs -
Outlaw: Too RNG, not stable for serious raiders who want to pull out good numbers and have reliable damage in burst phases. I absoloutely love the fantasy and idea of being a pirate, and I love the Dreadblades. I prefer swords to daggers greatly, however the spec just seems terrible, and really doesn't have any place in raiding or PvP to be completely honest, which really really saddens me. If there is someone who can give me a build that actually pulls off good numbers and works well, then you may make my day!
Assassination: In my opinion probably the best spec out of the 3. It plays very smoothly, has a good and reasonably high maintenance rotation and does some good numbers currently. I am quite pleased with this spec, and it plays very similarly to the sub rogue in WoD. However I feel that for sub Rogue players in WoD, it will get boring pretty fast and I feel that the main potential of this spec, will evolve around the Kingsbane poison you get with the Kingslayers.
Subtlety: I like it, but also hate it. I like the idea of it, however it is extremely clunky and not really very satisfying to play. It feels like pooling with this spec is a bit off at times, and to be honest I am really puzzled on what to take as a level 90 talent. I feel that it is only fun because of its mobility with Shadowstrike, however I think the Nightblade (I think that's what its called, but basically Rupture) duration is too short. I found myself having to reapply it so soon that I would barely get any Eviscerates off, which was kind of sad.
So that is my opinion on all of the specs, one thing to note. Death From Above, sorry but I hate this talent, it is the most dull and repetitive thing throughout all of the specs and its not even that great. Blizzard wanted to make the classes have more of a individual feel and theme to them, and on some classes they have done an excellent job. However they have really slacked on the level 100 talents for the Rogue. Nothing really impressive and just straight up dull talents that we have had since MoP. Really really sad.
ANYWAY thank you guys for reading and hope to see some feedback in the comments soon! Remember this is only my opinion and there are definitely much much better testers than me out there, and this is why I have made this thread to get their advice and results on the specs! I really want to see some remedies to my problems so far with the Rogue specs, specially for Outlaw because I really do love it, I just hate how RNG and terrible it is currently. So please, feel free to post your opinion in this thread!
- Apt

Ascension - Increases your maximum Chi by 1 and accelerates your Energy regeneration by 10%. Power Strikes - Upgrades your Tiger Palm, making it generate one extra Chi every 15 seconds. 60: Ring Of Peace - Places a ring around a friendly target that will knock back enemies that attack or use harmful abilities while within the ring. Lasts 8 seconds. Outlaw Mage Tower guide as Slice and Dice I tried to finish my challenge appearances on my rogue now that 7.3 is out and I tried Agatha as an outlaw rogue. As many know this fight is really insane because of Roll the bones rng.

How To Spec Artifact Maximum Dmg Outlaw 3

  • Targets1
  • Item Level445
  • Encounter TypeMax
  • 1Balance DruidView Breakdown41,580 DPS
  • 2Affliction WarlockView Breakdown40,994 DPS
  • 3Demonology WarlockView Breakdown40,223 DPS
  • 4Frost MageView Breakdown40,106 DPS
  • 5Marksmanship HunterView Breakdown40,037 DPS
  • 6Arcane MageView Breakdown39,539 DPS
  • 7Destruction WarlockView Breakdown38,970 DPS
  • 8Survival HunterView Breakdown38,718 DPS
  • 9Assassination RogueView Breakdown38,649 DPS
  • 10Elemental ShamanView Breakdown38,041 DPS
  • 11Shadow PriestView Breakdown38,027 DPS
  • 12Enhancement ShamanView Breakdown37,353 DPS
  • 13Unholy Death KnightView Breakdown37,137 DPS
  • 14Havoc Demon HunterView Breakdown37,030 DPS
  • 15Fury WarriorView Breakdown37,001 DPS
  • 16Subtlety RogueView Breakdown36,637 DPS
  • 17Retribution PaladinView Breakdown36,442 DPS
  • 18Beast Mastery HunterView Breakdown36,364 DPS
  • 19Windwalker MonkView Breakdown35,964 DPS
  • 20Feral DruidView Breakdown35,543 DPS
  • 21Arms WarriorView Breakdown35,224 DPS
  • 22Fire MageView Breakdown34,631 DPS
  • 23Outlaw RogueView Breakdown34,533 DPS
  • 24Frost Death KnightView Breakdown34,145 DPS

How To Spec Artifact Maximum Dmg Outlaw Series

DPS Rankings Overview


These rankings are created using SimulationCraft, a program that is highly tested and trusted for simulating in-game encounters with characters.
We use SimulationCraft because simulators permit a high degree of control by allowing us to use specific talents, rotations, gear, possible boss mechanics, etc. to arrive at repeatable results that can be compared across specs and time. Also, simulators allow us to average out results from thousands of fights to get a feel for how a spec performs all of the time and not in one amazing fight.
If you are curious to learn about the simulation fight encounters of Max and Real, we recommend to read our past articles that describe them in Part I and Part II.

How To Spec Artifact Maximum Dmg Outlaw Youtube

Common Questions

The damage meters for my boss fights look very different than these rankings. Why?
There are any number of reasons why in-game results will differ from simulated (or log based) results. A few common differences include the following.

How To Spec Artifact Maximum Dmg Outlaw 2

  • Fight Length: Dungeons and LFR raids often have shorter fight durations which can result in much higher DPS as the value of DPS cooldowns is greatly increased in short fights.
  • Multiple Targets: The current DPS rankings offer strictly single-target and splash-AoE (1 main target+2). There are scenarios in-game where there are a lot more targets which can allow for much more aggressive AoE.
  • Player Variables: Skill, latency, gear, a lucky string of crits, etc. can all significantly impact in-game DPS. Rankings can help represent general trends, but they’ll rarely predict the outcome of a specific encounter with all its unique factors.

How To Spec Artifact Maximum Dmg Outlaw 2017

How do these rankings compare to other sources that use raid logs to show spec comparisons?
Raid log sites offer a perspective on how some of top players are performing with each spec. Kenny mac download. These rankings can be helpful to understand how specs are faring in the current raid tier and often reveal unexpected synergies between specific specs and boss encounters. However, log based sites are subject to their own data problems including players who artificially boost their DPS by employing technical or social exploits, changes in popularity of specs, uneven sample sizes, and generally unrepeatable or uncontrolled results.
While simulators allow us to get a feel for how a spec performs all of the time through averaging out thousands of fight results, it is important to note that simulators are generally weak when modeling specific fights in a raid tier, and additionally they rely on data that is as good as the theorycrafting community is able to produce.
Overall, no single DPS ranking is perfect and they should all be considered when evaluating specs. Simulators and log based solutions both offer value to the WoW community.