Trident Of Fish Command (uncommon, Dmg 209)

  1. Trident Of Fish Command (uncommon Dmg 209) 2

Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. White-lip Pearl Oyster 1d2 100 gp white pearls and 1 Pearl of Power (DMG 184) Decanter of Endless Water (DMG 161) Cloak of the Manta Ray (DMG 159) Trident of Fish Command (DMG 209) Flying Fish a successful Survival check harvests the parts required to craft a Fly Potion. I also get to choose one uncommon magic item of my choice. What do you guys recommend? I don't own a DMG and I'm still pretty new to 5e. This doesn't have to be a power-item, but it should definitely be fun. Trident of Fish Command, I would normally stay away from it but you mentioned Poseidon so it could be cool too. Uncommon Magic Items (d97) All uncommon magic items from the 5th edition DMG. Uncommon Items. Adamantine armor. Ammunition +1. Trident of fish command. Wand of magic detection. Wand of magic missiles. Wand of secrets. Wand of the war mage +1.

Randomly generates towns, shops, NPCs

Grimrane, Town [Permalink]

Population: 3,157, Size: 53 acres
Wealth: 473,550 gp. Max value for sale: 1,042 gp. Max pawn value: 5,525 gp
Demographics: Human (69%), Halfling (26%), Elf (1%), Dwarf (1%), Gnome (1%), Half-Elf (1%), Half-Orc (1%)

Grimrane was founded on a mythical or magical event, and is known for being the home of a great hero. An iron-willed ruler demands respect from the populace. The races live together mostly in harmony.


Tavern: The Pilgrim's Cook
Owner: Bernard Evans, Male Halfling [Details]

Location: In a side street near the town gate. The street outside is covered in fallen leaves.
Description: The tavern is a timber and brick cabin, with several shuttered windows and a pillared curved-roof entryway. It contains an inviting hearth and a small stage for performers.
Quests and RumorsDmg
  • Goose Pie with Nutmeg and Leek and a Glass of Vodka (5 sp)
  • Beetroot Steamed Bun with Egg and a Glass of Whiskey (5 sp)
  • Chicken Pie with Roasted Apple and a Tankard of Bitter (5 sp)

    Other Patrons:
  • Aline Kane, Female Halfling [Details]
  • Agnes Lepus, Female Human [Details]

Blacksmith: Silvermoon Pommel
Owner: Sarah Accord, Female Human [Details]

Location: In a civic quarter. The street outside is covered in fallen leaves and is covered in fallen leaves.
Description: The blacksmith is a timber framed simple building, with a small fenced yard and moss-covered walls and roof. A dog serves as a mascot and greets customers. It contains well-stocked workshop and a large horned anvil.
  • Trident of Fish Command (dmg 209) (734 gp)
  • Weapon, +1 (dmg 213) (941 gp)
  • Vicious Weapon (dmg 209) (347 gp)

    Other Patrons:
  • Odo Hart, Male Human [Details]
  • William Alfonso, Male Human [Details]

Alchemist: Toil and Alchemy
Owner: Manfred Zhou, Male Human [Details]

Location: In an arcane quarter. The street outside is next to a large public square.
Description: The alchemist is a brick sprawling single storey building, with large windows and dead hedges. A dog serves as a mascot and greets customers. It contains several paintings on the wall and a massive glass orb full of a green liquid. Strange and dank, kind of run down.
  • Potion of Climbing (dmg 187) (48 gp)
  • Potion of Hill Giant Strength (dmg 187) (191 gp)
  • Potion of Climbing (dmg 187) (49 gp)
Trident of fish command (uncommon dmg 209) version
    Other Patrons:
  • Eleanor Morris, Female Dwarf [Details]
  • Oriel Fidget, Female Human [Details]

Enchanter: The Teller's Clarvoiance
Owner: Egelina Woods, Female Human [Details]

Location: In a market quarter. The street outside is adjacent to a large home and contains a heroic monument.
Description: The enchanter is a plaster and wood framed simple building, with a blue tile roof and a big brick chimney. It contains some planter boxes on the walls and a painting that seems to watch you.
  • Eversmoking Bottle (dmg 168) (979 gp)
  • Quiver of Ehlonna (dmg 189) (962 gp)
  • Universal Solvent (dmg 209) (293 gp)

    Other Patrons:
  • None

General Store: The Ancient Stream
Owner: Yvonne Durkin, Female Human [Details]

Location: In the middle of the slums. The street outside is filled with the smell of damp earth and has a town crier with the latest news and gossip.
Description: The general store is a wooden rowhouse, with a green tile roof and softly blowing chimes by the door. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains a large brass countertop and a stand full of colorful hats sits next to the entrance.
  • Abacus (phb 150) (2 gp)
  • Glassblower's Tools (phb 154) (29 gp)
  • Barrel (phb 153) (2 gp)

    Other Patrons:
  • Jocelyn Fidget, Male Halfling [Details]


Small Cottage
Owner: Bernard Woodhouse, Male Human [Details]

The house is a adobe tower, with a white shingled roof and finely-crafted furniture. It contains a single bachelor-style room with a bed and chest, along with a dresser on the far wall. In one corner is a hearth with a cauldron over the fire. Dried corn is strewn in a corner which a couple chickens peck at.

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Shout outs: Stacey.
Their contribution stands as a beacon of hope for all adventurers!

This article is about Trident
For other uses of Trident, see Trident (disambiguation).
This material is published under the OGL

Trident of Fish Command: The magical properties of this +1 tridentwith a 6-foot-long haft enable its wielder to charmup to 14 HD of aquatic animals (WillDC 16 negates), animals get a +5 bonus if currently under attack by the wielder or his allies), no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. The wielder can use this effect up to three times per day. The wielder can communicate with the animals as if using a speak with animalsspell. Animals making their saving throw are free of control, but they will not approach within 10 feet of the trident. The trident can be used up to three times per day.

Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, speak with animals; Price 18,650 gp; Cost 9,325 gp + 746 XP. Arquivo dmg. Download microsoft teams for mac.

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Trident Of Fish Command (uncommon Dmg 209) 2

TitleTrident of Fish Command