Mercy Gun Dmg

  1. Overwatch Mercy Gun Damage
  2. Mercy Gun Damage
  3. Mercy Gun Damage
Armor 0


Oct 31, 2015  Ability/Weapon Damage Stats. It's double damage for head shots with non explosive weapons and some guns have pellet spread which has damage falloff, but most guns that fire 1 bullet or a missile do the same damage at all ranges. And would like it a lot more if you could add what the damage looks like with a mercy damage amplification. All of Roadhog’s hero stats, counters and detailed attack info, are collected here in this guide to bring your Overwatch skills to the next level! Sep 16, 2018.Reduce DMG by either 20-30% Will make Mercy be able to heal herself out of team fights or be able to survive against flankers near spawn. #2 Just increase DMG to Blaster.Increase DMG by either 20-25%.Decrease Projectile Speed by 5% so the overall DPS is slower.


Real Name: Fareeha Amari
Age: 32
Occupation: Security Chief
Base of Operations: Giza, Egypt
Affiliation: Helix Security International

Movement Speed: 5.5 m/s
Duration: 2 seconds
Cooldown: 2 seconds

  • If Pharah is sliding on a roof or surface, fuel gauge does not recharge
    • However, sliding on roofs does not make noise. Use for tactical flanks.
  • Tap space button to conserve fuel and be more elusive instead of holding it down

Damage: 120 direct hit; 20-80 AoE splash dmg; 10-32.5 self-dmg
Radius: 3 meters
Ammo: 6
Reload Time: 1.5 seconds
Fire Rate: 1.33 shots per second
Projectile Speed: 35 m/s

Cannot headshot
Can self-damage
Can self-knockback

  • Rockets are easier to hit while above a target and aiming at the ground near enemies

Pharah’s primary weapon launches rockets that deal significant damage in a wide blast radius.

Radius: 8 meters
Projectile Speed: 50 m/s
Cooldown: 9 seconds

Can self-knockback

  • Knocks enemies and self horizontally
    • If using on yourself, let go of hover jets

Pharah looses a wrist rocket that knocks back any enemies it strikes.

Range: ~25 m
Movement Speed: ~20 m/s
Cooldown: 10 seconds

  • To gain maximum vertical height, you should use your normal jump and hover till around half your fuel is depleted. Then Rocket Jump so that you will recharge your fuel and be able to continue flying

Propelled by her suit’s thrusters, Pharah soars high into the air.

Damage: 40 per rocket (3600 max)
Fire Rate: 30 rockets per second
Duration: 3 seconds
Projectile Speed: 28.5 m/s

Cannot headshot
Can self-damage
Is immobilized

Overwatch Mercy Gun Damage

Pharah directs a continuous salvo of mini-rockets to destroy groups of enemies.


Mercy gun damage

Countered By

Synergy With

Concussive Blasts Guide

Pharah Guide

Armor 0



Real Name: Gabriel Reyes
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Mercenary
Base of Operations: Unknown
Affiliation: Unknown

Reaper steals health from his enemies as he damages them.

Damage: 42 – 140 (20 pellets that each do 2.1-7 dmg)
Falloff Range: 10 – 20 meters
Ammo: 8
Reload Time: 1.5 seconds
Fire Rate: 2 shots per second

Can headshot

Mercy Gun Damage

  • Reaper can animation cancel his reload with a melee attack
  • Because Hellfire shotgun projects 20 pellets, headshots are unreliable beyond 5 meters
  • Instead, aim for the neck

Reaper steals health from his enemies as he damages them.

High Definition Graphics Along With Stunning Visuals Effects Will Present The Game In The Best Resolution. /dota-2-download-mac.html. He Can Also Play With Other Players In The Online Multiplayer Mode For A Competitive Game-play.

Ability: Reloads Primary fire ammo
Movement Speed: 7.1 m/s (+50%)
Duration: 3 seconds or until canceled
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Reaper becomes a shadow for a short period of time. While in this form, he takes no damage and is able to pass through enemies, but cannot fire his weapons or use other abilities.

Range: 35 m range
Cast Time: 1.5 seconds
Duration: 2 seconds
Cooldown: 10 seconds

  • Reaper is invisible while exiting Shadow Step
  • Disabled by Zarya’s Graviton Surge and Junkrat’s Steel Trap

After marking a destination, Reaper disappears and reappears at that location.

Damage Rate: 170 AoE damage per second (510 Max)
Radius: 8 m
Movement Speed: 3 m/s
Duration: 3 seconds

Cannot headshot

Mercy Gun Damage

  • Primary attack ammo is automatically reloaded on completion

In a blur of motion, Reaper empties both Hellfire Shotguns at breakneck speed, dealing massive damage to all nearby enemies.

Strong Against

Weak Against

Synergizes With

Teleport Locations

Tip For Every Hero